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Huge co-op?

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Post Wed May 11, 2005 2:46 am

Huge co-op?

Hey guys,

I've played freelancer a couple of times ages ago and came back browsing on what type of mods were available - and there are some pretty niffty mods I must say.

After reading the beginner's guide to modding + reading what others have created, it appears that alot can be added (or at least modified) in FL.

I'm pretty sure someone was probably suggested it, but has anyone ever organised a huge cooperative effort to create a huge & sophisticated mod that could even almost be considered an expansion to Freelancer?

Post Wed May 11, 2005 8:26 am

Thats been suggested loads of times. The problem is, all the modders have their own projects going on that they want to finish.

Post Wed May 11, 2005 11:41 am

If you want to build something like that, why not help beta-test the software "product" I've been building that's designed to make this kind've mod very, very easy to build (from a development perspective)?

Click here to download this modder-friendly codebase.

I have a thread open in Mod Announcements for y'all, if you want to ask questions. The files that come with the mod are well-documented and commented, though, so you should be able to get started pretty easily

Post Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:05 pm

Masked Marvel, I know what you mean, if a big enough team can come together, im in. i think anyone interested should offer to chip in too.

Mess With the Best, Die like the Rest.

Post Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:01 pm

This would be cool. they did it for farcry i dont see why thi would be to hard.

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