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DEFCON 1-NL Productions

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:46 pm

DEFCON 1-NL Productions

<NOTE TO READERS-The story following is based on the Florida System Mod.>
The Cape Canaveral Mining Facility exploded in a huge flash. The shockwave spread out into space, destroying all of the merchant ships in the vicinity of Tallahasse. The burning station crashed into Tampa, Tallahasse's moon. A small, brightly colored fighter darted behind Tallahasse and jumped.
Only one ship survived the Canaveral incident - a small transport that was half-blasted and full of gold. The pilot swore as the ship's systems went offline and tried to go to manual control, but realized that his engines had been blown off. The pilot managed to send out one distress signal before the ship's damaged power plant overloaded and exploded, taking the ship and its pilot with it.
EDIT: Took out my comment here.

Edited by - defcon pilot on 1/21/2006 5:38:56 PM

Post Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:14 pm

Well, good start, I'm intrigued...

Post Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:42 am

I councur,
sounds kinda cool

Post Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:39 pm

Okay, then...
“Hey, Trent! My main man!” a familiar voice shouted.
Trent glanced over his shoulder. His eyes found the familiar body of Roger King. “King! It’s been a while…”
“Yeah, I know. Ever since the Nomad incident…”
“Things’ve been pretty quiet lately. Yeah, I know. I can barely find any missions anywhere. Most of the Rouges have gone off to join the Order.”
“Yep. Well, I’m here to change that, and I have an offer you won’t be able to afford to pass up.”
“Oh really? I almost ended up as toast the last time the LSF gave me a mission like this. And then the LSF turned on us and we went to the Order, and had to go and risk our hairy butts saving humanity. It works, and we’re given all these medals, and everyone’s so happy, and then you know what? I never even got paid.”
“And then, no more missions? What’s a freelance pilot supposed to do? And by the way, I still haven’t completely gotten used to Liberty Ale, and just flying around looking at the stars is getting boring, and-“
“Okay, Trent! I get your point. Now will you let me say what I was going to say?”
“Fine. Damn.”
“Okay. The LSF and the Liberty Navy are both offering to pay you one million credits, and-“
“Woo! A million? I’m in!”
“Good!” King grinned. “Oh, and Trent, I’d like you to meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time.”
A familiar Kusari/Libertarian female stepped out from behind Trent. “Hey, Trent!”
“Ahh! Oh. Juni…”
“Yup, it’s me. Ready to kick some ---?”
“I’m in.”
“Then let’s go!”
“But one more thing…”
King and Juni groaned. “What?”
“Where are we going?”
After a quick and concise explanation from King, they all flew to the Battleship Missouri and were briefed on their mission to the Florida System.
“You will fly to the jump gate, where you will be met by a wing of Navy Defenders before you jump. Once you are all in the Florida System, activate your cruise engines and fly into the Everglade Nebula, where you will meet a converted Liberty Dreadnought, which is currently being used as a spy base. Don’t worry about the criminals-we have a minefield surrounding the dreadnought. Any questions?” The briefing room was filled with muttered words and faint whispers, but no hands were raised. “Alright, then. To your ships!”
“Yes sir!” The pilots saluted the briefing officer, who, by the way, was named First Officer Ashcroft. “Now, on to other businesses…” he murmured, clasping a glowing crystal in his hands. “Thanks, Juni, you, your deluded comedian compadre, and your little freelancer boyfriend. Heh heh heh…”
<to be continued…>

Post Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:52 pm

well, this IS interesting. This'd be the first fanfic i've read to continue with Ashcroft

The only problem i have is with the last line, coz it's a bit vague, but that's about it

