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I need to Hire cuple peps

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Post Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:34 am

I need to Hire cuple peps

I need to hire cuple moders that are not noobs plese.

Ok I need 2 good moders on making systems I can do that but with the 2 outher people it can go faster.

I want 1 person to make fractions maybe ecounters if not incounters ill hire another person for it.

A person with good modding experiace on the FX folder.

A person whos good at moding in the interface folder.

A person who can create ships, maybe skin them.

And a person who can get the good stuff like get new freelancer music that will fit the system.

Post Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:37 pm

If you're going to attract new members to a modding team, here are my suggestions:

1. Just asking people to help you at random will not, generally speaking, get you quality help. You need to describe the goals of your project in great detail to attract people. Remember, anybody who mods a game is working for free. Nobody with real skill is going to help you if they don't think you have a solid, entertaining set of ideas. So you need to explain things a bit better.

2. The best way to get help for a mod ... is to build the first few versions all by yourself, then ask for help. People with the kinds of skills you're going to need will not tend to join projects where the "leader" hasn't already proven to the FL modding community that he/she is a serious, hard-working person who doesn't promise things that he/she cannot deliver.

Feel free to ignore me... but I know whereof I speak... if you want a quality team, you need to prove that you have the chops, and that your ideas are actually good ones, before anybody with talent and work ethics is likely to join you. If you're just looking for a mod project... I'd suggest putting in some time with some of the larger projects around here, to get your feet wet and learn more about how to run a mod team.

Post Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:08 pm

Ok I made the 1.0 and working on 1.5 hers de url plese try it ... rolds_10(1).zip

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