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Death is Eternal

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:31 pm

Death is Eternal

okay, my first two fanfics I got bored with and they died out, soooo here goes a new fanfic story of action, adventure, love, and amazement! (and anything else that makes this look good) Anyhoo, here we go!

Post Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:44 pm

---Chapter 1: Hell take us---

They were surrounded, and it seemed slightly pitiful. People were running to and fro, yet not more than a few second for they were quickly destroyed by the laser's of the Red Hessians. They had invaded Planet Malta and were showing no mercy upon the inhabbitants. "Damnit Larickson, get the hell over here!" Commander Aaron Thompson yelled as he fired his heavy repeated into a group of hessians.

"Yes sir?" Mivacal Larickson replied as he jumped into his commander's foxhole. "I'm going to do somthing real stupid Larickson, and you need to cover me. Just take my heavy repeater and shoot into that squad of these sick asses." Larickson looked at him horrified. "O..Okay I umm guess." His commander smilled at him. "Fire Larickson, now!" Mivical opened fire as his commander jumped onto a half destroyed Stilleto and began turning on the weapon's switches.

"Yes!" Aaron yelled as the turrets turned on and began firing upon the enemies. The Skyblast B turret make quick work of the standard infantry and tore apart their tanks. "Yeah!" Aaron yelled as the main guns came on line. He grabbed the controls and fired into a line of Hessian tanks. They exploded as the blasts ripped through them. Aaron put the turret on automatic control, as he jumped out of the ship and returned to his foxhole. "Jesus sir!" Mivical yelled. "This place should be covered, I don't see any fighters strong enough, or smart enough to take on that thing. Let's go, I heard North Square of the city is falling.

The two ran to the North Square and were met by a bad sight. Hessian tanks were patrolling and they were setting up a base camp in the middle of it. "Damn, the only way to save this is to destroy it. Larickson, give me your grenade." Larickson silently handed him it. Aaron activated it and threw it in the middle of the enemies fuel supply canisters. "Get down!" Aaron yelled as he jumped away from the area. The entire North Square exploded, building collapsed all arround. "It's coming down!" Aaron yelled as a building toppled and fell toward him.

Edited by - DemonSlayer on 2/4/2005 9:50:39 PM

Post Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:49 pm

Very captivating DS

Post Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:13 am

Hey i like this. I like to see ground action

Keep it up

"Anyone who suffers at a injustice is already a comrade of mine" Che Guevara

Post Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:37 pm

--Chapter 2: Unexpected Allience--

"Move it Larickson!" Aaron yelled as the two ran out of the way, just before the burning building fell to the ground. They looked around themselves and saw the Hessian dropships flying off of the planet's surface. "Damn cowards are retreating!" Aaron yelled in half happyness and disgust. "Sir, look!" Mivical yelled as several Titan's bearing Corsair symbols destroyed the escaping drop ships.

"This is odd, but I aint complaining. Let's get back to the Main Center of the city." It was a long, dangerous walk all the way back to the inner city. Most of the drop ships left thier men behind when they ran, so random Hessians would come out and open fire on anything that moved. They finally reached the inner city to see it in ruins. "God damnit." Mivical said to himself as he looked at a group of dead corsairs, and a burning Hessian tank next to them.

They stopped to rest, for they knew the nearest city was a long 37 mile walk, and it didn't look like they were getting a transport any time soon. They were stranded, believe it or not, they were stranded on thier own planet. "You guys need help?" a voice asked. Aaron turned around and held out his blaster. "What do you Corsairs want for helping us? Money, our Sabre's? Well you aint getting em!" Aaron yelled at the Corsair's face. "We came here to help establish a treaty between the Sirius Criminal Allience and us.

As everyone knows the only criminals that are actually friendly to each other are the Liberty Rouges, Outcasts, Lane Hackers, Blood Dragons, and the Golden Crysanthenums. The Corsiars are one of the best criminal faction out therem yet they wanted a part in this allience.

