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Pilot Armanda

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:49 pm

Pilot Armanda

dont be fooled by the title i dot know what a Armanda is im just guessing it means flet anyhoo it sounds cool so what you going to do

getting to the point i am making a sequel to my rarly read Pilot 1 pilot 2 and Starsearch
this is my next fanfic and i ganrantee it will at least make you feel a little bit sad. and you will hate me for writng such a derpressing series but thats me at least there will be lots of fighting.
as some might notice i am turning out fanfics like a factory and i say who asked you. but kidding aside its becuase the computer i use to play Freelancer is in the shop for THREE bloody weeks three stinkin weeks. so i am sad and mad so i will channel that all into my mian Charater: Arion

Now if any of you read Pilot 2 or Starsearch this is Lixins son. now 19 and the story is fresh out of his mouth (and boy is it dirty (the mouth not the story) )

so chapter one starts in a little while

well all must have waffles all of us
we must have waffles forthwith

Edited by - DSQrn on 9/4/2004 1:07:33 PM

Post Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:05 pm


it was aful. i had suffered for so long. first my father died saving me from them when i was little. but somehow they cameback and started to kill us. Rhienland had fallen. they killed my mother in front of me. when i was 8 it was aful just aful. ow i am 19 and salavged a ship and i swear i will kill them all or die trying. i lead a group of rouge human we are humanitys last ope and we wait of rthe day of judgement or....... death


i sat alone in my ship hidden in the nebula were they wouldn't find us. t was the only safe place to sleep. i nevr could sleep any more. after years of torture and pain. and years to come.

"Leader we are ready to strike. hail the never dying sun." a pilot said to me. the never ending sun. im sure those, those things could take that away too.
"everyone ready? follow me men" i said
"we follow you to death great leader" said the pilots

we amerged from the nebula and we slowly flew so no scanner could detect our ships. they were fine vessels so perfect that half of the time you only knew they were there becuase you could see them. and they were very very hard to see. i didn't car for many of my dead men only for her ships. if the men could not fight they deserved to die. i lead every attack i could. i was the leader and it was my job to die with nthe men or live with the men.

we flew slowly towards one of there stations. filled with there sickened people who watched the battleground.
"ready torpedos" i said i was detirmened to kill everylast one of them.
"ready sir" the second in command said.
"fire" and as i said that i saw into the walls i saw the kids hugging there parents and oddly i wanted everylast one of them dead.

End chapter one

Im sorry if this is a bit to depressing for people but thats sorta the way i write at times

well all must have waffles all of us
we must have waffles forthwith

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:06 am

Chapter 2

The station exploded those creatures tried to launch their ships but we killed every last one in cold blood. I was happy to see them die. If I could I would of waited for reinforcements to come and kill them.
"Lets go back into the nebula I got another strike team to lead waiting there. Lets move!" I yelled annoyed with the slowness of my group. I guess maybe because I was harsh I didn’t have any friends within the group. I didn't care, not one bit.
"Leader should you not rest let me command the strike team." my second in command said to me
"No! I cannot send men into battle without being there to win or die among them." I yelled. The fool thought I was a Rhienland general. I can’t believe these people... I wasn’t a leader. It was simple I was just a better fighter and a better leader then anyone else. I could never send a man to his death without being there.
We pulled of into the nebula. It was a simple strike not one to be proud of. I didn’t like the fact that my men could not do one strike rest for a few minutes then do another. Was rest more important then freedom? I also wondered did any of these men think we could win. Did I think I could win?
We came back to were the other men were waiting in there ships. I made sure we didn’t build a station for a few reasons. One, I mad them soft. Two if there ship was there home they would do a better job protecting it. Three, if we were ever attacked we could flee and leave nothing behind.
“Strike team beta this is strike team alpha.” I said. “Ready yourself in formation I will be with you I a moment.”
‘Yes leader. We will fight as long as the sun still burns.” Came the usual reply. Them and there bloody rituals. Makes them weak these men were not even in the core worlds when this war began. My mother before she was killed said that my land was Rhienland and that there was Kusari, Liberty, and Brettonia I think we were in some system called Tua. I didn’t even know if there were other resisters. I could only hope.
“strike team ready to move out?” I said
‘yes sir, to victory or to death” Beta teams leader said.
“lets go kick some Alien ass” I yelled

End chapter 2

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 1:36 pm

Chapter 3 note if you want to get the full feeling of this chapter read it listing to Aces high by Judas priest.

