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Her Majesty''s Royal Air Force **Role Play**

Here you can discuss clans and advertise for new members

Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:02 am

Her Majesty''s Royal Air Force **Role Play**

Her Majesty's Royal Air Force is looking for lawful and vigilant pilots.

We fly in defence for the country of bretonia in the Asgard 2.2 mod. Version 3
is being worked on as we speak and with that a active invasion by the Corsairs
into bretonia will take place. We need not only pilots but Role Players, men
and women of courage and valor. What you get is a position on a starting Clan/
Faction which means better chances for promotion and a chance to make a
diference. Asgard has unique feature of Clan/Faction Specific Ship and Weapons
as well as a actual Stock Exchange. (Not to mention the tons of Baene custom
ships flying around asgard)

Any person brave enough to sign up with the RAF will be given (after 5 hours
untagged fly time) Enough Money to buy a Fighter and a Mid Level Freighter as
well as top notch equipment.
Once we have reached our membership quota access to the Fighter will be granted
immediatly with Faction Weapons appearing in Version 3. Now has never been a
better time to try Asgard.

To join or just find out more about the RAF visit Royal Air Force's Office of Strategic Servicesfor this unique oppertunity.

Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:59 am

Hey i play on that sever and i was wondering what is RAF"s standing with CTP

Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:16 am

KOS... Piracy will not be tolerated in the Queens country

(ooc. Its all in character tho.)

Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:36 pm

Understood, do you ever take strikes against them or if they leave you be you leave them be?

Post Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:43 pm

Unless a specific KOS has been issued if they are just in transit without intention of pirating in Bretonian space i shall leave them be (Or if they are doing missions for HOA parts etc etc or acting out a RP scene with fellow pilots). But if a warrant has been issued i shall attempt to serve it.

Post Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:09 am

Sounds good, might join but i am already with a clan on another server.

Post Sat Apr 09, 2005 12:55 am

I speek on behalf of the PeeceKeeper organization.
Would you like to join?
Vist the forum on this website.

Monky see, Monky Shoot

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