galleonte federation needs you!
Galleonte federation
Server: none yet
Tag: [GF (with a closing bracket)
The galleonte federation was founded by Abdhyius Galleonte, a boy given birth to in his family ship, the honor & union. On his 15ht birthday they suddenly found themselves being chased by several liberty navy defenders. The navy records say that the Galleonte family whas charged for treason, after the ship was left burning in the omicron systems. With his father and his elder brother killed, Abdhyius became the new family head at the age of 15.
The remains of the ship was found by outcast, who helped them to planet malta. The Galleonte family continued to work for their vision: to build the galleonte federation, in the picture of the galleontes ancient homeland: France
They have no system to call home yet, but is willing to conquer systems.
Ranks open:
Army Major general
Trade CEO
Sector chief
Convoy leader
If you want to join, simply reply with request for rank.
Edited by - abdhyius on 8/13/2004 4:14:18 AM
Edited by - abdhyius on 8/13/2004 4:15:02 AM
Edited by - abdhyius on 8/13/2004 6:10:44 AM
Server: none yet
Tag: [GF (with a closing bracket)
The galleonte federation was founded by Abdhyius Galleonte, a boy given birth to in his family ship, the honor & union. On his 15ht birthday they suddenly found themselves being chased by several liberty navy defenders. The navy records say that the Galleonte family whas charged for treason, after the ship was left burning in the omicron systems. With his father and his elder brother killed, Abdhyius became the new family head at the age of 15.
The remains of the ship was found by outcast, who helped them to planet malta. The Galleonte family continued to work for their vision: to build the galleonte federation, in the picture of the galleontes ancient homeland: France
They have no system to call home yet, but is willing to conquer systems.
Ranks open:
Army Major general
Trade CEO
Sector chief
Convoy leader
If you want to join, simply reply with request for rank.
Edited by - abdhyius on 8/13/2004 4:14:18 AM
Edited by - abdhyius on 8/13/2004 4:15:02 AM
Edited by - abdhyius on 8/13/2004 6:10:44 AM