Post Sun Nov 20, 2005 11:02 am

Yeah, well...
Here's the next part.
“Our briefing officer looked familiar,” said Juni.
“Yeah,” replied King.
“What’re you guys talking about?” inquired Trent.
“Our briefing officer.”
“Do you ever pay attention? Okay. The briefing officer that briefed us. Now do you understand?”
“Uh huh.”
“Good. Now shut up, the Navy wing is coming.”
The four Defenders sidled up to the three ships. “Alright, boys-“
“And girls…” added Juni.
“Unh. And girls…” muttered the now-annoyed captain of the fighter wing, “We go through the gate. Now.”
All seven ships went through the gate. Just after it closed, it opened up again. Out came a Kusari cruiser, bound for Planet Manhattan. It entered the trade lane and flew to the docking ring.
“This is the Kusari Naval Forces Cruiser Nishimura, requesting to moor,” the captain said into his comm system.”
“This is Planet Manhattan Docking Ring. You are cleared to moor. The President is awaiting your arrival, Nishimura.”
“Thanks. Nishimura out.”
The cruiser moored, and its crew was shuttled down to the surface.
On the surface, President Jacobi was there to meet them, along with Casper Orillion (bodyguard against Nomad incursions). “Hello, Captain.”
“Hello, Ms. President. I have… important news for you.”
“Then tell me. I’ve been waiting long enough.”
“I cannot do it here. We need someplace private.”
“Can do. Follow me. Orillion, take point. Have security ready.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Orillion spoke into his comlink, and a shuttle landed soon after. Several troopers from the Osiris jumped out and came to Jacobi’s side.
“You have many bodyguards,” said the captain of the Nishimura.
“Yes. Why are you saying this?”
“Just saying.”
Jacobi eyed him. She wondered if he was really here to give her “news”. The destruction of Cape Canaveral seemed a lot like another Nomad attempt to wipe out humanity. Could this man be a traitor?
In her room, the Captain told his bodyguards to leave the room. “Ms. President, I have word that there has been an attack on the Florida system.”
“Yes, Captain, I am well aware of that.”
“The Kusari Naval Forces have dispatched a small fleet, led by myself. I am offering my services to you in the name of Liberty.”
“And if I refuse?”
“You cannot refuse.”
“And why is that?”
“Heh heh heh… I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, President.” His eyes began to glow a familiar purple color. His sleeves suddenly produced knives. You remember being held up at Prison Station Mitchell? Do you? Well, I hope you do. You were locked on the stretching rack, and if your insolent friends hadn’t interfered, we would have been free. Your insignificant little civilization would have been crushed, and all of Sirius would be ours again.”
“Tekagi! You’re supposed to be dead!”
“Nomads have ways of keeping their hosts alive,” cackled Tekagi, “ and thanks to me, this host has managed to stay kicking. Now, where is the artifact?”
“I-I don’t know!”
“Come on, President,” he said. “I know you really don’t want this…” a squirming bright blue alien worm came out of Tekagi’s throat, then went back in. “But I may be forced to use it if you continue to refuse to comply…”


“Welcome aboard, Mr. Trent. And you, King, and Ms. Zane.”
“Yeah, hi,” said Trent.
King greeted the captain with a “Whassup?”
“Hello, officer,” came Juni’s voice. “Now, what are we here for?”
“Glad you asked. We are currently working with the Order here, and we’ve detected some activity at the hypergate. We believe that the Nomads are coming again.”
“Yes. Come with me.”
The three followed. They were taken to a room, where they met a familiar pair of scientists.
“Quintane! Sinclair!” shouted King.
“Yes, it’s us. We’re here now. And we don’t have time for big greetings. Trent, do you still have the artifact?”
“Yeah, I think-“ he reached into his empty pocket. “Crap! I thought my jacket felt a little light there…”
“Trent! Oh, crap! Crap! We need that!” Juni shouted in vain.
“Who do you think took it?” asked King.
“It must have been someone on the battleship back there. I recall that it was in my pocket then. But my memory’s kind of bad right now, so I could have left it in my hold. Can you scan my ship, Sinclair?”
“Will do.” She tapped at the keyboard in front of her. “Nothing.”
“(Bleep)! It was probably the briefing officer. No, not probably, it must have been him! I saw him in the docking bay, inspecting our ships. He must have taken it out! You, officer!” he turned to the naval officer. “Do you know who briefed us?”
“Yes. He said that his name was Ashcroft.”
<to be continued…>

