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The Black Pearl

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:51 pm

The Black Pearl


My name is Prometheus Zane, I was once an acclaimed Kusari Naval Forces Commander, and soon to be a captain of The Kusari Battleship Myoko.

On Day i met a woman name Junko Kamisashi. She was a beautiful woman and a wonderful Pilot.

We dated for a couple of years and then I married her.

Then she was offered a job far from our home on planet Tokyo. It was for a detective and fighter pilot in the Liberty Security Force.

She left in august. I never heard from her again.

after she left and didn’t contact me i presumed something had happened to her and i went after her.

I looked around all of Sirius and didn’t find her. it was very hard as the LSF was very secretive and would not disclose her whereabouts to me.

Fast forward 3 years later, I’m sitting on a bar stool on the Freeport 9 space station in Omicron Theta. I look up to the news channel and it is buzzing about some aliens being destroyed by some Brit name Edmund Trent. who cares, not like it affects me eh? I’ve been killing nomads for about 2 years!

then while I’m watching a familiar face shows up on the screen. its Junko Zane. my Juni on the screen holding hands with this dam Brit.

i was very pissed and got drunk and never thought of her again.

after that incident I left for liberty space, time to start my new life. I headed for planet Pittsburgh and bought my self a Rhino mining ship. then I headed for Colorado and mined for a year strait.

i currently hold the record for most money earned while mining. can u believe 1.7 million credits!!! after that i bought a liberator fighter ship and became hunting for criminals. i was sitting at a bar on Los Angeles one day and was approached by a man referred to as Top Gun. he wanted me to join up with his movement. I said sure ill join and i did.

fast forward 4 months. I am happily sitting at the rank of Lieutenant Zane of The NemWar Movement. we work out of the Guangxi System and we fight those money hungry Hunters know as the CoC. we don’t know what it stands for but we have some ideas(lol).

today I currently own 4 ships!

I am the proud owner and operator of the Black Pearl Trading post in Manhattan, New York.
I also do lots of trading in the new Berlin system threw the Alpha system!.

then when I get bored there I leave those stations behind and fight with friends and enemies usually in the sigma 13 system, or sometimes Alaska.

But when My Clan is in a hustle over territory I lock and load up into my Kusarii gunboat and prepare for war.
I don’t mind dieing though, its the thought of dieing alone that really scares me.

This is the prelude to my story describing where I’m at in the beginning of the story.
The names and characters In this story are totally irrelevant to the real server names and the story is fictional. This story was written based on the evolutions mod v1.28

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:09 pm

Chapter one:

I hurried down the hallway headed to the bridge of his Black Pearl. There was a disturbance somewhere in Guangxi and I was determined to figure out what it was. He scanned the area. No irregular ships running threw the area. Wait I had found something. It was a faint signal, probably belonging to a stealth ship. And the only Stealth Ship I knew of was the Ravenclaw. I knew what that meant. CoC were in the system. He alerted Shan Michael, head of the Nemwar . Shan decided that my Squadron was to go out to check it out. I alerted my team of fighters and we headed out. About halfway to the area were the last signal was picked up we saw an explosion. It was the shipyard we had just left. Those dammed CoC had gotten threw!. Why spun a 180 and headed back. When we got there the shipyards were gone, and so where the CoC. We suffered many casualties. Only a few lifeboats got out safely. We tractored them in and headed for XinXain. When we arrived we were greeted by Shan himself. He asked what happened and I told him the whole story. It seems the CoC had been working out of the planet Niagain in this same system. We would attack the planet full force. We are pirates and we show no mercy. The Black pearl was suited up for battle, including a massive anti aircraft setup and extra armor plating. This made the ship handle very poor, but ensured a safe return for us. We were accompanied be the Hand of Fury, Capital ship Of “Top Gun” . It was a Rhineland class which meant it was leading the attack. To His left was Captain Jobe’s Kusari Battleship. He was going to be leaded the ground attack on the planet. His ship was filled to the brink with Kusari Drop ships. When all fighters were accounted for we set off., It was a Magnificent sight to see. 3 different Battle Squads brought together by one idea to make peace in the world. Many people would have to die because of the COC’s actions but it is necessary to do this because we must.
We set our course for the near by planet of Niagain. 20k away…..18k away…..12k away.
Alarms seemed to come from everywhere. Suddenly 1 CoC Bretonian class battleship uncloaked right in front of our squads path. Our ships halted and prepared to fire. I grabbed the intercom. “Prepare to fire!” I said. “on My mark…3

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 7:44 pm

hmm i like i like you got talent for writing

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:35 am

hes got talent but he shold be puting it in subing it to the fanfics.


Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:15 pm

subing it?

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:31 pm

one thing i have to say, neds more detail, you know the small things.otherwise it's quite good.

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 6:34 pm

yeah small things are good and hard

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:11 pm

sry guys i have been away fir a while. um im kinda busy atm my car needs fixin. next chapter will be coming sometime but i dont know when.

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:39 pm

Not bad.... Lancer..

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