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Ender of Ages

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:54 pm

Ender of Ages

I've been reading a few fanfic stories on here for a while now, and I thought I'd try my hand at writing one myself. If it sucks please tell me so.

The story is told from the perspective of an unnamed Corsair pilot fighting in the midst of the Omega 5 battle. It's rather depressing and fairly sordid. I'm a sophocles type of person, so at the end of it everyone's going to end up unhappy, depressed, mutilated, desolate, lonely, plagued, dead, or some nasty combination thereof

And without further adieu...

Ender of Ages, Chapter 1

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/19/2004 7:56:17 PM

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:54 pm

The asteroid fields of Omega 5 are a hostile, barren land. This place marks the battlefield that has seen so many deaths—of my friends, relatives, even the one man closest to me in life. This desolate wasteland of a system represents the pinnacle of pain and agony to everyone I’ve ever met, Corsair or Hessian.

My name, my identity, who I am is all irrelevant to the Elders of Crete. All that matters is I am the Corsair’s top pilot in this system—a reluctant combatant, doomed to continue a battle that will not end.

Wandering through the rock and ice, my Titan draws near to Ronneburg. I open and unlock my weapons—pirated Codenames from the Crow Nebula in Sigma 13. Steadily, stealthily, the steed of steel I fly draws within sight of the Hessian weapon platforms. My Titan remains unnoticed among the barren fields of rock. I ready my starkiller torpedo, preparing for the final assault.

Perhaps—perhaps this will be the last battle this system will see.

My mission is clear; to make my way to Ronneburg while the main fleet engages all Hessian patrol paths in the system. Destroy and disable the weapons platforms, crippling the base, while bombers will sweep behind me and destroy the remnants. Nice. Neat. Simple.


Almost within firing range now…edging closer…

Now only 1000 metres away from the first platform, I suddenly pause and stop. My ship edges forward. I realize what I am about to do—rob countless men, women, and children of their only defence. Prepare the way for their inevitable, imminent, mechanical deaths . People who had never attacked me, offended me, even those who by mere unhappy chance were born and live out their lives on that desolate rock, and they themselves have no grudge against the Corsairs. All these innocent lives burned and destroyed. More blood, more screams, more death.

And then a fleeting image of my brother’s face—cold, pained, and bloodied—brings my wits back to me. These people are Hessian. Cruel, murderous barbarians who have robbed me of everything I ever held dear. With new determination I veer forward, launching missile after missile into the base’s defence systems. The laughter resounds in my throat as the last platform is destroyed. The bombers now are visible on radar, and hundreds of torpedoes it seems are launched with grim accuracy at that station of death.

Great Cadiz greets me with the normal glow of the city’s lights. I am exhausted, with barely enough strength remaining to pilot my ship down to the landing pad far below. I slowly exit my Titan, gazing at this now-glorious rock of life. One word resounds through my head as the people of the base gather around cheering—VICTORY. A victory not only for the Corsairs, a victory for my dead brother, a victory against the Hessian hordes now lying dead, mutilated, and stranded in that asteroid wasteland…

A victory for me.

Now I am become death, the killer of worlds *

*From the Hindu text the Baghavad Gita.

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/19/2004 6:56:40 PM

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:32 pm

Not bad so far man, keep it up!

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:39 pm

Wow, Wilde! If you keep this up, it will be one of TLR's finest! You should have tried this long ago.
Good luck, and if you ever need tips, you know where to find me. Or Bret, or Codename, or any writer here for that matter...
Welcome to TLR's Writer's Club!

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:51 pm

thank you very much I'm complimented. I should have the 2nd chapter up by tomorrow

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:54 pm

Rock on man, this story is actually the best one I've heard yet!

No offense to all the other story writers out there but this one just kicks a$$!

Post Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:26 pm

Wow, thanks a lot DS!

ok, here's the next addition. Enjoy


I sometimes hear his voice in my head.

Antonio and I were close, closer than words could ever say. When I was young, my parents were captured by the Bretonian government and executed shortly thereafter. I was left with no one but him, a strange brother training at far-off Leon. A tall, handsome man, commanding, friendly…10 years older than I. He raised me among the rugged mountains and plains of Crete.