Post Sun Nov 20, 2005 12:29 pm

Two parts in one day!
“We need off this battleship! Trent, if I know Ashcroft, he’s going to do something with that artifact, whether selling it or using it himself. Officer, we need immediate clearance off this ship. Now!”
“Yes, sir.” He took out his radio. “Docking Bay One, make way for three fighters. They have clearance to leave.”
Trent, Juni, and King ran as fast as they could for the docking bay. They lifted off and flew through the hole in the minefield. “Fire up your cruise engines. Power to the max,” Juni said over the comlink.
“But… What if they overload?” King asked frantically.
“I don’t care! Trent, King, do it! We need to get to the New York Gate, fast!”
“Sigh… hold together, ship,” muttered King.
“I’ve got all my power on my engines,” said Trent.
The three fighters blasted out of the Everglade Nebula at top speed, docked with a trade lane, and jumped to New York.
Aboard the Battleship Missouri, they met no one. The ship’s docking bay was empty, save for a few ships. “What happened? What’s going on?” King was frantic.
“Let’s find out,” Trent said quietly.
They slunk quietly down the main hall of the battleship. There were no lights on, so it was completely dark. They walked by numerous hatchways, until they found the one at the end. From it they could hear voices-the voices of Liberty admirals, commanders, and pilots. They were chanting unearthly words, words that hurt to hear. Then, they were called upon by First Officer Ashcroft.
“Brothers, our operation is nearing completion. The human race will soon be gone, and we can abandon our hosts. We will finally be able to sleep again!”
“Yes!” chanted the crowd.
“Then, our task will finally have been completed!”
“Aw, crap,” muttered Trent. “The Nomads are back.”
“And who do you think is behind that door?” Ashcroft pointed to the blast door Trent, Juni, and King were hiding behind.
“Oh, S---! Run!”
“How could he know?” King yelled.
The blast door opened, and Navy officers began to surround them.
“Who cares? If we don’t start running, we won’t be alive to find out!” He gunned down a few pilots with stun blasts.
“Help!” came a familiar voice.
“Jacobi!” shouted King.
“Tekagi is alive! He’s going to start a war between Liberty and Kusari! And help!”
“We have to get her out of there!” screeched King.
“There’s no time! We have to get out of here!”
“We have to save the President!” King gunned down a few men.
King stun-pulsed his way to the President, grabbed her, and escorted her to the hangar bay. The mob of infected humans was close behind.
“Lift off! Go!” King commanded his friends.
“Wait!” shouted Trent. “The artifact!”
“Trent, no!” Juni screeched. But it was too late. He rushed at Ashcroft and was grabbed by the mob. He tried to shoot them, but he was greatly outnumbered.
“No!!!” Juni fell to the ground. She had just been struck, hard.
C’mon, Juni.” King helped her up. “We need to get out of here before it’s too late.”
The mob was now after them again. “Hurry up, Juni!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” She scrambled to her ship and they took off, bound for the Osiris.


“This is the Battleship Osiris, to LSF wing Delta Four. You are cleared to land in Docking Bay One.”
“Thanks,” came the reply from King’s ship.
Once aboard, King and Juni walked to the bridge. Here, they discovered that Orillion wasn’t present. He had been sent as a guard for President Jacobi.
“Why didn’t you say that?” King asked the President.
“Did you think that you would be able to get him out? I don’t even know where he is. He could be with Tekagi, or anyone.”
“Then we’ll have to see about that later. Right now, we’re on the brink of a war again.” Juni got out of her ship.
“Man, I should have expected something like this…” muttered King.

Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer

Post Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:49 pm

I like it, I like it!
You were a little vague at points though, DId trent get left behind?

Ya know, I dont think theres ever been a story where trent got "Nomaded"

Post Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:25 pm

Now this is really getting interesting, although I do find it hard to believe that Tekagi could avoid a high explosive that knocked Heaven's Gate offline. Still, I like!

Unfortunately, I've been downloading a SWG patch (4.4GB!!!), however, and it's gonna take another 2 days. Not only that, but I won't have full speed internet until December 1 (same reason, SWG was so big it knowcked out my internet speed). So, i'll only be able to read the fanfic. Just loading it up took 8 minutes! I may try to add in a post or 2 every once in a while, though.


Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:28 am

That part about Tekagi... Well, I just thought it would be interesting to get him back in.
I'll keep writing, but it could be a while. I have to work on my Leonardo da Vinci project.

Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:41 pm

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Trent, thought Juni. Goddamn it…
Juni was in her old cabin from the Nomad incident. It was a day after she and King had, once again, fled from Liberty.
“All senior staff and pilots, report to the bridge immediately,” came the captain’s aide’s voice from the intercom.
“Dammit…” muttered Juni.
Up on the bridge, the assistant captain gave the pilots and staff an overview of what was going on. “We are on the brink of another Nomad incident,” he told the crowd. “Liberty and Kusari are now, once again, about to go to war. We’re not currently sure about the conditions of Rheinland and Bretonia, but we can be sure about the current situation around here: not good.” The pilots groaned.
“Sir, what about Captain Orillion?” asked one pilot.
“Good question, sir. We have word from President Jacobi that Orillion is currently being held prisoner by the Nomads. However, we are not sure. Our spies are doing all that they can right now, but we are losing contact with them rapidly. I am afraid that we may have to order them to return to the Osiris. We may also possibly be forced to go into battle. Dismiss!”


