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Freelancer: Forgotten Legacy

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:48 am

Freelancer: Forgotten Legacy

Ok my first fan fic this so I hope you like it. Feel free to post comments and any ideas for improvement


Edited by - Omega--Chief on 11/28/2004 10:39:10 AM

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:01 am

Its good I like it
when you make a new thread for a story, explain your story in the first post, like you did and then the chapter/prologue in a reply, it just makes it easier to read

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:22 am

OOh.... sounds like the borg found sirus........

heh, should be fun.

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:38 am

ah righto i'll just make a change

Post Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:40 am


Lightening whispered through the faint blue mist of a nebula far from civilized space. Another bolt of lighting flashed through empty space illuminating a distant shape. It was almost an exact cube, with several antennas like objects extruding at odd angles. The object continued to rotate slowly as it drifted through space, just as it had done for countless millennia only this time it drifted close to another object. The smaller object was a small ship that appeared to resemble a bird of prey; it ignited its engine and sped off into the haze.

Captain Samoto was rudely awakened from her peaceful sleep and refreshing dreams of the vast oceans of Honshu by a beeping comm. slowly she opened her eyes to survey her cramped quarters. There were nav maps on the floor, several half drunk cups of tea flavored synth paste and a variety of GMG uniforms scattered around the room. As she picked her way through the mess to the comm at her desk, she found it funny that after ten years working for the GMG the reward they gave her was captaining an old gas miner through the newly discovered sigma-20 system. This system had only been discovered a few days ago and already the GMG was mining, sigma-13 must be really drying up gas wise she thought. Finally Samoto reached the comm and pressed on of the many buttons on the device, almost instantly the beeping stopped replaced by the sound of her worried nav officer:

"Sorry to wake you mam, but one of the scouts found............" His voice trailed off

"Found what?"


Bewildered by this statement Captain Samoto hurriedly put on a jump suite and tied her raven black hair back before hurrying to the bridge.

By the time she arrived the crew were already in the complicated process of docking the object with the gas miner.

"What do we know about the object?" The captain inquired

"Preliminary scans indicate it to be very old, on the order of several million standard years. Metal analysis seems to indicate it is an artifact from the Dom Kavosh. It looks like it may be an escape pod as there are several hatch shaped doors on the object; the team will open and began a search when it is secure"

"Ok leave the comm open I want to hear what they find" She ordered


"Where did the recon hawk find it?"

"Sector Delta seven coordinates 173 32..." the officer was interrupted by a chilling scream from the survey team.

"What the?" Samoto soundered aloud just as the comm went dead. Feeling terror she started to type a command at her command console.

Something moved through the ship. Power fluxed and went out on several decks and the corridor out side the bridge was plunged into darkness. Samoto pressed the last key on her console just as the bridge door exploded inwards.

What she saw rushing in chilled her to the bone and burned into her memory an image that would stay with her for the rest of her life.......all 2 seconds of it.

The last of the lights went out and the engines failed and so the gas miner began to drift............

Until the engines were reengaged plowing the gas miner back the way it came towards the jump hole to sigma 13. To Sirius and the colonies. Towards more of what was in the pod wanted.....................


Chapter 1 coming soon hope you enjoyed that prologue

there we go all fixed

Post Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:29 am

As promised the next chapter

Chapter 1: Old friends

New York system: Planet Manhattan

James Stevenson woke up in a cols sweat and wiped his eyes. James was a young man of medium height and weight. He had short dark brown hair that refused to stay straight and blue eyes.

James looked around the small room; it was a very tidy place mainly because he had only been here for one day. He tried to remember why he had woken up feeling so terrified but couldn't remember. After a frustrating five minutes he decided to get ready for the day. After a quick shower he slipped on his flight suit and opened the window to be greeted by sunrise over Manhattan. The unfamiliar sky scrapers on the skyline stretched as far as the eye could see, the morning sunlight reflecting off the shiny metal surfaces.

He produced a tube of synth paste from a battered brown bag beneath his bed and began to open it while turning the T.V. on with his free hand.

" as you saw so many xenos have been killed the faction has been declared extinct."

"Great the news”, James thought to himself

"Now today’s other main story:
Fleet admiral Edison Trent of the liberty navy 3rd fleet has announced his retirement. The liberty navy is saying its final fiar wells to one of there finest officers in sigma 19 where he will be granted a place to stay by the Kusari government. Admiral Trent will join his wife.........."

James changed the channel

"And so shortly after the blood dragons seized power the liberty navy rendered its old dreadnaughts obsolete with the new Osiris class battleship. Yet instead of scraping the old fleet they were sold to the highest bidders........."

"History channel, boring" he thought.

"And so Richard lynx was able to return safely home and bring us proof that the outcasts were from the.............."

The T.V. faded from James mind as he heard that name; it made him remember his past...........:

He was born to a family of freelance cargo haulers who spent most of there time flying around Bretonia aboard there train. As a young child James had learned how to operate a ship, and his parents often let him have a go at flying the ship. This happy existence was shattered the day an outcast raiding team ambushed them while on a daring run to Freeport 10. His parents were killed in the attack, yet some how James had survived to be picked up by zoners. He spent the rest of his childhood aboard Freeport 10 helping the zoners live there far-flung lives.

When he turned sixteen the zoners gave him a ship, an old falcon, and James used this ship to explore the whole of Sirius. From gazing at the beauty of the suns of sigma 17, to dodging the radioactive hell of omegas 11 and 41.

It was during these travels he met Richard lynx. Richard was the son of a wealthy business man from liberty and had started filming a series on escaping from pirates when he was ambushed by a fleet of outcasts while filming in Leeds. James had heard the distress call and aided Richard, but in the process James ship was destroyed. Richard had taken him back to liberty and had his father buy James an eagle. From then on James had guided Richard throughout Sirius, and on many pointless searches for mythical wrecks, all for the good of a T.V. program. It was funny that most of the time James name was never mentioned, yet he was the one who did all the work.

