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Freelancer RPG- Liberty Vs Bretonia

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:34 pm

Freelancer RPG- Liberty Vs Bretonia

Yet another RPG. Before I set the scene, here are some rules.

1. Only one character per person.
2. Your Character Name, Current Ship, Current Base and Faction must be posted at the top. eg, Leon Rodrigez/Dagger/Outcasts
3. Keep it realistic. No Eagles, because you wouldnt find them in Liberty or Bretonia.
4. For now, only join Liberty and Bretonia. No Rheinlanders.
5. Dont comment on this thread, ill start a comment thread next to this.
6. Bretonia doesn't have superior weapons in this. (otherwise they'd win too easily).
7. Suggested factions to be are: LPI, LSF, LN, BPA, BAF, Liberty Rouges, Outcasts, Mollys, Gaians, maybe some companies eg Interspace
8. Just so we're clear. ready? NO NOMADS OK?
9. List of allowed ships:
Civilian: Starflier, Startracker, Rhino, Clysedale
LPI: Patriot
L-Navy: Defender
BPA: Cavalier
BAF: Crusader
Pirate: Bloodhound, Wofhound, Dagger, Mule, Legionaire, Dromedary
BHG: Pirhana, Barracuda

Thats it. Nothing else. You can request other ships on the comment thread, but i wont listen.

-------------The Story-------------


ADSomething---- Queen Carina of Bretonia has died, leaving no clear sucssesor. The historical records are checked, and at last a new leader is found, Lord Wessex. Wessex is crowned King Wessex of Bretonia. Unfortunately for Liberty, Wessex invokes the anicent, never-used powers of the Crown and makes himself the sole ruler. Unfortunately, this is entirely legitimate. The Bretonia Armed Forces quickly take the Cortez system, and gather their forces for an attack of Liberty.


The situation is desparate. Not having the same level of technology as Bretonia, President Jacobi appeals to the pirates of Liberty for help, promising great rewards. One of those who answers the call is Leon Rodrigez, a local Outcast....

Current Characters:

Nathan Edwards, LPI

Richard Jones, BAF

Currently Neutral
Leon Rodrigez, Outcast
Kiron Kika, Junker
Enrico Warthog, Blood Dragon
Lesley Forsythe, BHG

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 11:07:26 AM

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 1:45:07 PM

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Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 2:08:05 PM

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 8/1/2004 9:02:04 AM

Post Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:44 pm

Sorry to double post, but this is my story....


It had been a long day. Shooting up more Bounty Hunters for the Rouges. He tended to stay away from the police, seeing as his ship wasn't too strong yet.
Somebody switched on the TV.

"All the latest news, this is the colony news service."
"Last week, Queen Carina of Bretonia died. The next in line to the throne has finally been found. King Matthew Wessex is the new Ruler of Bretonia."

"In other news.........

Someone switched the channel to Rouge TV.

"Welcome to Rouge News. Thanks to a new factory opening today, th price of Cardamine in Califronia has reached a record low. Alcatraz Depot is being overun with traffic."

Sounds like a good way to get money, thought Leon. Heading to the landing bay, he got in his Dagger and flew off....

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/30/2004 7:08:03 AM

Post Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:17 pm

John Arntine/Liberty Navy/Defender/Planet Manhattan

John was skimming thorugh the Space Radio Channels when he got to a channel he liked,the Anicient Rock channel.Just then it was his music was interupted with a newsbreak,the Bretonia Queen had died he heard. "Eh,so what" said John and then his music came back on. He decided to head to Manhattan to take a lunchbreak.

Edited by - Stormtrooper110 on 8/1/2004 9:24:26 AM

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:08 am

Richard Jones/Crusader/Bretoina Armed Forces

The Lt. Comannder Richard Jones walked down the long walk way do his commanders office on the battle ship Sussex. The nation was still in morining for the queen withe the correnation of the new king sceadualled in two days he wondered why he had been pulled out of the patrols. In his opinion they needed all there pilots now as it was the perfect time for the mollys to luanch an offensive.

