Post Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:19 pm


Hey guys ...

I have a bit of a competition here for you ... I am wishing to build a mod that simulates an old game I used to play called Silent Death Online, the game was a mmorpg 2d top down space shooter, and I wish to give it a rebirth into freelancer as a total conversion mod.

It would be great if a modding team picked it up as its not going to be a huge mod as such, only 5 or 6 systems, and not too many ships, basically most stuff will be stripped out.

What I'm wishing in this section is a little contest (no it won't be for money I'm afraid, but the best designs will be featured in the mod, and the modders named within the game as npcs, sorry thats about all I can do for you if you win lol).

I do have all the information I need for the four factions etc and some of the equipment and weapons etc, as I still have the old game files, so I would be happy to hand those over to any modding team interested.

But now the reason why I'm giving out this contest ...

I would like you guys to design ships, but I have the originals as voxels, I can send you the files and the viewer/player needed to see them. They are quite low res, but I would basically like ships based roughly around them, don't let that stop you putting a little flair into it if you like, your not limited to it, just the general shape and look will be fine

As you'll see from the ships from the game (if you accept) there were 4 factions seperated by colour, the colours visible on parts of the hulls, so I would like 4 versions of each ship, each one with the house colours (red, yellow, purple and green)

If your interested I'll tell you more

Thanks for reading