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Request for Ship Modders

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Post Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:53 am

Request for Ship Modders


In behalf of the Solurus Systems Mod, I am asking the assistance of a kind Ship Modder.
I run the -=Borg=- Clan there, and we could use some new, non-existing Borg vessels.
I have found a site with tons of 3ds files, but, I am hopeless with FL-ship modding. I made once a ship for Free Worlds: the Tie Reaper Gunship, however, it toke my two months, my hear, three teeth, and a major depression, lol.
I made myself the deal, to never try again, I would not survive the ordeal *grins*.

The ships i would like to see made are: (with permission of the owner of the 3ds files if he is mentioned as such) ... /index.htm, ... /index.htm, ... /index.htm, ... /index.htm, ... /index.htm, ... /index.htm, ... /index.htm, and the ... /index.htm.

Some are in Mods, tho these are revamped versions (like a "Star Wars Death Star Sphere" and a new Borg Pyramid and revamped Queen's Yacht)...

If someone is willing to aid the Solurus Systems Mod Community with this task, or likes to become a co-operative (Admin Lancer Solurus could use help), then pls add me to MSN, or e-mail me at [email protected]

Off course, I do not have to tell you: you will have -of course- our deepest well-meant eternal gratitude!!!
And since the ships will be open to the entire FL-Community for usage, I think I can speak for them as well, when thanking you.... The borg have such magnificent vessels that truly speaks to the imagination (think of a 5km Cubic "VHF" (Oh yes, there are WAY bigger ones with the Borg, like a Death Star equivalent and 29th Century versions of the most known borg ships (think of Drone One))...
Could add to the RP in other mods too...

On beforehand: my personal thankx, that of the SS-Mod community, and hat of the FL Community.
Borg One

PS: I hope, it does not show that I am a Borg Uber Fanatic, ROFL....

Edited by - -=BORG=-One on 10/22/2005 7:55:42 AM

Post Sun Oct 23, 2005 12:35 am


Having looked things over at that site... well, that stuff's all over the place, in terms of suitability for putting into a video game. Truth told, most of it's not very professionally built. There's a huge difference between building a high-poly wasteful and texture-inefficient model for some random raytrace in your spare time and something that's ready for FL.

Some of the Borg stuff might be salvageable. But the stuff that looks low-poly enough to be worth bothering with is also the least imaginative art- in large part, because it's very obviously non-canon... even the color schemes are wrong. Whoever thought Borg stuff should be all green and glowing... is obviously confusing Borg with Necrons

I could see someone doing a really nice Borg cube, but do you really want this huge collection of random things, most of which are totally non-canon? What's the point? The Borg don't think small, and making fighters for them seems kind've silly, if you ask me...

At any rate, if I ever have spare time again, I'll make a nice Borg cube if I'm bored enough. Lord knows, it'd be a real pain to really capture the essential creepy detail of the Cubes without going waaaay overboard on polycount, and it'd be an interesting challenge. But not right now... and if you really want Borg fighters... find better inspiration. These designs are very boring, at least to me. Just my opinion, of course- you guys obviously like them, and it's not your fault I don't like what you do. Hopefully somebody else will feel differently and help you out.

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