“Tekagi! What the hell do you want with me?”
“I want nothing but the fall of your insolent race, although your death would be an interesting thing to witness. You know that I personally hate the Order.”
“How did you survive?”
“Oh, didn’t I tell you before? Oh yes, my bodyguards had taken you. Very well. I already told your beloved President, however, it was a little vague, but it should be long and detailed enough for her small, atrophying brain.
“As you know, the Arch was very busy before I moved in. A small division was working on a human cloning project, and when my host came to live there, he decided that it was no matter to him. However, when I took over, I took this as the perfect chance for a backup plan. I moved them out of there and cloned my host, in case of emergencies. Then, I cloned myself. Just before you set off that blast, I transferred all the information from both my host’s and my brain to the clones’, and there you have it. Happy? If not, there’s always the option of death.” He pulled his famous knives out of his shirtsleeves. “These come in very handy to me sometimes…”
Orillion struggled in his seat.
“Heh heh… I think I’ll leave you to my guards. You make one move and they’ll shoot you instantly. Got it? I have more important things to do than to deal with you, so just stay right there like a good little boy. Heh heh…”


The alarm sounded on board the Osiris. Pilots rushed to their ships. The Order’s full fighting force was sent out to defend the Osiris, which cloaked and followed the ships in formation. The Osiris then diverged from the group and took cover close to the Everglade Nebula.
The full fleet of Kusari flew into the Florida system, capturing Sarasota Shipyard and Planet Miami swiftly. Kusari troopers, armed with needler rifles, marched into the terraforming bases on Orlando and disarmed the workers. Kusari’s invasion of Florida was almost complete.
Suddenly, a group of Anubis fighters launched their Sunslayer torpedoes at the invading battleships. A bloody fight ensued, and the Order wing was soon nothing but a smoldering heap of metal. Several other wings were destroyed too, and the remaining fighters retreated. From the Osiris, things looked grim.


Trent awoke in the hold of an armored transport. He opened his eyes, only to see darkness. Suddenly, a bright light was flashed in his face. A familiar voice, one he had heard not a long time before he was knocked out, said, “Hello, Trent.”
“Oh, s---…”
<to be continued…>

Post Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:23 pm

Very nice, thank you for continuing the Takagi explaniation.
I look forward to the next chapter.

Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:38 pm

Tell me what you think of this part, because I'm not so sure I did a great job on it...
By the way, have any of you ever heard of paralell universes?
“We’re doomed this time,” said Juni gloomily. “No more hope…”
King sighed. For once, he had to agree. The Order had been defeated, and nothing could stop the destruction of mankind now.
Suddenly, the intercom came online. “All fighter wings, dispatch! There’s no time to brief. Attack whoever you can. Take out the battleships if possible. Go!”
Juni and King, still loyal to what was left of humanity, got up and walked to the hangar.
In space, they half-heartedly launched their torpedoes, last hopes gone. There was no longer anything that could be done. The Osiris took heavy damage in the siege. “Losing life support on several decks!” came the voice of the panicked military officer. They didn’t know it, but Orillion was being held aboard one of the transports, watching as his beloved troops and pilots were quickly decimated by the Kusari Naval Forces and the Liberty Navy.
The Osiris went out in a flash, like the last strong flicker in a candle that occurs when it uses the last of its fuel.
King and Juni, along with a three other fighters, were the last to survive. It seemed that fate was against them as they battled, loyal to the end, against the warring ships.


Meanwhile, Trent had his own problems. He was onboard a dark transport, surrounded by obscure figures. One had a strikingly familiar voice, like one he had heard so many times before: however, he couldn’t place it. It wasn’t Ashcroft, which he had guessed earlier, as his figure was too small. As he thought, he figured that it sounded more kid-ish.
“Hello, Trent. I suppose you know me?”
“Yeah. Sort of. What’s your name?”
“Right now, I don’t need to disclose that information.”
“Where are you from?”
“Take a good guess.”
“New Tokyo.”
“No, try again.”
Trent was getting frustrated. He had no idea where this person could be from. Then, it struck him. Although he had never revealed it to anyone, he had been seeing and hearing things in his head. At first, he thought he was going crazy. He then later learned to accept it.
These “visions” centered around a kid. He lived in a world that seemed a lot like what Old Earth might have been like (he never studied the subject). His last vision was from the child’s twelfth birthday. Then, they stopped. He had no idea why.
Now, from what he could gather, this child-boy, as it may more properly be said-had somehow managed to arrive in Trent’s timeframe (Trent imagined that the kid had probably time-traveled if he lived on Old Earth.
“Atarii, Trentu.”
“What is that?”
“Japanese, or Kusari, as you would say it. It means ‘correct, Trent’.”
“Now what’s your name?”
“Come with me.”
The boy undid Trent’s ropes and had Trent follow him out the door, through which Trent and the boy entered a small ship. It undocked from the armored transport and lifted off.
“Where are we going?” Trent demanded.
“You’ll see,” said the boy.
The ship entered a minefield, which, fortunately, didn’t destroy the ship. After a few minutes, the craft broke through the barrier and was met by an indescribably colossal metal mass. It was truly a titan, as far as Trent could tell. It was incredibly tall, and from the docking bay to the end there seemed an endless distance.
“What is this?”
The hatch opened. “Follow me,” the boy told Trent.