"Yeah, in that case we do need help. Got a transport?" the Corsair grinned, "We got better." Mivical gazed as he saw Leader Henry Dromos, commander of the Corsiar, steped out of his ''illegally'' modified Titan. "Come with us to Crete, there's gonna be a big celebration due to the recent allience to the Sirius Criminals." It was another long flight, yet this Titan actually had some walking space and could seat 7 people. As they moved into visual range of Crete, the worst happened.

Nomads came from everywhere. "Damn, open fire!" Henry's personal guard Titan's broke formation with them and engaded the nomads. "Why are there nomads? I thought that guy Trent sucked em into something!" Herny angry at Mivical's ignorance replied, "Obviously your stupid, you cannot kill every nomad, it's a proven fact! Besides, my intelligence report told me these things, damn!" He cut shot as a nomad ran into the Titan. "Anyway, not all of em got into that vacuum thing!"

Other Titans showed up and engaged the nomads. "Sir, we'll hold em, you get to Crete!" The man radioed in. "All right, thanks Davin." Henry replied as he headed straight for Crete. "Holy Crap!" Henry yelled as a nomad battleship uncloaked in front of him and fired it's massive torpedoes directly at the Titan.

Post Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:31 pm

--Chapter 3: Allegiance United--

Henry dodged several of the incoming torpedoes, but 1 hit his Titan hard. "God Damnit!" he yelled as it spun out of control and began entering the atmosphere of Crete. "All people on the ground, deactivate the planetary shields before our ship explodes!" He yelled over the intercom. Just before the Titan could take no more of ramming through the planet's shield it was shut down. Yet this proved a problem, without a planet's shield is not on ships can land without the risk of simply exploding, which means the Nomads could land without using the docking ring.

"Turn it back on! Back on!" Henry yelled just as Nomads began their descent onto the planet. It instantly turned on destroying the Nomad ships. Back in space a terrible battle was waging. Titans against the Nomad fighters, the Special Crete Defense Unit's Cruisers against the nomad battle ships. It would only be a few seconds before they were in firing range.

Then, they collided. Masses of lasers and missles were sent to destroy the enemy's ships. Nomads scattered creating many targets for the Titan's to hit. Yet they had the edge on the nomad battleships. The Corsairs had been quick to develop a new weapon called the "Pylon" on their cruisers. They each had 5, which sent a shower of the most powerful lasers and missles ever made in sirius.

The Nomad battleships were beggining to turn and run when a second fleet of Outcasts came. "Just repaying the favor!" one of thier men said as they engaged the Nomads. Still, the Titans were dropping because of thier lack of speed, but with the Outcasts came a large unit of Sabres. Laser fire and missles hit into the Nomad fighters and they began to run when they knew they had no chance of winning.

As they began running the Corsairs and the Outcasts simply stopped to see what had happened. The Outcasts who had hated the Corsairs for so long just saved them from destruction, and earlier the Corsairs had done to same. They were a great fighting force together, so pwerful even to make a Nomad flee. Then they all began to think of how much they could accomplish together.

"Great, just great." Henry said as he looked at his half gone Titan. It had been through alot mind you. It had been hit with a Nomad battleship's torpedo, smashed into a planetary shield, burnt when it soared through the atmoshpere and it crash landed hard in one of the cities. "This isn't going to be covered by my insurance I think." He added in dismay.

Post Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:44 pm

This is pretty good keep up the good work!
I expect to see more of this or I shall attack you with a mob of angry squirrels

Post Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:42 pm

K here's another chapter. Please no flesh eatin squirls!

--Chapter 4: A Corsair Loss--

"I expect you all to work hard please, I'm paying you according to how well your job is done. Now get to work!" Henry said as his mechanics began fixing up the "Corsair's Avenger" which was his great Titan. He shook his head in dismay. "She'll never be the same." He said as he looked at it's crumpled and battered hull.

