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Did someone say fanfic? FL: Saviours of Sirius

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:16 pm

Did someone say fanfic? FL: Saviours of Sirius

First off, i said it on neuromancers thread, well done neuro, you got creativity.

Hope you all like this. I've been working on it for sometime. Critisicms and corrections are a big welcome. And obviously good feedback. Enjoy..

Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 8/10/2004 1:13:15 PM

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:20 pm


2 Years After The Nomad Incident

The war was over and peace reigned over Sirius. President Jacobi, Queen Carina, Shogun Matsumoto, and Chancellor Koller had met the Family heads of the Corsairs and Outcasts at Curacao to discuss the formation of the New Hispanic Republic. Discussions had lasted many months but were successful. The 4 Great Houses united with their ancient Brethren to combine their ancient ties. Treaties were made with the new Republic of Hispania and trade was profitable. Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, and Rheinland helped to bring Hispania on up to their technological level and supplied them with mining vessels and construction rigs. Trade Lanes and Jump Gates were put up through out the Omicron Systems. Cryer Pharmaceuticals devised a “cure” for Cardamine use to enable the Outcasts to leave their home without it. Artifact trading was once again legalised with strict controls over its trading.

Trent had stayed on Manhatten. During the Nomad wars he had made himself rich with Freelance work and spent most of his days lounging around. He still did Freelancing not for the credits, just the thrill.

Juni had been promoted to Assistant Director within the LSF by direct recommendation of President Jacobi.

King was also promoted in the LSF to Juni’s position of Commander.

Lord Hakkera kept his secret ties with the Blood Dragons and remained prefect of Honshu.

Herr Von Claussen disappeared after the final battle.

Quintaine and Sinclair now worked directly for Orillion onboard the Osiris deep inside the Dyson Sphere.

Finally, Orillion. The Order rebuilt their home on Toledo and constructed Research Base Hathor inside the Dyson Sphere.

Everybody involved knew the Nomads hadn’t been destroyed. With the redistribution of power they moved through the Hyper Gate to an as of yet unknown system. The Order had to deal with minor Nomad incursions every so often but recently, it had become very quiet.

Chapter 1 - Discovery

For the last 18 months, the Order, with top secret funding from Liberty, had created an unmanned probe, suitable for Hyper Gate travel.

Orillion had given the order to launch the probe into the unknown system.
The probe had been set for 48 hours surveillance of the unknown system directly on the other side.

The new shield configuration held out, passing through the hyper gate with out any problems. Two days later it returned for study on Hathor.

Quintaine and Sinclair had been studying the findings that the probe brought back and were to present the findings to Orillion.

“What have you got for me Doctor” Asked Orillion.

“The findings are astounding” Replied Quintaine. “The probe visited just the one system on the other side and has picked up at least 8 planets and if I’m right, at least 12 Jump Holes”

“What do you suggest Doctor?”

“The only way we can get proper readings is by sending through a manned exhibition”

This confirmed to Orillion what he had already wanted to do.

“Thank you Doctor”

“There was one other thing” Explained Quintaine.

“Data from the probe suggests that there is a large debris field just on the other side. The materials are as of yet unknown. We have no records of anything like these”

“Continue with your research Doctor. Report back to me in 2 weeks with your findings”

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:41 pm

its good. I give it a 3rd best reward. Maybe it can move up.

"Go Neuromancer!!! Keep righting that fiction man!!!"

Post Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:58 pm

Looks good, Lets see some more.. more!!

Post Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:58 am

More Damn it More

Got Visual on Bogey, Dropping the Hammer!!!

Post Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:12 am

Chapter 2. Enjoy...

Chapter 2 – Bar Talk

Trent was drinking in Pittsburgh bar when he was alerted to an incoming transmission on his neural net.

“Trent here”

“Colonel Trent, This is Orillion”

“Orillion! How are the Nomad Incubi these days?” Trent asked.

“Their quiet Trent. Have you any contact with Juni or King?”

“I’m meeting King here on Pittsburgh in about half an hour. He can never resist cheap drinks!”


“I haven’t seen her for a while. She too busy with the LSF”

“Oh” replied Orillion. “You’ll see her again soon. Trent, we need you to come to the Osiris. Bring King with you. I’m downloading co-ordinates into your Neural net now. Come as soon as you can colonel”

“What’s this about?” asked Trent

“Not over the Comms channel. You’ll be briefed on the Osiris. See you soon. Orillion out”

45 minutes passed until King arrived at the bar.

“Your late” said Trent while smirking at King. He didn’t really care.

“Sorry about that buddy” replied King. I landed half an hour ago but I had to make a pit stop first. I think it was some dodgy Synth paste or something. I’ve been shi…”

Trent interrupted. “About to give far to much info their King. Anyway, we can’t stop. I received a transmission from Orillion. He wants us on the Osiris”

“You never listen do you. You remember what happened the last time?”

“Ok, your right. We’re still going!”