My team was just emerging from the nebula for our strike when we spotted a battleship patrolling. From records I found some battleships could have 200 fighters onboard. So I called a stop to my squad.
“Okay guys looks like we got a prob. If we are going to take that thing out we need to do it in the first strike. Our torpedoes can’t do that so I have sent for reinforcements. I the mean time ready your weapons.”
“Roger leader will do,” said the second in command
We waited for back up but it was starting to take awhile. I didn’t know what to do. All I could do though is try to take it out after all that’s what we said. Now it was time to put our beliefs to the test.
“Men” I said “ we have waited for back up and no one has come take most of you H-fuel and mount it on the torpedoes for a bigger explosion.”
“But sir” a pilot said “we won’t be able to get back”
“I know that” I said back to him “but if we take out a battleship we have put a dent in there war machine and I’ll be damned if im going to give up because im a afraid I might not make it home.”
“yes sir” the pilot said “I understand”

We started to fly towards that battleship. When the younger pilots around age 15 started tog get scared.
“sir I don’t… I…. Just … can’t… I don’t want to do sir” one of the younger ones said to me
“look I have been risking my life every day every strike for freedom and I will die for YOUR freedom you should be able to die for MINE.” I said fed up with cowards.

Cowards is why I am possibly that last hope of humans. Cowards is why my mom is dead. She died because of one person, My dad. He found these aliens he was the one who brought them here he was the one who made me fight when I was just a kid. Before I had to yank people and force them to fight. To anyone who wasn’t someone fighting this would sound cruel and mean. But to us fighters this is important. it is a insult that anyone wouldn’t fight.
We were in range and I knew it was now or never.
“FIRE” I yelled

As the battleship blew up in swirls of smoke and flame I knew there was no going back now.

End chapter three

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:22 pm

Chapter four

“Alright the battleship is down” a pilot yelled
“Everyone move into the breach,” I yelled
“Incoming hostiles” another pilot said
“Got lock on target two going into the breach wish me luck” my second in command said over the COM.
“We got cruisers on our left, switching to sensor and visual flight “ another pilot yelled over the fray
“I’m hit I’m hit” a young pilot yelled as he burst into flames
“Were being over run help” one man yelled
“I’m running out of fuel switching to full impulse drive” another person said
“Hold steady men I think I an get us outa here” I yelled “drop mines behind you and exploded them near you. The force will propel you far enough away from that battle will regroup there.”

I saw ships come in come out lasers and debris everywhere. Men’s death screams were heard over the COM. Others were crying at the death of friends and family.

“I am calling HQ for fuel.” I said “well be out of here don’t worry. HQ this is leader Arion class 66235 code 78755 requesting fuel convoy, over.”

“This is HQ here we had to flee, they have a blockade we can’t get through” HQ said “sorry leader good luck. To death”
“To death” I said “okay men I figured this out there are six of us including me three of us are going to stay the others well you can’t go to HQ there a blockade. Find a new site and tell us when you have.”
“But leader” a pilot said, “we need fuel to do that”
“The three that remain aka Simon me and Nix. We will give our fuel to you. Transfer now”
“ Were departing good luck leader’ said a pilot
“Okay men ideas” I said “anyone? Nope”

I wondered what could possibly save us? We were dead men. I thought about this for hours. Time trickled by slowly. Our oxygen was running out. I had one last idea.