Aboard the battleship that Orillion was held on, there was a fight ensuing between officers that were loyal to the Order, the spies that were planted who had decided that they ought to do something, and the commander and pilots that were loyal to their infested Admiral. The spies gunned down the commader and a large number of pilots. The remaining crew surrendered, and Orillion took point as commander.
Outside, Juni saw the battleship straying from course. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” said King.
“To all remaining Order pilots,” came Orillion’s voice from the comlink, “It’s time to revive mankind! You will be joined by several wings of Kusari fighters, piloted by Order spies. Go! Fight!”
“Woohoo!” shouted King, Juni, and the three other pilots they were flying with. They were filled with new energy, even in spite of the fact that they were still surrounded and greatly outnumbered.
Aboard the stolen battleship, this was very much realized. “Captain Orillion, sir. We can’t defeat them. We need more ships.”
“Sir, do you quite understand that this is the only ship we have?”
The officer looked down. He had considered that. Asking the Captain for more ships was a bad question.
“Yes, sir. Stupid question. I guess we just wait to die…”
“No. Your question was bad, but your morale is worse. If we want any chance to win, we have to brave this out. Dismiss, officer.”
“Yes, sir.” The officer sighed.
Then, one Liberty battleship began to bombard the stolen Kusari battleship with turret fire. Just as the Order gunners were aiming to blast it, the Liberty ship exploded.
“What the-?“ said one gunner.
A titanic craft emerged from behind the battleship. It was lined with turrets, large and small, and had a large front end. “Hailing all remaining Order ships. This is Captain Andrew Akira of the Earth flagship Iron Sunrise. Need some help?”
The Order pilots, along with those of Liberty and Kusari gaped at the gargantuan ship. It was lined with flak turrets, cannons, and missile launchers. Its front end was open, exposing a mechanism that looked powerful enough to destroy the Liberty fleet. Tailing it was an armada of cruisers the size of dreadnoughts, wings of ammo-packed fighters, and shuttles.
“Whoa,” muttered King.
“This is Jun’ko Zane of the LSF. Your assistance would be much appreciated, Iron Sunrise,” Juni radioed.
“Good. Fire up the main gun, boys!”
The Iron Sunrise’s front began to glow with an ice blue aura. Enormous circuit breakers came together, and the cannon fired a white energy beam that destroyed a line of Kusari ships. The Kusari cruisers came in to destroy the Iron Sunrise, but the flagship’s flak turrets destroyed them quickly and swiftly. The Earth cruisers blasted the Liberty dreadnoughts. It seemed that humanity was, in the case of this battle, victorious again.
“We win!” shouted King.
“Yeah, we do,” said Captain Akira. “Now it’s time to get out there and kick Nomad ass.”
“Do they even have any?” King was making an attempt at a funny.
“Uh… Don’t ask me that. Order-controlled Kusari battleship, I am inviting you to dock with our ship. All Order fighters, proceed to Fighter Bay Three. We’re setting a course for the Dyson Sphere.”
How can they know so much? Juni asked herself.
“And I read your minds: If you want to know how we know this much about you and your situation, then I’ll start you off by showing you a familiar face.”
Trent came up into the captain’s seat.
“Trent!” yelled Juni. “What the hell are you doing on that ship?”
“It’s a long story. Just listen to the kid.”
“He’s a kid?”
“Yes… Didn’t you notice?”
“Then you know now,” interrupted Captain Akira. “Get on to business, then?”
“I am. All Order pilots, follow us,” came Orillion’s voice through the comlink.”
They docked with the Iron Sunrise, which entered jump. The cruisers followed. Finally, the shuttles fired up their singularity drives.
Little did they know what awaited them at the Dyson Sphere…
<to be continued…>

Nuclear Fusion~Nuclear Lancer

Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:54 pm

I like it, Multiple universes are the basis of MY story, and I think Orillian was an admiral.

EDIT: I just realised this was a little curt, so let me repfrase. I really like it so far. It's very nice, and I think the M. U. Idea is just fine.

Edited by - Chupa on 11/24/2005 4:49:51 PM

Post Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:55 pm


Defcon, you are a great fanfic writer, and Part 4 was easily one of the best.

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