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Milkshape 1.7.3, and always no new plugin

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:12 am

Milkshape 1.7.3, and always no new plugin

Hi everybody

the new version of milkshape is out ... but as many time , no update of the milkshape pluggin for import CMP ...

why ????
why nobody could updated it ???
with the new limitation a vertex....
could we considere that's dead ???

best regards

Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:39 am

Well, why not stick to 1.7.0 or so? Has worked fine so far.

Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:37 am


No need for a new plugin, simply copy the plugins from your old Milkshape folder into the new one. That's what I did , and it works fine. There shouldnt be compatibility issues.

Post Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:22 am

your right ... the pluggin work too .. but ... but ...
this pluggin is limited to the limitation size of milkshape 1.6.6, around 8000 polygons ..i'm not exact ..
but the newest version of milkshape1.7.x, is around 65 0000 polygons !!!!
much better for capships !! tried to load the liberty dreadnaught or other big vessel !!! you couldn't .. for this reason ...
the community needs , i think , new tools ...

best regards

Post Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:37 pm


This community has been in need of tools since the beginning. Compared to other gameing companies Microsoft's support of the modding community has been appalling.

We have received squat in terms of modding tools. How many years after Freelancer's release and we still can't make our own .sur files! How about a game pack for GMAX or simply an expalanaion of it's structure so the brains in the community can make a plugin.

Gaming studios support of their modding communities has been the standard in gaming for years now. Every major game release is accompanied by tools for modders to use but M$ continues to turn their backs on us.

If it wasn't for the hard work that peolpe have put in to create the tools we currently use we would be nowhere. To you guys I offer my heartfelt thanks .

The only reason I continue to mod for this game is because of the friends I've made in the my mod team. If they decide to mod pong I will be right there with them.

It is my sincere hope that the next cool space sim is made by ANYONE other than Microsoft.

They can kiss my @$$.


Edited by - PantherX on 2/8/2005 3:27:20 PM

Post Tue May 17, 2005 5:36 am

I agree with Panther above. I'm amazed, but not suprized, that neither Microsoft nor Digital Anvil have not been more forthcoming with much needed info on adding content to their openly admitted mod-able game. Especially when dealing with adding ships (.sur). Blah-, blah-, blah..

Funny enough...

I've been playing X2 - The Threat while spending about 7-8 months in exile from the net, and just found out that you can mod it. Problem is that, unlike Freelancer's text/ini script-like setup, X2 has a crytic scripting style. I've read some of the tutorials, but noone seems to want to explain what changes what and why. Even adding custom ships is a pain as noone "wants" to build one from scratch and currently are using objects that are already part of the game.

( Reason why I brought up X2 is more of a comparison actually : I like the idea of a supply/demand economy rather than Freelancers trade-route/static economy. But combat in Freelancer is much more enjoyable than X2's. )

But the difference there is that the publishers/developers of X2 are actually trying to help out their modding community.


Post Tue May 17, 2005 3:25 pm

How about just an update to allow the .cmp exporter to create .3db's without the hassle of editing via UTF-this is the simplest update possible,or how about multiple meshes(if meshconv can do it i don't see why the exporter can't)

that said I'd like to tip my metaphorical hat to all the very smart & at times dedicated programmers & tinkerers who have given their time to the FL modding community,thanks guys! i'm not going to go into M$'s lack of cooperation but needless to say I have an opinion *

*check my email address

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