“Men I give you two options. One death. Two surrender. You have five minutes before I decide for everyone.” I said sadly maybe, I could escape their prison planet in liberty just maybe

end chapter 4

Post Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:01 pm

Chapter 5

so there i was. on a planet i beleive once called pittsburg. now called Dron' Ko' La' Tesh. were human slaves mined all day. they didn't want us dead they wanted us alive. in truth it was me they wanted. they killed the others.
but this is just what i needed. they figured that we would be to weak to fight . Wrong. me and about 70 other ment were prepared to rebel. maybe we just had pick axes, but they were armed with a strange pike. 7 feet high with a wick curved blade.
me and the 70 men were going to hit the troop center and hangar at night. kill lots of them steal there fighters and fly with the all the cargos filled with goods. fly into the "badlands" and build a base. i realized that the men needed a home. but this would be a huge base mounted with turrets and such. a center for our fight. to do this though we would need to hide in the badlands and make sure no one leaves.
so it was simple once my group stoll the fighters we would resuce other camps , get the men , take them to supply depos, stea frieghters filled with goods and such and head to the badlands.

"Durok, have the men been trained to fight like i asked." i said
"Yes sir we are ready for the strike." Durok said
"good, good tonight we strike. tonight we will have hope. tonight we may have a home durok. you were born in the mines durok and soon you will soar among us in space live in space. Durok it will be wonderful."
"leader the camp one mile to the north has rebeled and met out forces and has sworn to serve us if we can lead them to space." a guard said to me
"very well. give them what they need." i said "tonight we will strike and kill those who oppose us"

End chapter 5

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:47 am

Good, keep it up!

Titan, Sabre, Eagle; yeah they're great
But if you want to turn, then you'll have to wait.
So if you wanna get the job done
And you want some fun
Then hop in the Defender
And don't forget your gun!

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:11 pm

Not to sad?

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:02 pm

Chapter 6 Into the night

I polished my small pistol given to me by the band of renagade miners. they had killed all there guards, so i knew that it was tonight or never.
me and all my men made our way to the large encampment. i could se al the scared looks on there faces. one shot from my pistol and we would raid the encampment and kill them all.
"show no mercy to these dogs of war. show no mercy to these beasts. they will not spare your life so we will not spare there's. if you see something of there's thant you or none of us can use, burn it. now let us ride forth and bring victroy and dive them from the universe" i said

then i fired my pistol and we charged. killing anyone who stood in our way. burning slashing, it was all the same. we shot and and slashed those who would fight. and those who wouldn't we threw into fire.
we took all sorts of flammable liquids and covered the camp in them. we ran to the hanagr and veryone took a ship. it was amazing if you could see it the flames so high as 120 ships rose up fly across the suface destorying what gort in there way.

we got lots more fighters and frieghters. the planet could not defend itself and other ships were to big to come down. soon we had about 600 ships 100 frieghters. the rest were fighters. small fighters like little flys i guess.
when we came into space it was like a swarm of bee's execpt me destroyed the battlehsip there and then with all the goods that we had we flew deep into the badlands.

We went into the center and cleared out a small area. then ships came and starte to build the station. for the first few days we build a center pod. then we built over the next two weeks two other pods next to it. then we built a beam leading across to 8 docks. turrets everywere, and we built enviro domes to harvest food.
it was a massize station it could fight of a battleship and with 500 bug fighters... but one thing about the bug fighters. they can't rival a good VeryHeavyFighter. i mean these things have one to two turrets. why they win battles is becuase they are fast and they swarm.

it had been a long 19 years but finaly i had a home

End chapter 6

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:19 pm

Chapter 7

I was the first to walk aboard our base. in the morning i was to adress the men and tell them the name of the base. i hated speaches, people judge there leader by the mouth not by the gun. and in this day and age that was what mattered. a fine base i thought a fine base for a not so fine time. it took months of work but we did it. we built a base hat could efned against anything. 200 turrets 5 Enviro domes 6 control domes 15 cargo bays. 8 docking posts. and of course a shipyard added on. we would win this war. we cannot just die i thought.
i now had a army. a small army maybe but still. acording to maps and such we were a long way away from our old base.
I had ordered the construction of weapons platforms around the base and deep in the badlands to warn us of strikes. one of my reaschers said that we could make a jumpgate to other systems but i told him that it as to early. m second in command came walking up the hallway.