“Where is the Osiris?” asked King

“Co-ordinates indicate the Dyson Sphere”

“Lets go then”

Post Sat Jul 24, 2004 8:00 am

its comming along great. keepem coming.

"Go Neuromancer!!! Keep righting that fiction man!!!"

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:21 am


We Will fight in the space!
We Will fight on the planets!
We will fight in the fields and in the belts!
We will fight in the galaxies!

Sorry Winston, but someone had to change it.

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 7:32 am


What? I don't quite understand? If it is critiscim, i welcome your suggestions.

Thanks Twitch, Reaver & VA.

Anyway I present the next part.

Chapter 3 – Reunited

Trent and King flew through the Omicron systems without excitement and had arrived at the Osiris.

On the deck of the Osiris, Trent and King were greeted with a familiar face.

“Lord Hakkera”

“Welcome back Mr Trent. Its good to see you again”

“Its been a while Lord Hakkera”

“Yes it has Trent. Please come with me. There is someone else that wants to see you.”

Trent and King followed Lord Hakkera down to engineering.

A voice greeted Trent upon entering engineering.

“Ah Mr Trent, my saviour!”

“Herr von Claussen, your ok! Were the hell did you go?”

“I went back to Rheinland Trent. I continued my work on the Bundscuh rebel base. I owed them for their sacrifices”

“Well, its good to see your ok”

“Thank you Trent. You as well”

“Er Mr Trent. There is someone else who wishes to speak with you alone, please come with me. King, may I suggest you go to the briefing room. Orillion is waiting for you”

King left to go to Orillion while Hakkera led Trent to the crew quarters.

“We are here Mr Trent. Orillion would like to see you in 20 minutes”

“Thanks Lord Hakkera”

Lord Hakkera left Trent to make his way to the briefing room.

Trent entered the room.

“Hello Trent. Its good to see you again”


“I was beginning to think we weren’t partners any more Trent” Juni said with a smile.

Trent smiled back. He wasn’t too sure what to say.

“How’ve you been?” Trent asked.

“Good Trent. I want to ask you…”

Orillion came over the comms channel in Juni’s room interrupting her.

“Colonel Trent, Colonel Zane, please come to the briefing room”

“We’ll finish this another time” Juni said.

Edited by - Bret Bretonian on 7/25/2004 8:37:28 AM

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 10:48 am

good story, but can we see some action pretty soon?

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:22 am

yeah it's very good..
and General Stratos I don't see you do it you always have comments about something well do it yourself this time. and a good one

DoN'T hATE ThE PlaYEr,
HatE The GAmE.
I hAte The DeSiGnER.......

GoT VisuAl On BOgeY,KiCKinG His AsS....

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:28 am

This is great bret ur a great addition to TLR

@Stratos Shut up, no-one is interested in ur idiotic postings

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:16 pm

Thanks killa, Dextervt and Gowser.


Comments noted. Chapter 5...

For your viewing pleasure, i give you chapter 4...24 hours early! Don't say i don't give you anything..

Chapter 4 – The Brief

Trent and Juni made their way to the briefing room. The room was large with a big table in the middle. Lord Hakkera, Herr Von Claussen, Cobo, King, Sinclair, Quintaine and Colonel Kress were present, along with Orillion.

Trent and Juni took a seat.

“Thank you all for coming on such short notice” Orillion said. “You will all probably be wondering why o have asked you all to come here today. For a while now, we have been conducting research on the hyper gate that we opened 2 years ago, and until yesterday we had no idea what was on the other side. Thanks to funding from Liberty, we were able to produce an unmanned probe capable of hyper gate travel. Initial results have shown many planets and jump holes, not to mention the hyper gate holes. It has been decided, that if we are to successfully assess the nomad threat to Sirius, we will have to set through a manned exhibition in through the Hyper gate and set up a research station on the other side. In the meantime, we have made modifications to the Osiris, which will allow us safe passage through the hyper gate and to the system on the other side to allow us to begin construction of the new station. You will all be given your mission briefings once on the other side. Are there any questions?”

“Is it likely to get over there?” Trent asked.

“Unknown” replied Orillion. “ Apart from what I have just given you, we have no intel on any ships on the other side of the gate. Anymore?”

There was silence within the order ranks.

“Good. We have begun preparations to move through the hyper gate. We should be ready in 24 hours. I suggest you get all the equipment you need here. Dismissed”

Everyone began to leave the briefing room. King followed Trent to the Osiris bar.

“Sidewinder Fang” Trent asked the barman.

King sat down next Trent.

“Seems like only yesterday we were out here in the thick of things doesn’t it” King said to Trent.

“This is going to be interesting” Replied Trent.

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 5:33 pm

Woohoo. Sorry I didnt comment on the last chapter, I couldnt access the site. Something about too much traffic. Anyways, It is going great. Can't wait fot the action part.

"Go Neuromancer!!! Keep righting that fiction man!!!"

Post Sun Jul 25, 2004 9:33 pm

Well done.... Keep it up!

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