Even after I grew old enough to serve the Elders myself, he and I remained close. He was my friend, my mentor, my protector, my challenger. Patriotic, wise, brave, strong…everything a brother could ever ask for.

It haunts me to think of what those barbarians did to him. He was captured, along with all his patrol, flying too close to Ronneburg one fatal day. That was the day he disappeared, the day my life veered over the brink of destruction. Five months later, they released two videos of him. The first showed him alive—but barely. A walking skeleton, being kicked and thrown and whipped mercilessly by the damned Hessians. The second was of his corpse being hacked apart by an unnamed spectre.

I wonder why I ever had my doubts about this war.

Within weeks after my assault on Ronneburg, the Elders asked me to fulfill another job. To overtake Solarius station in Omega 11 and prepare for the last assault on the only remaining Hessian base outside of Rhineland. This warfare I now am becoming used to.

This time the attack is different. I approach with my wingmen from the east of the system, shooting down the navigation buoys as we fly along. The going is quick.
We approach the last stretch of the attack. The system—another barren and rocky asteroid-filled hellhole—slides quickly by as my wing activates its cruise engines and speeds towards the rapidly approaching Kruger station. De-ja vu. I ready my Codename weapons…

Several starfliers approach us rapidly. I nearly laugh at this pathetic resistance. My wing breaks out of cruise speed, readies their weapons, and prepares to engage a force not worth our time. As they come within firing range, I openly laugh in my cockpit and fire bolt after screaming, burning bolt into the ships of these poor fighters.

In less than a minute, the base is claimed in the name of the Corsairs. Remnants of the 20 or so starfliers we encountered straddle the surrounding area.

This mission has passed quickly and quietly, the lives of the Daumann workers passing away like shadows under a morning sun. This quiet system remains unchanged, as if the deaths of 20 men and women is the norm. The rock of reality remains unchanged by this cold, mechanical battle.

--Crete, Omicron Gamma--

I stare out over the cliffs and gullies of my home planet. Suddenly, with the rising of our sun, my eyes widen. I laughed as they died. 20 men and women, and I laughed. I slaughtered them mercilessly. 20 living, breathing, loving, dreaming men—I killed them all, ending their dreams, cutting off their lives in one fateful moment. Who am I to rob them of that? I’m…no better than the Hessians!

The battle runs through my mind over and over. The silver fire of my guns, final screams echoing from the ships as after only seconds they burst into flame and explode in a hell of pain and nothingness. The laughter in my throat.

I shake these thoughts free. None can afford to think like that. I will never revenge my brother’s death if I fall prey to guilt now. Shaking my head, I turn back to the distant early sunrise.

Post Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:56 am

Wow, this is really getting good, Wilde!
I'm very impressed.

Post Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:16 am

Thank you I'm going to be working on Chapter 3 today, it should be up in the afternoon.

Post Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:21 am

ah i knew you'd do well. hehe i dont think my stories or few others can compare... guess all those plays and screenplays you have been doing have kept you in gear. good luck!

Post Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:52 am

This is good. I can't wait to see the next chapter

I have seen the end of times, a future in which all our kind our torn from this world.

Post Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:23 pm

The next chapter should be up in about an hour, I just have to finish editing it .

Ok, here it is. The third and final chapter of Ender of Ages. Afterwards will follow a short epilogue, to be complete tomorrow.


All that remains of Ronneburg now is dust and rock straddling the deep, cold fields of Omega 5. It is not the same for Freital and Vogtland—Iberia and Madrid now that the bases have fallen into the hands of the Corsairs without incident. The Hessians have passed away into nothingness, one hundred million screams echoing briefly as the flames and rock and ice of Corsair guns spelled out their sudden deaths. After years, decades, centuries of war , we can finally claim victory.

Victory. The sweet word resounds between the steep mountains of desolate Crete, in the great city-asteroid of Cadiz, throughout the docks of Tripoli, within the rocky corridors of Leon. It rings throughout the borders of Sirius. From every corner of the Omicrons and Omegas the joyful word sounds again and again…

I, of course, am hailed as the single pilot responsible for this. It truly is I and no other who was responsible for the destruction of Ronneburg, it was I who prepared for the assault on Freital, I who organized the mass poisoning that took for us Vogtland. I am the saviour of my people.