He stepped into the admirals office saluted and said "you wanted to see me sir?"
"Yes i did"the admiral replied
Richard looked at the admiral quite nervously, admiral Winchester normally only called people of his rank to demote them.
"Dont be so nevrous" the admiral half laughed"i'm not demoting you"
"Sir why am i here then"richard replid
"now ive been looking at your recored and it seems before you signed up you were rased by the rouges in the cortez system" the admiral stated
"oh no" thought richard they were going to either interagate or execute him.
"Now our new king has discoverd his rite to claim liberty space" the admiral continued "so we would like to take them with few casualtys , our secret eervice has come up with a plan"
Richard didn't like the sound of this
"you are to take a frieghter full of supplies, servral negotiaters and spys to the Rouge base in cortez from there the mission commander will breif you futher, is the under stood Lt.commander?" The admiral inqured
"Yes sir"
"Good now go to the launch bay the ship is waiting for you"the admiral stated
Richard left the office and walked to the hanger. He tought what had he let him self in for.................

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:00 am

To all posters. Plz State Your base at the top of each post plz.


Leon walked into the bar, glancing around. It seemed half the patrons were clearly under the affects of cardamine. He walked up to the bartender.
"What have you got for me?" said Leon
"Never seen you before. First time here?" replied the bartender.
"Well, i work for the Liberty Rouges. We run this place. Well I have heard a rumor"
"Go on, im listening."
"Hey man, ive been short of credits lately....
Leon slipped him 10 credits
"Well this is what i heard. Alcatraz depot is now producing more Cardamine than ever. I heard the guys over at the Rouge base in Cortez have a shortage. You could get a lot of money going there....
"Could be useful, thanks."

Loading up his ship with Cardamine, Leon headed of to Cortez

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:28 am


It had been an boring day for Kiron, he had mined scrap metal form the debris field near rochestor and barely made ends meet. One day, while sitting in the bar, the bartender came up to him.

"You seem like you need to get out of here, quit staying here all the time. All the other junkers have been running shipments to and fro places. Thats definitely more money than scrap metal."

"Oh? And where can i find a good trade route anyway?" Kiron replied, toatally uninterested.

"Well, the news just reported that Alcatraz has a low price for cardamine there, you may know that the manhanthan citizens are willing to pay a high price for it."

"All right, ill give it a shot" , with that Kiron lauched into space in his trusty Mule, aa present from his late godfather and headed to alcatraz.

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:45 am

Richard Jones/clysdale/planet New London/BAF

Why did spys always insist on meeting on planets? Richard wonderd. He was not to happy about this assignment for two reasons:
1)He had to leave his Crusader behind
2)Last time he saw the secret servis they were trying to kill him.
thinking back over those events he remembered how he had missed Monezuma base after leaving it, but he just couldn't stand what it had become, it had been turned into a cardamine-house thats all any body did there. Personally he blamed the outcasts so he had fled to new london only to be mistaken for a rouge assasin. Only after the DNA scan proving this was a mistake was he signed up. He mostly ran patrols into tau31 where he could personally take vengence upon the outcasts.

A loud knock on the side of the frieghter, the spy had arrived, he allowed the spy to clime on board and launched into space. He did a quick check of the hold, food,water,medicine,two negotaters and the spy. There mission was to try and gain an alliance with the criminal factions inside liberty to give them the edge in the up coming war. Richard set the aouto pilot to fly to leeds take the megellan jump hole then the cortez jump hole. He just hoped the hackers were to busy getting high to notice him.

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:05 am


Ah Montezuma thought Leon. He liked this place now, they had given him 30k for his cargo of Cardamine.
it was a good run, even though he almost got caught by the Xenos trying to nick his cargo. A few well placed seeker mines put them off though.
Leon went to the local ship dealer. The dealer told him he had a brand new Wolfhound. Checking the Wolfhounds stats, Leon saw it was superior to his measly Dagger. Was a bit on the ugly side though...
Still it cost 71k, while he only had 45.
"Could do with some higher paying jobs, really," murmred Leon, as he headed for the bar.

"A Sidewinder Fang," called Leon as he sat down. Gotta be sum good jobs in here. Meanwhile, he'd get drunk.

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 5:38:20 AM

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:29 am


It was a preety tiring trip to Alcartraz but at least Kiron made it safely. The oxygen he bought at manhanthan before heading to alcatraz gave him a few more credits. after loading up on his cardamine, he headed to the bar for some rest. While drinking, he noticed a TV, where some Rogues were gambling on a futurlistic football match.

