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Don''t hate me for what I''m about to do.

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:04 pm

Don''t hate me for what I''m about to do.

Well, as much as I hate to say it, I just cannot see of a way to get out of that corner I have written myself into in Project Revolution. I just can't see it happening. One reason, is the story revolved around Trent, a character whom I never really liked that much in the first place. He's sort of like the prince on PoP: Warrior Within. I didn't hate him, I just much prefered the charming, witty, younger prince in Sands of Time. The one in Warrior Within is this brute who takes away from the story. I know he's depressed in running from the Dahaka and everything, but I don't see why they had to take a character we all loved.

I sort of feel the same way about Trent. I don't know why, if it's his personallity, his looks, but there is just something that I can't stand about him. He is about as likeable as Big Dan in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? Good movie, good movie, one of my all time favorites.

Anyway, on to the point. I am unable to contiue Project Revolution and make it anywhere near as good as Captured (Which in my opinion, completly sucked.)

So, if you havn't guessed already, I'm doing another fanfic and letting Project Revolution rest in peace. I havn't decided on a name yet, but I will tell you that Trent, Juni or any of the characters we know will be a part of it. I sort of liked Juni, I couldn't stand Tobias, and I didn't have that much problem with King, but I wanted to do something that would take place several decades, about 80 years after the events of Freelancer.

I decided to announce this, as I will probibly start the first chapter sometime tomorrow. Now, the name is where I need a little help with. I want this fanfic to have something to do with a plague, but much more. It's sort of like The Stand written by Stephen King, it seems like the plague is the main focus at first, but things will change. It may at the very first sound a lot like Neuromancer's Genocide, and it may seem to take some of the story from Halo 2, but I had been playing with this idea before Halo 2 even came out and long before Genocide was born.

Now, I know some of you may not approve of me starting a new one, as you were hooked on PR, which in my opinion, was one of the best fanfics I have ever written. (I have written a bunch, and most of them were dealing with other games.) Some of you may disapprove, but I ask you to read it. You may even like it more than PR. I have to go now, but I hope someone can give me a good sugguestion for a name. Please don't Email me about this or anything like that, as I am not changing my mind about this. But, just give it a try.

So long and good night.

4 8 15 16 23 42

Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I'll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

Edited by - Killa (The Revolution) on 9/30/2005 4:44:06 PM

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:24 am

I know that this sounds rather drastic, but it serves a great purpose in a lot of my writing. It's a great tool in writing, and can overcome some writer's block or plot cornering.

Kill your major character.

The one that has been in the whole thing. just, make a big scene and where he would normally survive, just have him be overwhelmed and kick the bucket.

I dunno if it would help, but yeah, its something that i sometimes consider when writing.

and no, I dont hate you for it.

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:16 am

Damn you! Damn you to the lowest depths of hell!

Just kiddin'. Stuff like that happens to writers. I admit I'm a little sad to see it go, but I agree wiht Love Shark: Kill the main character. That's what I did in Armageddon...granted it was at the end.

Anyway, I do look forward to seeing your latest effort! Good luck with it!

---"Open the Pod Bay doors, Hal, and I'll give you a cookie."

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:10 pm

Okay, I am anxious to start the first chapter (more of a prologue or intro) so, until I can decide on a better name or someone gives me a good suguestion, it'll be called Plague of Hadies. I wanted it to sound sort of like this plague came straight from hell, (sorry to spoil a little bit.) But, I expect to have the first chapter up sometime tomorrow.

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:15 pm

Errrmmmm.........Must resist urge to strangle Killa.......AHRRGGGHHHHH.

Ok, mate, I'll deal with withdrawl problems myself. Sniff.

Alright, now I'm better. So. When do we get the story?

Your right, I do almost hate you for it. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE!!!!

Lol, just kidding.... Maybe

Ph34r d4 C/-//_/p4c4br4

Post Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:43 pm

Well, although it may not be several hundred years, the stardate in Freelancer (or on the box at least) is about 1287, leading me to think that humans have been in Sirius for 1,287 years. I know the intro says 800, but that could have been when Aticas Rockford arrived, ah hell I don't know. Anyway, I'll just pretend that Freelancer takes place in 1287 AS, and my story will take place in 1372 AS, so it's exactly 85 years after the events of Freelancer. I thought if it was several hundred years later, then so much would be taken away from Freelancer. By then, every ship would probably have some kind of stardrive, no need for docking rings, no more Jumpgates, etc. I wanted something that is a good time away from freelancer, but I don't think that all that much will have changed in 85 years. Most of the ships will still be the same, hell, the Starflier has been around since 321 A.S. or something like that.

Docking rings and Jumpgates are still there, and not much has changed. I'm working on the introduction as we speak. I just thought that I would get this out of the way so you're not confused when I post the first chapter.

Post Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:57 pm

so if the nomads come back in your story, how could 85-year-older Juni and Trent fight them off?

You know its Tuesday when you see underwear stuck to your ceiling


Post Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:34 pm

lol, the numbers are from LOST!!!!

as far as getting ou of the story, think outside the box, throw a monkey wrench in it, turn it on its ear, just try things....


If you only learn one thing in Freelancer, let it be this, do not piss off someone who is much better, or has a much higher level than you.

Post Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:58 am

I hate Trent.

I really do.
I can't beleve people actually base entire stories around him.
your completely stuck with the character, you can't even really play with his pesonality.

and dammit, whats with his personality?
I cant stand him. Is it because he is so cool and his parents are rich?
Is it because he gets all the girls with his boyish looks and wavy blonde hair?
Is it because he cruises around in a corvette?

Oh wait. That was Steve from Beverly Hills 90210
(i wonder how many people will actually get that)

Bloody Bretonians! Almost as bad as the French!

Post Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:15 pm

Well, we might as well change the topic name to, DEATH TO EDISON TRENT! or, ANTI-TRENT SOCIETY! or maybe we could have a themesong to the tune of that chessnuts roasting on an open fire song

*chorus behind him echoes*

*audience goes into huge aplause and i am hero.*

but seriously, trents character is ssssoooo unoriginal, he was like, so 5 minutes ago. LIKE! OH MY GOSH! anyway, tough guy only wants money and adventure, gets winded up in a cause, COMON!!!!!!! *audience screams "ENCORE! ENCORE!"
hey, give the people what they want!!


t-t-thats all folks!

When all else fails, say you want world peace.

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