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Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:02 pm


Hey there.

I got a noob question.
I made couple of ships, but ingame i have a lilttle problem.
The windows of the cockpit are transparent, but i cant see the ship trough it. I see the background of the system and the pilot, altho i made a cockpit interior.
I assume this is a group related problem when i export the CMP from Milkshape, but if i put in 1 group the cockpit with glass material and in another the rest of the ship, i can see only the glass ingame.
You guys have any ideeas?

Post Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:34 pm

Seems groups are not the problem. I managed to separate them in groups, glass material with the rest and actually to see the hole ship (thanks to Colin for MS exporter 0.3 ) but my problem is still there.

It dosen't matter if i use a material already existing in an original .mat file or i make my own transparent material, it still happens.

Post Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:48 pm

I'm not very good at the shipside creation when it coems to texturing things. But, in my opinion you may have a backfacing face in the cockpit.
If you can highlight the face and then choose face>reverse vertex order just on the faces with the problem hopefully it should fix it..

Post Sat Jul 16, 2005 5:19 pm

Thanks for reply.

Unfortunately is not this. I created an interior for the cockpit, that is visible trough glass for instance in Milkshape.

I tired to import an original ship and export it wo modifications and i got the same result !!!

Here it is: ... pit6uc.jpg

Nevermind the other issues, the ship is not hardpointed.

Edited by - Gizahs on 7/16/2005 6:20:47 PM

Post Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:40 am

I'm still not convinced it isn't facing the wrong way. If you go back into milkshape, right click on the 3d view and remove the draw back faces option it should disappear.

Post Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:26 am

Yes, i tried that also.

With backface disabled, the cockpit is ok.
All i did is this: imported rheinland elite into MS, exported CMP and put it ingame. I had the problem u see. I also put it in a mod and passed it to a friend, he has the same problem so is not my comp or my FL.

Here it is the MS screeny

In game it appears as i showed in my previous post.

Now, i was thinking if anyone can repeat what i did, to check if results are the same, i would be very gratefull.

1. Backup Rh_elite.cmp (or any other ship)
2. Import it in Milkshape
3. Export it as CMP
4. Overwrite the old CMP
5. Test ingame

Btw, thank you for replies so far

Post Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:50 pm

Err, ok, did u rename the groups into unique names? They have to be unique in order for them to work within the game. The materials should be the same if you`re gonna use the same mat file. Also u`ll notice the top plate is not linked to the hull. Thats the cargo bay, u`ll need to rotate or scale it into place to seal the hole in the hull.

Post Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:05 am

I found a solution to it. I just Duplicated the group with glass material. Deleted the original. Than renamed it as the original. Now is all ok.

Thank you M-A-C-E_166 for the effort.

Post Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:01 pm

Its no trouble, i couldn`t count the amount of times i`ve had someone else on here help me out. There's always somebody who will help.

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