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Freelancer: The Onslaught (tentative title)

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:56 pm

Freelancer: The Onslaught (tentative title)

I've decide to start a little fan fiction story myself, so here's the prologue, I will be starting the story proper shortly. Feedback is appreciated thanks. The story will revolve around a squad of Liberty marines, and possibly others, I havn't decided yet.

Freelancer: The Onslaught (tentative title)


The Nomad invasion was a rude awakening for the sleeping colonies, a realization that the galaxy was not theirs for the taking, that they were not alone in the galaxy. The colonies were nearly destroyed, first from within, then from abroad. The first attack gave the people of Sirius the will to fight the Nomad threat, but after the devastation, would they have the strength?
Three fourths of Kusari’s navy was destroyed by the Nomads and their puppet Rheinlanders. Yet, already Nomad raiders have been reported near the northwestern fringes of the colony. How long until Kusari faces yet another alien fleet cannot be guessed.
The Planet Stuttgart, once a teeming paradise, was turned into a scorched wasteland by the short lived Libertarian invasion, and much of northern Rheinland’s infrastructure was destroyed as well. The future of the house seems bleak, as its already poor economy plummets, and, worse, the emboldened Corsairs accelerate their plans to invade Rheinland. Thousands of fighters are amassing near the border, and the government is powerless to stop them.
Liberty and Bretonia, however, are largely intact, and have sprung into action. The two houses have assembled a joint force, dubbed the Allied Expeditionary Fleet, seventy percent of the firepower coming from Liberty, twenty-five from Bretonia, and a mere five percent from the Order. This fleet will establish a blockade of the Nomad Dyson sphere, ensuring that the threat does not spread to attack the colonies again. Unbeknownst to them, the Nomads have already began to recover by activating their ancient power grid, and soon a desperate race against time will determine the fate of humanity…

Post Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:05 pm

Very good!!! Keep it up

Post Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:17 pm

So. Any word on this?

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