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Need help!

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Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:45 am

Need help!

Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:27 pm


I'm going to repeat myself, again, about this topic. Folks, don't post for help here thinking that a bunch of creative geniuses will just drop everything and give you their free time...

1. Just asking people to help you at random will not, generally speaking, get you quality help. You need to describe the goals of your project in great detail to attract people. Remember, anybody who mods a game is working for free. Nobody with real skill is going to help you if they don't think you have a solid, entertaining set of ideas. So you need to explain things a bit better.

2. The best way to get help for a mod ... is to build the first few versions all by yourself, then ask for help. People with the kinds of skills you're going to need will not tend to join projects where the "leader" hasn't already proven to the FL modding community that he/she is a serious, hard-working person who doesn't promise things that he/she cannot deliver.

Oh yeah... and um... here's how your sig should be coded. Read the directions

Edited by - Argh on 9/4/2005 4:28:07 PM

Post Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:21 pm

WHOA.......that picture is cool.
I mean it's words and the link doesn't work. :O

Post Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:56 am

I will work hard to get this mod maked, i hope u guys are interested in helping us!

Just tell what info i shall post about then i will .. plz ask about the info!

Post Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:43 pm

Please dont spam, if you're going to post multipul posts trying to get one little sig to work, condise them into one message by editing the first one, simply click edit, and try, and try again... thank you...


Post Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:59 am

TrpTore, i cleaned up the excess sig posts. Please us the sig test thread for this in the sugjestions forum near the bottom of the forums.

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