MilkShape: FL CMP Exporter causes crash
I'm still at a beginner's level with Milkshape, but sofar I've done okay.
Yet now I have a model that causes Milkshape to crash when I try to export it.
The model is the upper part of the Trading_Outpost archetype. I succesfully isolated the lower part and made it into a satellite archetype, and want to do the same wih the upper part.
I also made a new space_habitat, by placing the top of the Space_Police arch on the Space_Habitat_Wide. All went quite well without problems, so I'm realy puzzled what could cause the exporter to crash in this case ? I can't see any obvious things that are totally different from my previous succesful experiments...
EDIT: Nobody?! Okay forget the above thing; I'll make my question simpler: what things make Milkshape crash when you export to a FL .cmp?
Edited by - Moonhead on 6/3/2006 6:44:07 AM
I'm still at a beginner's level with Milkshape, but sofar I've done okay.
Yet now I have a model that causes Milkshape to crash when I try to export it.
The model is the upper part of the Trading_Outpost archetype. I succesfully isolated the lower part and made it into a satellite archetype, and want to do the same wih the upper part.
I also made a new space_habitat, by placing the top of the Space_Police arch on the Space_Habitat_Wide. All went quite well without problems, so I'm realy puzzled what could cause the exporter to crash in this case ? I can't see any obvious things that are totally different from my previous succesful experiments...
EDIT: Nobody?! Okay forget the above thing; I'll make my question simpler: what things make Milkshape crash when you export to a FL .cmp?
Edited by - Moonhead on 6/3/2006 6:44:07 AM