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The Sequel to Captured

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Post Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:09 am

The Sequel to Captured

OK, as many of you know, the Captured series has been completed, and I am in the final stages of creating a sequel. I could use a few suggestions though, like what I should call it. How much later this should take place, that sort of stuff. The Epilogue will be up when I get time. Chances are, It will be copied and pasted to another Forum. A short time after I settle on a good name, the first chapter will be up. And thank you all for your support.

Edited by - killa on 8/7/2004 11:10:00 AM

Edited by - killa on 8/8/2004 6:35:23 PM

Post Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:15 pm


King flew the Armadillo, firring the laser drill right at the Dom Kavish queen. Just as he was right up in her face, he climbed out of the cockpit and raced into the ships tiny cargo hold. He pulled out his LSF issued gun, opened the panel on the side of the quantum anti-matter hybrid bomb, and fired several shots into the computer. The bomb beeped three times, then detonated. Juni and Trent had made it to the Independence and had launched away from the planet. Trent looked at the monitor labeled Rear View . A large explosion began to consume the entire planet, killing King and the Dom Kavish queen. The Human race was safe, for the time being. Juni, now almost in tears finally broke the silence and said "Lets go home." Trent flew back to the Nomad power core and used the ships computer to find the hyper drive engines floating in space. The Independence docked with them, and a timer appeared. 30..29..28..27..26, the timer counted down. The console beeped, indicating that the engines were now ready. Trent opened the plastic case that protected the activation button from being accidental pushed. He hit the red button, and the ship blasted off. Everything behind it was pushed back, and then pulled behind the ship. After a flight that lasted almost one week, Juni and Trent finally arrived at Faro Base in Omicron Delta. As they landed, everyone in the docking bay turned to look. Juni and Trent stepped out of the Independence, and Kress came walking up. He obviously didn't think anyone had lived through the mission, but standing in front of him, were the two remaining survivors. "Juni, Trent, y-yo-your a-alive." After a very long celebration party, most of Sirius had gained its freedom back. Most of the colonies were still in udder chaos, and Marshal Law had been placed over 36 of the 40 colonies now in control of Liberty, Rheinland, Kusari and Britonia.

Planet Los Angeles, California System, Liberty Space. Four years later

All of the colonies had regained their freedom, and Marshal Law had been lifted. Juni and Trent had decided to move to Los Angeles because it was nice, and surprisingly, not all that crowded. Trent and Juni had again received the Congressional Medal of Honer, the highest decoration anyone in the colonies can receive. After living there for about a month, the day of the ceremony had come. The holiday was to honer the bravery of all fourteen men and women that had risked their lives to save humanity. Nightfall came, and Trent and Juni were sitting on the roof of their 5 story mansion, with their feet dangling off the side. Trent picked up Juni's hand, and slid a ring around her middle finger. "Will you marry me?"

The sequel is on the final stages of development. And will be up soon.

Edited by - killa on 8/8/2004 6:38:35 PM

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 11:02 am

Captured: Answering your WTF?? questions

Q: How did King escape the Nomads and the Dom Kavish and end up in Alaska with Kress and the other refuges?

A: While Juni, King and Trent were running through the corridor in Captured Pt. 3: Terrible Loss, the Nomads closed a door in front of them. Juni and Trent made it through, but King was trapped on the other side with the Dom Kavish. King was yelling something at the soldiers, and they pointed their guns. Trent jumped on top of Juni, bringing her down to the ground just in time to hear the sound of gun fire, blue lasers whizzed by their heads. Then there was a thud on the ground. This is where Juni and Trent thought that King had been killed, and made there escape. But somehow, King clung to life. The Dom Kavish took him to a room where they were going to study his body, one pulled out a laser-knife and was about to cut his chest open. But King regained consciousness, took the knife from the soldier, and slit it's throat. As other soldiers began to fire at King, he kicked one in the stomach, took his gun, and shot all of the Dom Kavish in the room. He made his way to the landing spot, and found an Nomad Interceptor. He somehow managed to get inside, and took off. Several Interceptors followed him, so he had to punch STAR DRIVE. He had no time to plot a course, so he had no idea where he was going. By chance, he landed on Anchorage Alaska, where Kress and the others were setting up a base. And he lived there until Juni and Trent made it there. Kress never had a chance to tell Juni and Trent that King had gotten there.

Q: Why is it that when the Dom Kavish queen was killed by King's suicide, all of the Dom Kavish and ships just disintegrated?

A: The Dom Kavish queen was a Superior being, with very Strong psychic powers. The Dom Kavish soldiers were nothing but drones, created by the queen's very thought. She created the Dom Kavish in her mind, and the ships, weapons, bases, etc. The Nomads were living creatures. They could think for themselves. The Nomads used to be like humans, but with slightly Superior technology. They created the Dom Kavish queen as a genetic experiment. But her psychic powers were too strong, and she turned all of the Nomads into the slimy, snail-like creatures that you all saw in the Alaska mission of the SP campaign. The Dom Kavish soon conquered much of the universe, with the Queen as their leader. But when King killed the queen, her thoughts no longer existed, destroying the Dom Kavish.

I'm sure there will be more questions, please post them and I will answer them. That was all i could think of right now.

Just in case you haven't noticed, i just fixed all of the spelling errors in this post, so it should be easier to read now.

Edited by - killa on 8/8/2004 6:42:38 PM

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:27 pm

I only have one thing to say killa: use SPELLCHECK otherwise it gets very interesting like 'udder chaos' ('udder' is part of a cow if you didn't know)

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:07 pm


Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:21 pm

Killa, just an idea, there is a spell checker you can add to Internet Explorer and it is not spyware, Link. Can make things easyer. Just a thought.

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:34 pm

Finalday, i just want to say THANK YOU, I got the spell check thing, and it works just fine. so again THANK YOU.

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:37 pm

Your welcome.

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:44 pm

does anyone have a suggestion on the name for the sequel?

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:10 pm

Short is good, "Excaped!!" "Revenge!"

Edited by - Finalday on 8/8/2004 7:12:02 PM

Post Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:44 pm

Post Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:21 am

hum, finalday, your getting kind of close to what I want, but not quite. And i just cant put my finger on the thought.

Post Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:53 am

hmmmm(sorry about that didn't know u didn't have a SC) 'Vengeance' mebbe???

Post Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:19 pm

I think I kind of like Vengeance. So, until I decide on a better name(if one comes up.) the sequel to captured will be called Vengeance!!!!

Well, ive been thinking, and i kind of like Chaos Theory. (and no, i did not get that name from the new Splinter Cell 3: Chaos Theory game.) I was thinking it could be the na...... nevermind, that would be spoiling the story. The first episode should be up ether tonight or tomorrow.

Edited by - killa on 8/10/2004 2:36:41 PM

Post Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:43 am

Sorry to hbring up a topic from last year but why was this never continued I would REALLY LIKE A SEQUIL TO CAPTUERD!!!

vengence sounds good

if I wasnt alowed to bring a dead topic back up IM SORRY but i would like a sequil!

"this is bravo-3 reporting in i have a coolint leak ... may i please dock?" "ok please wait in que for one hour" "ok" 5-4-3-2-1 Kaboom! "Bravo 3 your cleared to dock Bravo-3? Bravo-3

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