Post Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:11 pm

The Sirius Police Forces Want YOU!

Hi, the name is Rasputin Jacketman and I currently play one what I think is the best server, 24/7 freelancer roleplay. I want to create a clan that is specifically devoted to one of the many professions of the Freelancer universe: the common policeman.
Like the NPCs of the game your job is to patrol the trade lanes and interdict any form of illegal contraband.
Squads will consist of only 3 to 4 members. The leader of the squad is termed the sergeant while the underlings are referred to as cadets. As a squad it is your duty to work together to insure the safety of the citizenry and corporations of the nation you serve whether it be Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, or the Rheinland.
The Sergeant's role despite the obvious of leading squads is to also test the cadets under his patronage. When one of them is deemed worthy he can nominate that cadet to sergeant and the cadet may recruit 3 individuals to form his own squad. In this way our ranks expand.
The cadet's are simply to follow the sergeant's orders and hopefully be promoted to Sergeant. The requirement for advancement is that th sergeant must nominate you in regards to your good deeds and such. Also you must recruit 3 additional members in order to create your squad and voila you are now sergeant.
All police members are required to pilot light craft.
Our tag is - {SPF). Sergeants have a unique tag of - {SPFS}. Please email me if you are interested ([email protected]). Also on a side note, the first four people to contact me will become the first four sergeants of the SPF.
I plan to create more groups such as these that focus on other occupations like Bounty hunting, trade, and piracy.
If you must find a way to contact me by any other means see me If you check into one of the forums I will certaintly post a response. Hope you join!