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G-Max?? Can it be done?

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:03 pm

G-Max?? Can it be done?

I have G-Max 1.2 and well I SUCK AT IT!!!!!!!!! But ive been playing around a bit and this is what ive dont.. welll only if i new how to insert a picture off my pc ther would by a harable ship here and how would you mount hard points, canopy's,engines, textures,Cockpits with guys in them, have them smoke when there hit, mount thrustes, shield points and cargo bays. Convert the hardcmp editor thing mount the guns and then convert to FLMM form.

O yaeh you can put cammeras in g-max but do those cammeras work for FL?

If someone can tell me how to insert a picture and take a non-game screenshot of it that would be nice

Help please
Please help!!!!

"this is bravo-3 reporting in i have a coolint leak ... may i please dock?" "ok please wait in que for one hour" "ok" 5-4-3-2-1 Kaboom! "Bravo 3 your cleared to dock Bravo-3? Bravo-3

Edited by - Beta-5 on 3/18/2005 7:04:06 PM

Edited by - Beta-5 on 3/19/2005 3:52:20 PM

Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:18 pm


Well where to start.. for your first series of questions I would suggest you go looking at tutorials, there are a couple of ship making/modelling/texturing/exporting threads in the "Freelancer 3D Modeling and Texturing Forum" that should help you complete your ship.. You will also need MilkShape as it has the only working Freelancer compatible .cmp, .mat exporter plug-in. Milkshape is available: Here

The camera's in Gmax have no effect in freelancer. The camera positions in freelancer are determined by entries in .ini files.

Now.... posting images and links to images plus websites etc.. is pretty straight forward but by using the format required they will probably look like they are links ... .. lol

Ok to post a link to a picture library so your picture will be displayed on the page:
now you need to start and end with a " [ " each end.. except Lancers wont display the reversed one on the page... then its... img=http://website_library_link/mypic.jpg for example;

img= <------ square bracket either end

A link to a site is: closed square bracket ---->url=http://etc.whatever ... (full link name) <---- closed bracket again..

Hope all this works .. failing that...., post the link addy and one of the mods should see it and turn it into a link.. then since its your post then you can edit it and look at the format... now there may be a tutorial on all of this somewhere but if there is I cant remember seeing it

Or failing that simply look at the forum codes - top left of the posting message window....

Also, since this post probably belongs there I will move this to the modelling forum in a couple of days after you have seen this message.


Edited by - harrier on 3/19/2005 10:32:51 PM

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