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Undetectable Mod

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Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:56 pm

Undetectable Mod

I need help! I need someone to make a mod that will cause all other mods to become invisible the Microsoft anti mod. This will be the best. using mods in mod free servers. Cool Idea isn't it.

Note: This might be banned but e-mail me

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:06 pm

What your talking about, AGAIN, is a cloak and it is illegal. Any mod you create as well and use on your computer, playing on a server that does not have it, will get you kicked off it, and possible banned as well. I would sugjest you stop asking for the cloak then.

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:35 pm

I have cloaking already! I'm talking about a mod that lets other mods become invisible, So that the server doesn't automatically kick you off. Even if it has a anti mod program.

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:47 pm

The purpose to that can ONLY be to cheat, other wise you would live with having the same mod as the server.

Post Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:04 pm

This is not a cool idea...
All you will accomplish here is crashing the server and ruin the fun for everyone.
Besides the fact that I doubt if any of the MOD makers would even consider such a MOD it would never get posted here on Lancers Reactor...
MOD's only destroy a good server, that is unless the server is using a MOD, some to the point that the server operator gets so tired of it that he/she shuts down the server.

Your intension's may be good but the idea is not...

On a side note... I've noticed a lot of lock threads in this forum...
Please enjoy yourself while you're here but Please be considerate to others...

Post Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:21 am


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