"Forik, were do i sleep. were is my room." i asked
"sir we have a large room with one bed and a desk. is there anything else you need?" Forik said
"yes a chest filled with my close and a weapons rack with four rifles and 4 pistols and 8 grenades. oh and a fridge and a cooker." I said "i never have had a 'room' before."
"as you wish sir" Forik said
"oh Forik" i said
"Yes sir" Forik Replied
"don't call me sir" I told him
"yes si- yes Arion" Forik said

I walked down to the kitchen were the men ate.

"cooks make my men the finest meals you have" i said " and don't spare the beer!

The men cheered throwing there hats into the air. i was happy now for the first time in my life i was happy and i was at home. i got a message telling me were my room was, so i went to it. it was wonderful, running water, fridge, bed, fresh cloths, i was so happy.
i picked up one of the rifles it was stout strong and poweful. then i walked over the in station com.

"Forik?" i said
"Yes sir" he replied
"is there a place i can shoot this?' i asked waving the gun.
"yes sir check the map on the computer" Forik said
"oh and Forik" i said
"yes' he said
"what did i say about the'sirs'"

i lay down on my bed. it was so wonderful that i fell asleep instantly. Forik woke me up the next morning.

"Arion time for your speach." he said
"coming' i said

i walked down the hall and into the speach room. i stood at the podium

"people today we have a home" i said. the crowd cheered loudly " after years of strugle we are at home. this is a massive station powerful big like we are." they cheered again " so now me must fight and chase these bastards out of Siruis. kill them kill them all. then we will find the survivoirs and rebuild humaniy. so there for i only can say that it is only right to name this home ,out home Hope."

End chapter 7

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:46 pm

Chapter 8

Insanity... Hope... are they the same thing? Why do we fight a losing battle....... These things have been asked to me by the men. in truth i don't know all i can say is keep fighting. i walked into my Quarters and turned on the in station com

"all members of the restience get to your ships take our side arms and ready yourself. today we have finished a battlehship and today i am gojng to take 300 men in fighters and the battleship and we are going to attack the center of there cpntrol in this system. Harikian' Va' to' lakemaki' ha' wo station. it has the entire fleet pf this system there and we are going to destory it. i will be there with you. do not fear death. do not fear. be ready to give your life for the world. WE WILL WIN !!!!!" i said

i then walked down the hal towards the loading bay for the battlehship. i got aboard and walked down the halls to the bridge. i sat in the captains chair and once agian turned on the com.

"once again i speak to you. i am issuing ranks. i as the leader will take fleet admiral. my second in command will be rear admiral. then my advisors will all be admirals. wing commanders can issue ranks to squad commanders and squad commanders can issue ranks to there squad. also admirals can issue ranks to anyone. ranks for the squad are, from lowest to highest. private. corpral. srg. then for Squad commanders there is. Lt. then Lt. colonel. then general from on star to 5 star." i said "set a course to just outside sensor range from enemy fleet. we are going to make history, boys."

end chapter 7

as i sat upon my throne.
a man threw me bone.
why i asked
but the man put on a mask
so i sat
but he beat me with a mat
i called a guard
but he cliamed to be a bard
i said out
he began to pout
he didn't even wear a tie
then he began to cry
why are you sad
becuase my face is bad
change it
alas id rather be thrown into a pit

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:57 pm

Still good!
And no, its not too sad, but it is different. From Freelancer that is.
Again, nice job!

Titan, Sabre, Eagle; yeah they're great
But if you want to turn, then you'll have to wait.
So if you wanna get the job done
And you want some fun
Then hop in the Dagger
And don't forget your gun!

