DSE Turn 11
Bank: 390
Foundation: 40 + Wealth = 70
Trade: 0
Base List:
Chugoku Gate Construction Site (Hokkaido Small Station) (10 LF Wings)
Baltimore Shipyard (New York Capital Shipyard) (1 Gunboat)
Planet Pittsburgh (New York Planet) (19 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Freedom Station (California Large Station) (10 LF Wings)
Longarm Station (Colorado Small Station) (9 LF Wings)
Planet Lakewood (Australia Planet) (30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Planet Canberra (Australia Planet) (30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Planet California Minor (California Planet) (30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Tasmania Station (Colorado Small Station) (10 LF Wings)
Ames Research Station (Kepler Small Station) (20 LF Wings, 10 HF Wings)
Atka Research Station (Sigma 17 Large Station) (20 LF Wings, 10 HF Wings)
Freeport 9 (Omicron Theta Large Station) (30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Victoria Station (Galileo Small Station) (20 LF Wings)
Falkland Base (Tau 37 Large Station) (30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings)
Planet Malta (Omicron Alpha Planet) (20 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings, 20 VHF Wings)
Base Credit Income: 270
270 + 70 = 340 + 390 from bank = 730
Resource Income:
4 M/2 G New York
2 M/8 G California
18 M/0 G Colorado
1 M/2 G Kepler
4 M/2 G Hokkaido
4 M/4 G Australia
2 M/12 G Sigma 13
2 M/2 G Galileo
5 M/5 G Tau 37
4 M/2 G Omicron Alpha
2 M/2 G New Zealand
3 M/4 G Sigma 17
4 M/3 G Omicron Theta
Total Resources:
55 M/48 G + 2 M/34 G from bank = 57 M/82 G
I build 1 Battleship
I build 33 LF Wings
Bank Status:
495 credits
3 M/35 G
Place all in New York
I move 4 Battleships, 3 Cruisers, 20 HF Wings and 50 LF Wings from New York to California
I move 20 VHF Wings from Tau 31 to Tau 37I move 10 LF Wings and 10 HF Wings from Planet Malta to Tau 31
Units After Movement:
1 Small Gas/Metal Miner Sigma 13
30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings Australia
1 Gunboat, 30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings New York
29 LF Wings, 1 Gunboat Colorado
60 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings, 3 Cruisers, 4 Battleships, 1 Gunboat California
2 Gunboats, 10 LF Wings Galileo
10 LF Wings Hokkaido
30 LF Wings, 20 HF Wings Omicron Theta
20 LF Wings, 10 HF Wings Omega 7
20 LF Wings, 25 HF Wings Wings Omicron Alpha
30 LF Wings, 20 HF, 20 VHF Wings Tau 37
20 LF Wings Auckland
I attack Holman Outpost (Gaians, 30 LF Wings, 2 HF Wings, 3 VHF Wings defending) with 40 LF Wings, 30 HF Wings, and 20 VHF Wings.
Request Alliance with Bretonia
Declare a state of TOTAL WAR against the Gaians
Faction Relations:
Very Friendly: Liberty (Alliance), Ageira
Friendly: Bretonia, Rheinland, Bretonian Mining and Metals, Daumann Heavy Construction (Coalition), Bounty Hunters Guild
Supportive: ALG Waste Disposal, Kishiro Technologies, Orbital Spa And Cruise
Neutral: Bundschuch, Republican Shipping, Farmer's Alliance, Blood Dragons
Unsupportive: None
Unfriendly: None
Very Unfriendly: Gaians (Total War)
Ship Stats:
Light Fighter Wing (Adventurer)
4 FA/2 CA/3 FD/1 CD
Heavy Fighter Wing (Warrior)
3 FA/4 CA/2 FD/3 CD
Very Heavy Fighter Wing (Knight)
4 FA/6 CA/3 FD/3 CD
Gunboat (Catapult)
5 FA/6 CA/5 FD/4 CD
Cruiser (Onager)
5 FA/8 CA/5 FD/6 CD
Battleship (Trebuchet)
7 FA/9 CA/6 FD/9 CD
Deep Space Engineering Internal News Network
In a formal declaration, President Hawk Of Prey has declared a state of Total War against the pirates known as the Gaians. Already, a grand war fleet, the Justice Fleet, is being assembled to invade Gaian held territory and wipe the stench of the Gaians from Sirius. The Justice Fleet is being commanded by the Battleship Lionheart, commanded by Admiral Kershaw, and consists of 4 Trebuchet Class Battleships, 3 Onager Class Cruisers, 20 Wings of Warrior Class Heavy Fighters and 50 Wings of Adventurer Class Light Fighters.
You shall now know fear. Remember what the Bounty Hunters Guild did to your faction? That is but a pale comparison to what we shall do to you. We shall hunt down your pitiful fleet of scrapheaps you call fighters. We shall destroy all your bases and burn the corpses of your dead. There is only one way that you can avoid TOTAL ANNIHALATION. Surrender all your bases outside of Edinburgh to Deep Space Engineering. If you do not do this, we shall come into your territories and annihalate you piece by piece. This is your first, last and only warning from us. Do not squander it.