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Freelancer: Exodus

Advertise for Modelers, Programmers, Webmasters, INI Editors, Script Experts, Adventurers, Servers, or anything that has to do with a project

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:17 pm

Freelancer: Exodus

Story: The old systems are gone... After the California systems star when Super Nova, the gravitational change set into motion a series of events that would send humanity out into the stars once again...

Idea: Basically a MOD that allows players and especially clans to go out and really explore new and strange systems. The universe will be hidden from players so they will have to use their wits, friends, and a nak for exploring to survive.

Around 50-75 systems will be pre-built with no NPC's. Players will have to find these systems in order to claim them, mine in them, and trade in them. A player may be dirt poor one day, fine a system with rare and valuable minerals in it, and be rich the next day!

"Is the MOD done?": No, but work has started. Sadly, I can only do so much. And I could really use some help.

I need:
Systems Editors
Ships builders
A little help with the Info cards
And testers

I'll post a like to the forums if enough people show interest

Edit - No all caps in the subject please, it shouting.

Edited by - Finalday on 8/27/2005 9:34:09 PM

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:23 pm

An interesting concept. However, i strongly warn you against falling into the trap of mods with many systems. You need to make all your systems HIGH QUALITY. Not some random systems with a sun, a planet and a base. Plus you'll need to figure out ways to manage the players. In other words, you have some planning to do

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:28 pm

I do understand the quality of the systems. And I would never let a low quality, boring system be made.

As for control of players... I was hopeing for a "coral" effect. Basicly, newer & lone players will hang around the explord systems hopeing to get a quick buck.

As for the explorers... I do need some planning for that... But thats also what helpers are for... =D

Post Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:46 am

Is anyone interested in helping?

Post Sat Aug 27, 2005 1:55 pm

Be really carefuly about how you do want to make exploration possible.
Unforntunately, I would guess that within a few weeks, all the systems will have been discovered and everyone will know about them.

The real trick would in fact be to make systems on the fly, so basically there's 3-4 systems, and you need to have people imagine the system. But that'd require the mod to be dedicated to one server.

Idea is good, but remember that players can simply cruise around and look through each system carefully (Making nav-points through the whole system) and find the jumpholes everywhere.

Post Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:36 pm

What if systems were much bigger then usual. Make more hazzards so that only the better ships would be able to make the trip.

More ideas would be appreciated... Thanks.

Post Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:33 am

That's why i wanted to put randomized systems in FL2, so this would be possible.

Post Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:12 am

Bigger systems would only take longer to look through... Add maybe a week or two, but people will ALWAYS end up finding everything, and I guess that someone will give the positions somewhere so everyone knows.

And if only big ships can do the trip, well they'll take big ships.

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