oh i'll try to fix most of the spelling sorry
oh for maybe the first 3 Chapters ill start by telling differnet peoples stories as sort of a lead up to the mian path of the storie
Chapter one:
The disturbances in the colonies had ended peace came and it seemed that things were going uphill. But the quiet peace was preperation for the staging of mass attack. A man named Deren Voe had just gotten out of sugerland prison for breaking and entering of goverment buildings within liberty space. After 20 years of hard brutal work he finaly said goodbye to Liberty and hello to Rhienland. But before he entered he needed to seek out a expert hacker. So he left Liberty to the nearest lanehacker installment were he took some heavy money (he had hid from the police prior to his capture) and payed the best lanehacker to change his record. It basicly said that he was a x-employee of the Liberty goverment. The "record" said that he left to chase after the dream of justice and prospierity in Rhienland. After pulling some strings he had a job in the Rhienland goverment. Not high, his job was weapon affiars and technology. It was late in the evening and he decieded to get what he came to rhienland for there battleship blue prints. The Corsiars were prepared to offer 45 million credits for the blueprints. with his crimanal expertise he managed to copy a basic file he did this from his coworkers terminal to cover his tracks. He hid them in contanier that was placed inside another container filled with radation so it could not be scanned. But one problem arised 4 days ealier the Liberty goverment caught the hacker who did Deren's Record fixing. Rhienland knew everything he was at the tradelane and perpared to dock with it when 8 Rhienland heavy fighters decloaked the gave him a choice; jettision and surrender or die. He knew he couldn't fight all eight of them in a armored transport. One hand was on the eject cargo button the other on the thruster...
Edited by - DSQrn on 8/31/2004 11:26:48 PM