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The Age of Titans: A Chronicle of the Sirian Civil War *Upda

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:59 am

Never fear, there will be less me and more DSQrn, Bret, Wilde, Outcast, OC, and everyone else coming up.

And no, my computer is still messed up. I can, however, update this story from school.

Thanks for the comments!

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:05 am



Carry on now please

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:25 pm

Really nice!

Post Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:45 pm

More me! JJams a solo on guitar Woot. Naw jus kidding. I do like reading about ya'll

Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 10:06 am

Nice dude.
Remember to set up the end of this up to lead into the fanfic about CYOF 4.
I want my entrance to be grand, just kidding. during this, I probably haven't been born on earth yet.

CEO and Emperor of the Samura heavy industries and empire-CYOF2
President of Liberty- CYOF 3
Supreme Overlord of the Junkers and Miners Guild- CYOF 4

Voted Best Explorer in CYOF 2
Voted Best Backstabber in CYOF 3
Voted Best Corperation, Tied for Most powererful faction, best backstabber, best sneak attacker, best tech and most effective fleet in CYOF 4

Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:08 pm

*echos what has been said in the past*

Jacob, less CYOF, more fan fiction from the original!

Post Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:07 pm

More is on the way, I promise.

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:46 pm

Jacob, please i beg of you, write more, Bret likes

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:52 pm

no he doesn't. LIES!!

Moooore.....MORE MORE MORE!!! Lazy sack of ****

Post Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:48 pm

POST MOOORREEE, *foams at mouth*

Post Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:25 pm

Can I come back into it? Leon Chavez hasnt been there for a few chapters.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:10 am

Yes, Outcast. The next chapter is about Wilde, and then the next planned one is about Chavez.

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:54 pm

Yay! Meee

Post Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:07 pm

Yes, you!

“Fire comes from fuel, so those born of and living in fuel will be the children of the flames.”
-Old Proverb

The man known as Wilde skillfully guided his sleek Falcon fighter through the thick gases that were an inherent part of the system known as Sigma-13. Wilde was both the youngest and most experienced pilot of the group of pilots he flew with. Wilde was the most experienced pilot in the whole of the Gas Miners, and today was his big day, his one-thousandth gas run. The gas run was possibly the most dangerous and misunderstood fighter sortie in Sirius, as very few even knew what it was, and only the finest pilots of the Gas Miners had ever attempted it.

The gas run was a tremendously dangerous mission in that it involved a fast and furious run through the gas-rich fields of the system, which was one giant gas cloud, collect gas, and then return to the Gas Miner Naha, the Gas Miner base in the system. Many pilots had perished due to the common Outcast, Corsair, and Blood Dragon raids into the system, and even more had been killed in the giant gas pocket, which could swallow a ship in fire within seconds.

Wilde was nothing special on the outside. He was fairly small, small enough to fit comfortably in a cockpit, and of mostly Rheinland origin. He had had a blood test done on him at birth, as was done with the majority of newborns in Sirius, and it was found that he had a strange mixture of blood, due to a variety of intermarriages by his ancestors. He was not just of one nationality, but he was an interesting mix of blood of each of the five patron nations of Sirius, Hispania included.

In addition, he had trace amounts of blood from Canada, which was a destroyed North American republic of Earth, Russia, which had been a Coalition nation, and Italy, which was a crushed Alliance nation.

Wilde, on the inside, was an incredible pilot, who bragged that he could out fly any pilot that he crossed. He loved adventure, and after discovering that the Rheinland Military would not provide enough of it for him, he joined the Gas Miners.

Despite the warnings of his fellow miners, he went out on the first gas run he could get a spot on, and flew off into the clouds, with all the Gas Miners aboard knowing that he would not fly out of them again.

Six hours later, after everyone had given the party up for dead, a lone Falcon, engulfed in fire, and missing every single one of its guns, returned to the Naha. The pilot transmitted a docking code, and then his vitals went flatline. The station called its paramedic force down to the docking bay to receive the ship, and it made it’s docking approach, totally on autopilot, now that it’s pilot was incapacitated. No one had any idea which pilot it was, as its transponder was out.

The ship made its approach, nearly hit a Samura train, and landed on the docking pad. The paramedics pulled the charred body of Wilde from the cockpit, extinguished the flames on and in the ship, and hauled Wilde off to the medical bay.

They managed to return life to Wilde, and when he was identified, the station commander made the doctors triple-check the identification, since he simply did not believe young Wilde could have survived where another group of the GMG’s best pilots had perished.

Once Wilde came to, he recovered very quickly, and told a terrible story of how three wings of Outcast fighters had jumped the group, and Wilde and his wingman had survived, killed all the Outcasts, and then returned to the Naha through the torturous Tunnel of Hell, which was literally lined, top to bottom with gas pockets as powerful as plasma mines.

A pocket had swallowed his wingmate whole very quickly, and then Wilde had progressed alone. His ship was aflame when he emerged from the tunnel, and he had then flown through the middle of a confrontation between Corsairs and ALG fighters. His ship had been hit several times, but he had managed to make it back to Naha before he slipped into a coma.

He recovered from his heavy third and fourth degree burns, and went on another gas run a month and a half later, after studying every resource at the base on the fields until he felt that he could navigate the system in his sleep. If there was one thing about young Wilde that set him apart, other than his piloting skills, he never did anything halfway. He was never satisfied with second best, he always had to win, or be the champion, or do something that had never been done before.

On Wilde’s second gas run, he returned with barely a scratch on his ship. Nothing stopped him from there. He made a gas run as many times as he could. After only three years, he was on his thousandth gas run. This run was a momentous occasion, as only four Gas Miners had actually reached this point in their careers. Only three had survived it.

The Naha was full of people, ready to watch the pilots leave. Wilde was the only pilot to be going after the prize, but he went with a party of randomly selected pilots, as always. This occasion had not taken place for over a century, and the Colony News and representatives from the Houses of Kusari and Rheinland, as well as men from Samura, the IMG, and Republican were in attendance. This event was a fairly large one, and not much else was happening. The other notable guest was ww2jacob, who was attending his first public appearance after his election. He was there simply to meet important people from the houses there. He was the only faction leader attending, however.

The ships left without incident, and as there was a camera on Wilde’s ship, the guests and went to watch.

Wilde was flying with four other pilots. The most experienced was Jim Takahashi, who was on his two hundredth gas run. The greenest was a brand-new pilot named Hal Erikson, who was a fresh hotshot rookie out of Texas. Hal had been a Bounty Hunter, but he had left that life for something better, and had turned up in Sigma-13 a week ago, and had signed up for this immediately. Wilde thought the kid was like a younger version of himself.

The five ships had left the Naha five minutes ago, with Wilde’s golden Falcon in the lead. They flew off into the clouds of blue, to face terrible perils, and hopefully, return in one piece.

Edited by - ww2jacob on 4/13/2005 6:09:51 PM

Post Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:29 pm

Sweet as always jacob, sweet as always.


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