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RPG ideas

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:58 am

RPG ideas

I started this thread so that people who have idea's for RPG's can post them here and see what other people think of them so that we will hopfuly avoid more of the copycat arguments. Also its stops the forum being clogged up with threads saying "I have an idea".

So all you people who want to start RPG's just tell us your ideas

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:34 am

RPG, Total War

a lot(almost exactly to say the least.) like my last RPG, Total War. But no one joined it, so I will present my idea and you guys can tell me if I should even bother to put it up this time.....

March 14th 313 A.S. Sirius system.

Ever sense the American sleeper ship, the Liberty, the German ship the Rheinland, the Japanese ship the Kusari and the British ship the Bretonnia had escaped the Solar System and came to Sirius, there had been peace throughout the colonies. Until 313 A.S. that was.... A small terrorist group known as the Resistance began an all out war.....

I will give more details on the background story if I even put this one up. And please, no one take my idea.

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:05 pm

i have a RPG (already started) were you control a faction and can delcare war or make peace so its like leading a FL nation.

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:05 pm

The Farmers Revoloution (i spelt that wrong right?)

ok, really stupid idea, but....

In a chance meeting in Sig-13, the Farmers Alliance and LWB have discovered each other. Both being Farmers' rights groups trying to overthrow Synth Foods, they try to take down Synth Foods' home base at Planet LA. Wow thats hard. If anyone actually wants me to start this, say now. Or start it yourself.

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/4/2004 1:07:24 PM

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 10:57 pm

this is stupid but:

Former workers Revolt

After suffering enough years of being fired, mistreated, etc..... Groups of unsatisfied workers joined the pirate groups such as unioneers, lane hackers, mollys, rogues, etc.... Now the numbers are great and they have formed an alliance to get revenge. Law authorities are unable to coop with the problems and said they need a miriacle

( Outcast, the idea sounds interesting)

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