"Look at the bright side, at least were alive." Mivical stated hoping to cheer him up, but Henry only looked back sadly. He began to leave when a panicked man ran up. "Sir, I have bad news from the front lines!" he yelled and made Henry follow him quickly. Mivical and Aaron quickly followed Henry into a small communications room, where many people were frantically working and answering calls.

Henry asked the man what the problem was, and when the man responded Henry's face turned in horror. It was the front lines against the Hessians in the Omega-5 System. Cadiz Base had been nearly destroyed and the Corsairs were fleeing to the jump holes. Ronnenburg Base had sent a new wave of Stilettos armed with the Hessian Claw. It was these weapons that fired instant beams of energy into Cadiz Base, and it was these, which were making the Corsairs flee.

It was a horrible sound to hear the voices of the panicking Corsairs as they tried to escape the Hessian's onslaught. It was sad and almost unbearable for them to cry out as their Centurions could take no more an exploded into a flaming wreck. "Get me the hell out there!" Henry yelled. "Sir, your Titan, it is barely under way of reconstruction." "Then give me a normal one, and get the scientists to make a weapon better than those Hessian Claws!" He yelled as he headed for Crete's Corsair Defense hangar bay.

It was a terrible battle at Omega-5. The Centurion Fighters did their best to keep the Stilettos from destroying Cadiz Base's evacuation shuttles. Over 37 years the line between the Jumphole to Corsair territory and the jumphole to the Hessian territory was broken. "God damnit!" Henry yelled as he rushed to an empty Titan. "Get me the hell out there!" He yelled as he began lifting off.

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:33 pm

Hi everyone! I hope you have been enjoying my fanfic. I will be taking a trip in about 3 days and won't be able to access a computer for about 1-2 weeks. When I get back I'm going to conitue this fanfic, so moderators, please do not consider it grave robbing. Thank you all.

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:56 pm

Okay everyone, I can squeeze in one more chapter before I go. This chapter kinda seems nonsensical to the previous story, but when I get back all will be explained. Here goes!

--Chapter 5: It Begins--

It was just beginning to snow in the cold midnight air. Planet Manhattan was clear of people, and a man looked up at the few ships flying around in the fog. Though he seemed calm, he was on complete edge, ready to destroy any being who saw him. This man's name was Rick, and he was as deadly as a weapon without having to wield one.

Rick gazed up at the sky, letting the cold air calm him down a little. "Beautiful isn't it?" a voice said softly as another man walked up behind him. "What is?" Rick replied. "The sky, it is nice to see it. The lights on the Dominion's planets block the sky's full color out a bit, especially during such a wonderful night as this."

Rick turned around slowly. "You don't like the Dominion's planets?" he asked the man. "I like them very much, however I do like to see nature's true beauty instead of countless cities on every planet in this sector." The man replied. "So is this why you go off on small asteroids able to support an atmosphere and gaze up at the stars?" Rick asked.

"Quiet!" the man demanded, "they have arrived, go run! The man jammed a small device into Rick's pocket. "I will lure them away, get to your ship and get it to the Dominion!" With that said the man ran into the open road where several Liberty Police groundspeeders were. Several officers got out and began running after the man.

It was extremely hard to keep up with this man's speed, and he could lead them to believe he would turn down one alley, then sprint down a different one. "Dang!" the man yelled as he turned a corner to see a large wall block his path. He was going to jump it, yet Rick's ship was on the other side. The man was going to kill the police, but if they reported in an officer down the docking rings so no ships could escape. Against all his will the man put his hands on his head and got on his knees, just as the cops found him.

Post Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:05 pm

I've decided to do something a little odd and extra. Here goes again.


Death Eteral ends here. It was a Prolouge in itself for my upcoming fanfiction "Dominion Monarchy" 5 simple chapters to set the fiction up, and soon my new fanfic will be active and full of wonders. I hope you all enjoyed my little tale, and I'll be back in a few weeks.

Post Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:07 pm

This awsome DemonSlayer! I Cant Wait!

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