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Battle for the Stars

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:36 pm

Battle for the Stars

Ok everyone, this is my first attept at a fan fic. I used Mance(rs) name in it as a dedication to his work. (I LOVE HIS MODS)

In the 25th century, mankind has reached new heights in technology. The continents on Earth no longer exist, the people having been relocated from Earth to Solar Systems; The United America System, Oceania System, the Europe system, the Asia System and the Africa System. Trade and peace rule, with the systems uniting to create a better universe, with crime at it’s lowest ever. However, the Asia system, guided by Planet Russia and Planet China, began an all-out war on the United America and Europe Systems, starting the first Solar War, while Africa stayed Neutral, The Oceania system joined in the fight.
“Mance, bogey on your tail!” said Tas 1.
Mance Smith responded to the call and braked, watching the enemy fly in front of him. He targeted the Russian space fighter and launched a Roo missile, which blew the ship to smithereens. Mance opened up a communications channel to his best friend, John Buckles,
“John, aim for the engines on the Russian torpedo ships.”
Mance watched as Tas 4’s missiles hit the Torpedo ship. Then, in came a transmission.
“Muahahaha, you pathetic fools! Do you really think you can stop the power of the Asian Fleet?”
Mance heard Tas 1 call out. “Darn it! Its Kreshlok!”
Mance looked at the ship flying towards him and dodged. It was well known that Colonel Vinechi Kreshlok was one of the best Russian space pilots, and flew a ship he built himself, the Lenin. Mance watched in horror as a missile from Kreshlok’s ship headed for him, then with great skill, Mance swung his ship around, so it missed him, but not the pilot behind.
Mance heard an “Ahh” and saw John’s fighter disappear from his screen.
“No!” cried out Mance.
But it was too late for him to help, John Buckles was dead. A communication came to Mance,
“Mance there’s nothing more we can do, disengage and report back to the Dubbo.” Mance silently put full power to engines, and set a course for the Oceanian Navy battleship, the Dubbo.
When Mance later was back in his quarters, he sat on his bunk, going through everything that had happened. He and John had grown up together on Planet Australia, they had the same interests and even attended the same schools the whole time. Then, when the Asia system declared an unexpected war on the United America system, the Europe and Oceanian systems also joined the fight. Mance and John had enrolled in the Oceanian Navy, and were both sent to join up with the Tas Devil squadron, which was stationed on the Dubbo, on the edge of the Oceanian system.
He recalled how, this morning, April 23rd, 2457, the Tas Devils were given the assignment of taking down a Russian Torpedo squad. He remembered, how he and John had run to their ships, Mance’s, an Emu Space Fighter, and John, a Wallaby Space Fighter. They had both launched, and under the command of their leader, Commander Vero (Call sign, Walla) they had awaited mission update from the Dubbo. They had been updated, and went out.
Mance barely noticed when General Fallop, the Captain of the Dubbo, entered the room.
“ Smith, I just want you to know, we sent teams out to search for Buckles escape pod, but so far they’ve found nothing,” he said in the typical military tone.
Mance didn’t say anything. He just continued to go through the memories of a lost friend. Fallop continued,
“ I have, however, declared that at 1500 hours, John was killed by Colonel Kreshlok. Needless to say, the Dubbo has lost one of its finest pilots.”
Fallop left the room, but had a final look at Mance, Mance’s head was in his hands, he looked like death.
For 5 days, Mance didn’t leave his room, he just lay on his bunk, gradually falling into a deep depression. Mance mourned, he had lost a friend. He remembered his past, which only made him worse. He had joined the Navy to help restore peace to his world, but now, without John, that goal seemed miles away. Mance just couldn’t bring himself to believe that John was really gone. He only moved for meals, which Fallop kindly ordered to be delivered to his room, to save Mance from going to the canteen.
Mance just mourned for the lost of his fellow pilot, brother, and friend.
Another 4 days later, Mance was still on his bunk, people had come and gone, telling him they were sorry, how they missed John, and how they were there for him. It may seem funny that people are telling a 24 year old, tall built man that if he needed help, they were there for him, but there was nothing funny about this moment. Until, Lucas Smith, Mance’s brother, arrived on the Dubbo.
Lucas walked into his brother’s room, recoiled at the stench of stale food, and looked at his brother. Despite an age difference of only 15 months, Lucas and Mance were very different people. Lucas was actually a surgeon on Planet New Guinea, usually quiet and not doing anything rash.
“Mance,” he said, “I’m not going to go into all this stupid rubbish about how I’m sorry, but I will tell you this. John was a great guy, and a good friend to you. But you MUST get over this. We’ve all lost people, and we cope with it. But you have to just go out there and avenge his death.”
Without another word, Lucas left the room, and flew back to his practice.
Amazingly, these words got to Mance, he immediately rushed out, and ran straight to the hanger. Without waiting for clearance, he flew straight out of the Dubbo, and headed for the Asia system. He found Kreshlok on his scanners, and found him with a patrol of Chinese Bombers. Mance powered his weapons and opened fire, Kreshlok dodged, while the bombers fled. Mance continued to fire, while Kreshlok could do nothing but dodge it. Kreshlok eventually got a missile lock, and fired at Mance, but Mance, full of hatred, yelled out in anger. Mance launched a single shot, which flew straight through the missile and ended Kreshlok's life in one shot.
Mance returned to the Battleship Dubbo, feeling a great weight lift off his shoulders. He docked with the Battleship, and went straight to the Generals Fallops Office. He walked straight into the room without knocking. Fallop studied Mance and said, “
What is it?”
Mance simply replied, “I’ve stopped looking into the past, and looked at the future, I think our future is bright.” And without another word, Mance left the room.

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:57 am

Good stuff, Robbio-may I offer a suggestion?
Stretch the middle of the story out (the part after his brother shows up) and the ending, And you've got a first rater short.Keep it up!

Post Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:11 pm

actually, its a sohrt story for my yr 8 english class, was supposed to be my own work but stuff it

Post Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:42 pm

so... you're not continuing it?

some people say that crime didn't exist before GTA

Post Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:25 pm

I dunno, I only made it for an assignment? Should I make a sequal?

Join the Sirius Eagle Squadron

Post Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:48 pm

if you want to, you could. this is some good stuff here!

some people say that crime didn't exist before GTA

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