Just then, the TV switched screens, " we interrupt this program...""OOIII!!!" replied the rogues with anger." to bring you this news: The Queen of Bretonia has died and King Wessex has declared war on Liberty, this could...." " Not interesting, switch channels, its now of our buisness!""Yea, big deal..." muttered Kiron.

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:40 am

Note: Rainbow Dragon, could we have a surname plz?


Leon downed his drink. Someone approached his table.
"Hi, help you?" asked Leon
"The bartender said you were looking for jobs."
"Yea, you bet."
"Well, one of our patrolmen is ill today. Do you want to take his place on the patrol?"

Mission Commission

Patrol the space around Montezuma, including the Magellan Jump Hole.

Pay: 5000 credits

[Accept [Decline

"Yeah, why not," sighed Leon.
"Good. The patrol starts this evening."

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 6:22:15 AM

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 6:22:39 AM

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:51 am

Richard Jones/clysdale/BAF/Aprox.20k from mactan base

The console erupted in a shower of sparks as a shot breached the sheild.
"Sheild fail" moaned the computer
"i know" richard said
"hang on back ther this is going to get bumpy"he continued

They had been suffering attacks all the way through magellan and had finally run out of nanobots,shield batteries and luck.

He desparatly tried to stear the bulky frieghter around but the hackers would always follow. the ship luched as it was hit by a missile and was sent spinning towards the jump hole
"nearly there" richard murmerd
"hull critical, port engion failure" the computer spoke in its usuall calm way completly oblivous to the fact they could all very soon be a flaming ball of hydrogen atoms.
One hacker sped ahead to the far side of the hole while the seond stayed behind.
when richard was a few hundred meters from the hole they both unleshed a volly of sligshot missiles
"gotcha" richard laughed
He fied the thruster and propelled his ship over the missiles who continued on thier path hitting the very supprised hackers. Finally he enterd the cortez hole and prayed the rouges wouldn't shoot first and ask later......

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:02 am

Leon/Dagger/Magellan Jump Hole, Cortez System /Outcasts

"We'll just check the Jump Hole, Rodrigez, form on me," said the patrol leader.
"Call me Leon. Forming up."

The Jump hole pulsed with blue light, and a damaged ship flew out. Leon scanned the ship. It was a Bretonia Clysedale. The cargo hold contained only food, water and medicene. There were also four life forms.

"Blackhawk 3 to Clysedale Freighter. State your intentions, or be fired upon."

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:10 am

Richard Jones/Clysdale/BAF/Megellan jump hole in Cortez

" oh hell" he tought
"Black Hawk 3 this is bretoinian diplomatic transport 'curagous' on trade and diplomatic mission to montezuma base"
he puased adding:
"Also we require repares and medical attention one of our passengers has been severly injured"as he said this he looked back, one of the negotaters had been seroisly in jured when the mine layer was destroyed by the hackers
"I repeat we are a trade and diplomatic transport"
He waited for Black hawk 3's response and hoped it was somthing other than 'open fire'

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:13 am

note: sorry about that, Kiron's surname is Kika

Kiron/Mule/outside cortez jumphole/Junkers

"Well, nice money made here, better than manthanthan" thought Kiron to himself. The bartender on Alcatraz told him that the lane Hackers needent some more cardamine as they expected a GC convoy to arrive. It made Kiron quite a number of credits. He decided to head to Bretonia space for some exploring and to get some artifacts that were highy in demand at Rochestor. He knew a junker friend at Trafalgar. As he approached the jump hole, he noticed some ships. " Lets see what happens" he thought and pulled his mule to a stop." im not gonna interfere, we junkers are neutral to them."

Post Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:30 am

Leon/Dagger/Magellan Jump Hole, Cortez System /Outcasts

"This is Blackhawk 3. Trade and diplomacy my ass. Prepare to be boarded. Lower your shields and set your weapons offline."

A Special Rouge Rhino Assault Craft moved towards the Couragous. (can anyone spell that?)

"Blackhawk 3 to Junker Mule. There's no cargo for you here, this is our loot. Leave immediately.

Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 7/31/2004 7:38:11 AM

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