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D&D:Freelancer style Sign Up

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:07 pm

D&D:Freelancer style Sign Up

Ive decided to make a RPG where you,the player,are working for one of the many Houses,pirates,or corporations.I the GM will set plots and adventures and other thins,much like D&D.
I will use a number generator to decide diffrent outcomes

The first adventure will be :The Kusari War Machine

Setting:Kusari has ammassed sveral massive fleets.And now the houses are hiring almost everyone, even pirates

But sadly this is just the sign up thread

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:18 pm


Name: Triyun Kun
Affiliation: Former Corsair Squadron Commander turned Freelancer
Ship: Titan equipped witha cloaking device
Age: 35
Ship Loadout:
2 Hell Fire Missile Launchers
2 NOMAD Energy Blasters
1 Salamanca Mk II Turret
1 Sunslayer Missile Launcher
1 Ripper Mine Launcher
1 Advanced Countermeasure Launcher
1 Advanced Thruster
1 Cloaking Device
Biography: A former Corsair Squadron commander who grew wealthy enough from piracy to afford to buy his own ship and is reserving funds as well to hire others up for a freelancer mercenary squadron in the war. He'll fight for either side depending on the highest bidder. His current location is the Freeport 6 in Tau 29.

Edited by - Triyun on 1/20/2005 9:56:43 AM

Edited by - Triyun on 1/21/2005 10:53:01 AM

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:28 pm

Arania,how come whatever i do,you decide to jump on the bandwagon,first RYOC 1,2,and 3 now this,jeez! hehehe j/k your alright

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:13 pm

So how are we supposed to know what weps and crap we can use, like ive seen a few people using weps that arnt in standard Fl, so what weps and sheilds and stuff are their. ?

Edited by - Big G on 1/19/2005 8:13:43 PM

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:24 pm

Anything that wont destroy anything in one shot is not allowed,cloaks must be used sparingly,please base weapons related with your alligned faction IE If your with Rhienland use Flamecurse's and Stealthblades,you may hire other NPC's if you want.Please no laying your own plots,thats my job.I will allow any mine,missle,torp,warp drive(Only your ship,use sparingly) Codenames can be used as well

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:37 am

Name: Gyn Fardmeir
Affiliation: Liberty Navy (Flight Lieutenant)
Ship: Modified Liberty Defender (the kind that Juni was flying)

Weapons Loadout:
(Note: My memory is a little foggy at the moment, so this may be altered later)
Justice (Class 7) x2
Justice Turret (Class 5) x1
Catapult Missile Launcher x2
Advanced Countermeasure Dropper x1

Background: A Liberty nationalist from Los Angelas, Gyn joined the Navy and attended West Point Academy as soon as he could. He has graduated only recently and is currently awaiting his first military assignment.

Family: Gyn's parents are Rachel and Jason Fardmeir. He also has a sister, Serri.

Personality: Gyn is protective of his friends and family, and strongly believes in Liberty's government. He follows the orders of his superiors without question.

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:43 am

Can I have Arania's ship too? Jumping to any system would be very practical

As an RPG, it seems like fun, but without knowing the rules I can see a lot of "flexibility". I'm paying close attention to any developments though

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:55 am

If we can use our own ship I'm changing mine. Jump drives seem very useful as do cloaking devices.

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:22 am

Since I feel like it, here is my proposed system for Jump drives and related technologies, based off the FTL device used in my own science-fiction universe:

1. Jump drives rely on sub-particle sequencers to match the jumping ship to certain particle types - i.e., as they accelerate, they go from being standard particles to luminal particles to tachyonic particles. The reverse happens when they deaccelerate.

2. Jumps require a continuous light beam to enter and leave hyperspace. This means that you can only leave a system when you are accelerating fast towards its outer edge, and can only enter a system when you are pushing towards its star.

3. Jumps are instantaneous, and cannot be redirected. If you miss your target, you will "jump" to the next thing you would hit, usually somewhere a couple galaxies away. Missing is bad.

4. The "safe" range for a Jump depends on the drive. For now we'll assume that its more or less the same as the range used by Jump Gates and Jump Holes.

5. The necessary acceleration and deacceleration levels cannot be reached while in a gravity well. You have to put some distance between you and any large objects in the system.

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:55 am

If they are a continuous light stream that would mean they would move at the speed of light. Therefore they would be much to slow to go instantously a couple galaxies away.

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:13 am

I think we should only use ships from the standard Freelancer universe. Puts everyone on the same playing field.

Stormtrooper? Any thoughts?

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:09 am

The continuous light stream is necessary for acceleration deacceleration. It acts as a bridge between sublight and FTL speeds, the bit where you'd normally get condensed into a singularity and die. Once you've crossed that threshold, decreasing your energy will actually make you go FASTER (hence the tachyonic particles), so beyond that point all travel is more or less instantaneous.

However, once you're going FTL you need extra energy to slow down. This is why you have to be heading into a continuous light stream to deaccelerate. Besides which, the entire bit about missing and Jumping to another galaxy accidentally is intended as a way to keep Jumps to a range equal to that of the Gates and Holes. The only real difference was that you could make Jumps between previously unconnected systems, such as Jumping from California to Texas, or from New London to Edinburgh

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:16 am

Yes ships from Freelancer only,so Arania your ship has to go

Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:13 pm

Ok, thats fair enough, but can we use the unsold equipment (c10 shields, paralyser missile launcher, etc...)?

@arilias: intersting concept, i would say it is a reasonable design. how exactly is the light barrier broken? quantum tunneling has been proposed, but the only problem with that (theoretically) is that it modifies your quantum anchor, thus, when you deaccelerate back into real space, you will be in a different universe (and a different time, if i know my tachyon theory correctly). Although i must agree with you about missing, a frightening concept, although it COULD be theorised that, with proper calculations, it would be possible to jump to a target very far away (Sol to Andromeda for example, even sol to Calium). The only limitation with it is that you cant jump into a system that has no light-emmiting stellar object (Magellan, omicron beta, galileo, kepler, omega-41, etc...)

My own design-
The B-S drive. it breaks the light barrier by encasing the jumping ship in a semi-stable 'pocket' of space and instead of moving the ship, it moves the pocket the ship is contained in. relative to space insive the bubble, the ship isnt moving, but relative to outside the ship... well, thats only limited by 2 things: the size of the jump drive, and how much power you can put into it.
Because of the immense power requirements to run such a device, all ships equipped with it either have a massive 'sai;' that allows them to collect energy from the surrounding environment ouside the bubble, that is passing through it (tachyons, photons, graviton, dark matter, UCE) and uses that to power the drive. the bigger the sail, the faster you go. range is infinite, since the ship is not relying on an internal fuel source. and it can jump blind and redirect its course.

Edited by - Arania - PFY on 1/22/2005 4:34:53 PM

Post Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:58 pm

I really dont care about shields,they aint gonna help ya,its just a # generator 1-5,ya win,6-10 ya lose

Ive set the playing date to Feb 15

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