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Prologue to a Dream. (Fan Fiction)

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 5:37 pm

Prologue to a Dream. (Fan Fiction)

Prologue to Freelancer story

Cheif Petty Officer Stephen Derringer was at the height of his career with the Liberty Navy three short years ago.He was self assured, swarthy and had an excellent head for staying out of trouble.Having a perfect record even for a middle management type like himself was hard to come by, but come by it he had. It earned him recognition as a reliable junior officer in the making and a mark for inevitable success and promotion.
his superiors throughout the fleet soon came to know him by name, and the easy way he seemed to be with men under his command.
He was firm about things sure, but he knew how to get things done or how to get others to work together without ever really being forced to "issue an order" to a subordinate seaman displeased with his assigned tasks for the day. Everyone trusted him all the way through the ranks well into the big brass. That's who came to him for help for help with a cargo run into Kusari space. The Big Brass. Heh, seems funny now to think of all those old faces carrying so much power and still being unable to change the fate of their own tiny corner of the galaxy. A powerful Rheinland official had been killed right here in liberty space not a month gone, and they want to go running a mass of cargo into Kusari space?? Fine, it's gotta be good hazzard pay and travel too...why not? He thought to himself as he accepted the offer.What trouble could one cargo run bring?
That was more than three years ago.
Just before the dreams began.

Every night the dream began to wake him, lathered in cold sweat, and on the virge of some desperate act or feeling the need to escape.Run, and never look back.
now at the edge of thrity four years of age and starting his third year of "extended leave of absense" from active duty Derringer thinks things are about as bad as they can get. Forced out of work, driven from his home in the fleet in the New York system derringer found little solace in the tiny cabin belonging to his family in the wilderness outside the capitol Port city of Colorado Springs on planet Denver.

It's here in the mountain ranges of planet Denver that derringer finally begins to unlock the dream and it's significance to the roll he will find himself playing out alongside a strangely likeable recluse who's only name is water, who claims ancient blood lines that run all the way back to even the most ancient days of Earth in the North Americas somewhere, a quirky little Boy Called ZAP, who's determined to grow up to be a pirate and buy his mom a new waste disposal unit so he can finally stop burying the refuse out back of their shanty shack, and an old married couple, the Wentleys, Both once renowned scientists in their respective fields, who will help Derringer in every way Possible if only he could ever get them to stop bickering one minute, and throwing bedroom eyes at one another the next.

A discovery of self through the wicked quip-like parables and subtle guidance from Water, a life lesson from an eight year old pirate to be, and countless insights into the universe's sense of unity all come together for Derringer in this story about a dream, an ancient artifact and an undiscovered alien cliff dwelling water has kept secret for most of his surprisingly long life.
Come, see for yourself how they all tie together to create a different world dwelling right under our noses in the Freelancer universe, one that may surprise you in it's depth, and breadth.who knows,...perhaps you too might just discover that there's more to the universe than just space...

***If you'd like to read more, I'd be happy to post the story as it comes along. Otherwise I shall continue to write it for my own pleasure alone.***

Setting the cruise control on my car didn't turn out at all like the F4 formation procedure! Who knew I could still plow other drivers off the road??

Edited by - Phenobii on 2/10/2004 5:43:15 PM

Edited by - Phenobii on 2/10/2004 5:50:22 PM

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 6:01 pm

Hi everyone, I'd like to take a moment to introduce myself. I'm a Biology student, Father of two, Husband (somethimes,...mostly I'm just "the man-thing"
I'm a new fan to both the game and this wicked cool site and even a fan of some of the Modders who's work I'm enjoying very much. I really wanted to contribute something to the forum but as I can't write code I thought I'd write a story.
It's bound to be a long process, and very detailed much like some of the mods I've seen. Like the mods, I'd love some feedback on the work in progress, or just feed me. Either one's fine really. I hope you all enjoy it.

Post Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:26 pm

just watch out 4 heltak.....jk

this is my world; it goes round and round and round
The wolfy types like a cow

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:17 am

Right, I hear ya.


scanning, scanning,...right, that's all of it, thank you for your invaluable service!

Setting the cruise control on my car didn't turn out at all like the F4 formation procedure! Who knew I could still plow other drivers off the road??

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:11 am

ok... the 4th fan fiction...

is this an idea to make millions off them

didn't read the last 2 yet... but will do later, so don't be worry about that

- edit; what the... i wrote idea wrong

Spamius Threadius

Edited by - DragonBreath on 2/11/2004 11:12:03 AM

Post Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:04 pm

Yes, I'll make millions! BAZILLIONS!!! Muahahahahaaaaaa!
And then I'll use that money to buy all the copies of freelancer that exist on the shelves of stores around the entire globe thus forcing Microsoft to realise that only by making a sequel to freelancer will they continue to make yet MORE MONEY!!!!!! Ah my sheer geniosity simply leaves me spent,....oh what a brilliant idea! I shall begin implementation of plan C from liberty space immediately if not sooner.

Setting the cruise control on my car didn't turn out at all like the F4 formation procedure! Who knew I could still plow other drivers off the road??

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