There latest trip though had actually found something, the "Hispania". And so James had wound up on Manhattan waiting for his eagle to be repaired.

"Next a meeting is being help on California to show off ageria's latest invention the A.I. ---------”

James turned off the T.V. and heard his neural net phone beep.

"Hello Mr. Stevenson your eagle is finished pick her up in bay seven" Set a curt voice

"Got it" James replied

He pressed the hang up button, yet the phone beeped again.

"James its Rick, come to California, my dad is showing off a great new invention!" Exclaimed a youthful liberty accented voice.

"This had better be worth it, you told me I was on vacation for five weeks." James replied

"Aww come on man, I promise you won't get shot at this time"

"Fine then, but if I am......"

"Yea yea yea you'll never help me again" and the phone went dead

James walked towards the door which slid open. Once on the street he headed for bay seven. Still he couldn't shake off a feeling of dread.


Omicron beta: sector D7

"Why are we always on far patrol amigo?"

"Because the commander hates you"

"Well at least we get more cardimine on this run"

"Only to keep us alive"

"Well there’s never anything out here so why don't we just..........huh sensors are picking something up!"

"What the hell?"

"It’s just up ahead"

"Hey, there’s a big ship out there like a miner or som........................... BY THE HISPANIA!"

And the outcast patrol stayed frozen in terror even as the shape they saw loomed towards them, asteroids bouncing off it until it reached towards the sabers with a lance of red energy.................................

Post Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:55 pm

So.. what happens?

Post Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:47 am

its a mystery you'll have to wait till chapter 2 secedualled for sunday

Post Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:05 am

*please let it be borg* *please let it be borg* *i always wanted someone to write a story about borg plz plz plz i can write fanfics*

Post Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:38 pm

It's not the borg, energy colors, borg shots are green or blue if I remember correctly

"I like liberty rogues, they make a funny little popping sound when they die"
10 points to whoever guess what I messed with for that

Post Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:46 am

A little later than planed

Chapter 2: Mysteries and Manhattan
Planet Manhattan, New York system, Liberty space

James walked out of the bright early morning sunlight into the shadow filled bay seven. There in the center of the bay rested his eagle, it was a wonder fully sleek ship that looked very similar to its namesake.

He walked up to the hatch and the familiar computers voice stated:
"Identification please"
John put his thumb onto the small glowing blue square by the side of the ship.
"Confirmed, welcome back"

James walked up the relatively small cargo bay, checking his supplies
"Good they didn't steal anything", he muttered to him self. With this check done he walked up to the pilots chair and strapped himself in. As he was putting his flight helmet on he started up the eagles systems. Lights pulsed across the controls and along the outside of the ship, eventually there was a shudder and the eagle jumped two meters off the floor and hovered there.

Once all the checks were complete the bay door opened and sunlight streamed in, James angled the nose up and yanked the throttle all the way forward and at this command the eagle flew up towards the sky accompanied by a sonic boom.
After nimbly dodging the morning traffic James flew a lap round the old sleeper ship "Liberty" and flew off into the upper atmosphere.

Once there he joined the mass of merchant and police vessels waiting for the docking ring to open. When it did all the ships flooded out into the crowded space around Manhattan. Out here all kinds of transports and trains chugged there way to and from stations and mooring fixtures. There were freighters and fighters from all corners of the colonies. One ship in particular caught James eye, an old liberty dreadnaught was docked at Newark station. What was odd about it was that it had the characteristic green jump gate logo of Ageira technologies.

"I’ll have to ask Rick about that one" James thought to himself as he turned his eagle around and flew towards the trade lane. Just before he docked the sunlight that was streaming into his window suddenly stopped. James looked at what was blocking it and let of a sigh of admiration. thee liberty Osiris class battleship "Memphis" flew by escorted by its cruiser group.
And with that the trade lane activated flinging James to west point academy
20K from planet Hiran, Sigma 19, Border worlds

Captain Johnson reclined in his chair aboard the liberty cruiser "Forlorn".
He had just over seen the arrival of the entire Kusari fleet for this celebration. They now rested with the liberty 2nd and 3rd fleets by the planet getting ready for the admiral retirement. There was nothing to worry about so he began to doze off.

"Captain!" Yelled his sensor operator
"What the, why you wake me up stacker?"
"Sir was picking up an incoming contact!"
"Calm down son bring it up on the main viewer"
The sensor signature of a GMG hawk appeared on screen
"See nothing to worry about” the instant the captain said this twenty more arrived followed by six falcons.
"There just doing a patrol I’m sure” he muttered
"Additional contacts!"
And 24 sabers appeared on screen
"Why aren’t the GMG attacking those outcasts?"
"Unknown sir"
"Scan those ships"
"They show up with little or no life signs sir......" replied stacker seemingly shell-shocked

"Ok warn the fleet, bring us around, switch to real time view"
The screen showed pinpricks of light in the distance growing rapidly closer
"Warm up the for..............."the captain stopped mid syllable as the cloud parted to reveal something for a split second before the bridge was blown apart by a sunslayer torpedo............

Post Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:17 pm

I think I speak for all of us when I say,

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:15 am

This is pretty good!...suspense is killing me.

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:42 am

I still like it cool, and the wtf? factor needs to be included all the time from now on.

Post Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:22 am

WTF!!! WTF!!! WTF!!! NO NOT THE BEAST!!!!!!!

ARGHHHH * runs away in terror* ....

5 hours 34 min and 23 sec later...


another 7 hours 57min and 19 sec later...


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