this looks like its going to be good. I've never done an rpg like this before, but...
Equipment for Demon Fires: Sunslayer torpedo launchers (they're only sold at Bruschal), Lancer Missiles, Advanced Countermeasure Flares, FireKiss MK I plasma guns (650 Hull damage, 325 Shield damage. Slow refire rate.), ripper mines, advanced thrusters, and Rhineland Deathkiss (or whatever they're called) laser guns (100 Hull damage, 50 Shield damage. Fast refire rate)
Berne, New Berlin
Erich Stalner breathed in deeply as he walked through the shadowy corridors of rock that make up Berne. Torches line the walls, burning. Just as the Demon Fires would burn away the corruption wracking Rhineland.
<HERR STALNER, please report to landing pad 5 for liftoff> creaked the intercom.
Stalner sighed, tying back his long raggedy hair. A small burst of excitement exploded in his chest as he and the other members of the Fires entered the docking bays.
Stalner walked over to the newest member of his guerrilla fighters, the young Maria Aarden. "Hail, Comrade." Maria smiled weakly. "Ready for your first mission with the Fires?"
She nodded and headed off to her Sabre.
<Bundschuh Squadron Theta 3-1, you are cleared for liftoff> the control tower declared. Stalner watched as Victor, a hardened geurilla rebel who had been flying with him for over five years, launched his Sabre into the asteroid field beyond Berne.
<Bundschuh Squadron Theta 3-2, you're free to go>
<Bundschuh Squadron Theta 3-3, you're cleared for launch>
Stalner watched Maria, number 3-4, ready herself at her controls, now cool, controlled, and in power over herself and her ship.
As she cleared her landing pad, Erich heard the control tower sound again: <Bundschuh Squadron Theta Leader, you're ready to go. Good luck out there> He nodded and soared outside of the station with the rest of his fighters.
<Hans, brief us on the mission> he announced into his intercom
<An executive of the Reichstag, Johann Flescher, is gonna be passing through the tradelane at Essen to get to New Berlin. The one responsible for that paycut Daumann workers got a month ago. We've got to take this guy out.>
<He's got help. Two, three wings of Valkyries escorting him. Maybe four if we're unlucky.>
<Shouldn't be too hard. Theta 2, go 1K under the trade ring. Theta 1, lead the assault. We'll hang behind and pick him off.>
<Theta 1 leader, heard and understood>
<Theta 2 leader, same here.>
The Demon fires split apart, preparing for the assault as Essen station neared in sight. Drawing closer, Theta 2 split off and started heading downwards, out of range of any radar signals. Stalner gave the order, and all ships powered down engines and waited.
Then they saw. Ships hurtling along in the normal golden blur of lane travel. Still 100 K away from Essen.
2 wings of Banshees passed through the trade lane from the other side, clearly waiting to dock with the station.
<Theta 2, change of plans. We can't afford to engage those Banshees. Take down the trade lane shields!>
<Heard and Understood. All ships fire at will.>
Within seconds the trade lane rings were down and offline, a good 30 K away from the station. Stalner heard over the intercom <Theta 2 wing, engaging enemy forces>
Stalner's wing and Theta 1 activated their cruise engines and soared towards the ensuing battle scene. 2 wings of Valkyries and a transport carrying Flescher. Not a problem in the least. <Affirmative Theta 2. Engage the Valkyries. Theta 1, engage enemy forces. Theta 3 go for the transport!> The Sabres responded like wildfire to his commands, launching missile after missile into the transport while the green flame of the pirated Rhineland plasma and laser guns the Fires had stocked up hit the fighters with dead, cold accuracy. An easy death.
(battle strategies: Launch missiles and torpedoes into the transport while gunning it down. As soon as its destroyed, hightail it out of there. Two ships remain at the back launching hordes of Countermeasures against any launched cruise disruptors.)
Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/26/2004 8:02:37 PM