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Help with ID infocards

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Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:56 am

Help with ID infocards

I was trying the fl explorer to learn hot using it making a new system. I modified an original MOD (Evolution 2.29) adding my system. The only problem is that my custom dll starts from the ids_info 65532 but if i had something in that position or a higher one it says it's an invalid ID. Of course i can't put anything in a lower position cause i'd overwrite an existing infocards and the name of something else won't display correctly in the game. Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

Post Sat Sep 17, 2005 4:56 pm

Get both Empty DLL and FLed-IDS. These are two great tools. Once you can use them, and it's not to hard to learn, you can make all the infocards you want for anything you want. Just copy, paste, edit, and then save the new infocards. Hope this helps.

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