Now my Titan flies through the orange dust that clouds Madrid from site. I feel a twinge of pride as the giant rock looms into view, overpowering in its magnificence.

It was, until only 5 days ago, the centre of the Hessian lifestyle, the very heart of the revolution, the best-defended base outside of Corsair territory, maybe even better defended and constructed than Ruiz or Cali. Ever since the capture of Freital, every Hessian in the Sirius sector would have been grouped at that base, waiting for the strike—not on patrol paths, not even in their ships. Every fighter was waiting, calmly, silently, inside that diabolic metropolis…waiting for the impending Corsair attack when they as one body, in a storm of fire, would break out of the base and come as a line of death towards the attacking armies. I can only imagine the poor hope these fools must have had as they waited for a battle that would never come. They knew full well that their equipment and ships were no match for the steeds of colossal force that the Corsairs had bred for centuries, so their only strength was in their ultimate superiority in numbers. If, if we had been stupid enough to fall for their trap…one can only think of what they knew would happen—the Corsair fleet decimated, our fighters retreating in shame, the destruction of everything we had worked for eight centuries to rebuild.

My plan was brilliant.

We knew that this would happen—of course we knew. It was my suggestion to the Elders that we…deal…with the inhabitants of Vogtland in another way besides force. A method that would deal away with any who oppose us for good.

Neuro-gas running through the ventilation shafts works remarkably well.

Cold-blooded? Perhaps. But I can never forgive the Hessians. They are monstrous, they are inhuman, they are barbarians. They deserved those last few hours of agony and torment, every man, woman, and child.

And now? The base is ours. We rule Omega 5, Omega 11, and are in position to overtake Dresden. We have prevailed.

I dock at the transformed Madrid, welcomed down to the landing pad by the warm light of victory.

As I exit the powerful ship, a young recruit—not even past his adult initiation—comes towards me, addressing me with fear and awe in his young eyes. He beckons towards me, asks me to follow him, and leads me to a building deep down below the landing pad. I follow, knowing what will come next. The Elders have promised me this honour.

Yes. It is the prison in which the Elders have kept the Hessian prisoners. The boy pushes open the brazen iron door of the cell, which clangs noisily upon the asteroid wall. I see the prisoners standing there, all men. Dressed in barren, torn, threadbare clothes, all of them shirtless, one can easily see the torture my leaders have put them through. Their ribs show through their paper-thin skin, their hair hangs weak and colourless around their shoulders, their faces are bearded and starved and pained. The worst is yet to come for them

Every one I see reminds me of my brother’s face.

In the eyes of one standing in that cell there shines one last dying glimmer of hope, of bravery, of beauty…one final glow of the ember of humanity.

These…these are the people who beat my brother down and hacked apart his murdered corpse. These are the barbarians who have killed and enslaved and tortured our people for centuries and now…one by one…they will suffer our final wrath. There will be no mercy for these inhuman monsters.

I choose one, the one in which the sparkling memory of his forgotten pride and beauty is left winking out in his eyes like a candle in the wind. Without pity, I kick him directly in the stomach and watch as he falls to the ground, writhing in pain. Walking up to him, I slowly slide my foot onto his groin. Increasing the pressure ever slowly but steadily, noticeably…waiting a minute before giving one final stomp from the heel of my boots on him.

He tries to pick himself up, his face a mask of agony. On his knees and hands now, he begins to cough and shake, writhing in the pain, red-spattered vomit spewing forth from his mouth like the blood of an angry god.

For another fleeting instant, I almost see Antonio in him.

Then the feeling is gone and I see only the Hessian, weak, rugged-faced, half-naked, sweat matting his hair and blood and vomit dripping from his gaping mouth.

I have finally avenged my brother’s death.


Click here for the final addition to the story !

Edited by - [ACWilde on 12/22/2004 7:53:40 AM

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:52 am

*eerie voice*

"don't he'll steal your soul"!!!!

Unknown person: if he doesn't i get second dibs.



Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:08 am

heeehee yes that's another soul I've got! sorry Dragonborn

Post Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:42 pm

Was I the only person smart enough to check the site? I knew about this soul-stealing business, because Wilde already tried to do it once. He almost succeeded, but then I stabbed him and took it back.

Story was great, Wilde!
Can't wait for the real ending!

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