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 8:59 pm

yeah i had to add a twist ya know
i thought the aliens Lixin encountered in StarSearch would be interesting

to be fair this was stronly inspired by two tv shows i like alot

Jermmaih (a new show about survirers of a explosions that killed anyone over puberty)
Andormeda (a starship captain who is trying to resore order to the galaxie)

Edited by - DSQrn on 9/5/2004 10:02:26 PM

Post Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:19 pm

Chapter 8

Our fleet, just outside of the enemy sensor range. on my word hundereds of men will die. on my word the greatest battle ever will be fought. all on my word. and i gave my word.

Suddenly Hundereds of ships are charging at each other lasers blaring. I saw many men killed in the first wave. my ship was rocked as vollys of lasers hit it.
Ships weaving in and out of battle. burnt ship hulls and such floated everywhere.

"Delt wing through the gap"
"gamma wing fall back to the battleship"
"alpha wing fire at will."
"beta wing fire missiles."
"i can't hold them"
"im hit im hit"
"watch out"
"fire dammit fire"
"the alien battlship is ready for boarding."
" i cant shake em"
"got lock on target five, chasing"
"incoming fire"
"oh my god look at that.."

the com buzzed and buzzed. we were about to board the Alien battleship. tht is me and two men. it was simple we would sneak aboard sabatoge there Reactor and get the hell outa there. it would be hard though but i was prepared.

We fired three volleys at there gunboats. two blew up in smoke and flame. me and the two others quickly used the chance we got to jump down on there deck. i looked around, so far none. but then two aliens who were running dow a hallway stopped and started firng on us. one of my men was down. i fired hitting one. then the other returned fire. i jumped up from behind a corner and tackled the alien. i pinned him to the ground and shot him.

we ran down the hall and entered the Reactor room. it was oddly empty so we set up placing our bombs. then we ran out of the room we were going down the hall when a patrol of four killed my partner. i threw a grenade and jumped down.
the blast killed them. i managed to make it back to my ship and with not a moment to lose i blew up the bombs.
the enemy ship was destroyed instantly. we had them on the run. it was time to finsh it.

"battleship launch torpedos on the station." I yelled

19 Large torpedos hit the station destorying it utterly. we cheered and presued the enemy fighters. finaly we killed them all after a long hard batle and headed home.
it was our first great victory

Post Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:00 pm

Chapter 9

Back at home, I put on the station wide COM.

"My fellow comrades in arms today I have a dream I would like share with you. 17 years an alien with better ships, better weapons came and killed almost every human. But a few thousand survived. We are those few thousand. But when I rebuild civilization I am not going to let it fall back to its faults. Of course the nations Rhineland, Liberty, Kusari and Bertonia will remain we will have what earth established in 1946. We will have a group of people who will help guide us. If am tired of the foolishness of one person condemning thousands to millions to die! I will restore humanity and I will not stop until the horrors we have faced are unheard of. Also I order our workforce to start making more battleships more cruisers and more fighters we are going to make a massive fleet."

I walked down halls and onto the war room. Maps and such filled the rooms. Men ran in and out. People pushing buttons.

"Sir we have mad a amazing discovery. Sir using a mixed blast with several types of lasers and torpedoes we can make a rupture in space, a wormhole I you will. And we theoretically could open this wormhole to the alien’s home world. And with the fleet we are building..." the head officer said

"Good but not good enough I want a weapon that can destroy that sun." I said "I want that sun dead"

‘Sir that would be mass murder” The officer said “that would totally.”

“It would be what they did to us. I want that weapon ASAP.” I said

“ Sir sensors are detecting a small attack group passing first mark.” A Corporal said

“Engage the prototype.” I said

“the prototype cloak is not ready at all we have not even tested it.” The officer said

“then consider this a test.” I Yelled “now!”

‘station is cloaked sir.” the officer said.

“good stand bye.” I said “how long till the Fleet is ready.”

“at least three weeks.” The officer said

“and the weapon.” I asked

“about the same time.” He replied
“good” I said “and when it happens we will avenge the lost blood of our comrades.”

End chapter 9

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