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Illuminated Textures - Alien Textures

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:26 am


I dunno if I said it before but the key is in the nomad ship .cmp, there are two textures effectively mapped to one surface, then the gradient maps and illumination, are added as float values... but that's as far as I got, I found that in order for the textures to work properly that the model needed two skins or an inner frame..


Edited by - harrier on 7/11/2005 4:27:10 AM

Post Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:26 am

hmmm... i just dont understand what you mean by having two textures mapped to one surface. im confused lol
of course maybe we are just going about it differently

Post Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:33 pm

could you please send me that tutorial/instructions on how to use nomad textures?
email to [email protected]

Post Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:27 pm

Could it be a flag of sort...?

Just a random musing

Post Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:16 pm

Shmuck and others who have contacted me recently,

I'll post the contents of the email message:

Unfortunately I have no tutorial, as I didn't wholly solve it, the result I got was by making an inner frame and texing that as well. Up to that time the ship had been invisible, it was only after I did that the ship revealed itself.. My steps are outlined in the thread, but all I did was study the nomad model in ms3d by importing it and looking then applying the EXACT same set-up as the nomad textures. The format is a little unusual as it uses glow maps in an unusual way and references them via a .txm file which provides the glows somehow in line with the illuminated textures. I asked for extra help at the time in finally solving it completely.. but have had no feedback, so as I have other projects in mind I shelved it, but would happily work with you guys on finally solving it. As to others and progress I understand Argh is working on them independently, perhaps if you talk to him he may be able to fill in the gaps..

Sorry I cannot be more help..

Post Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:46 am

This is a side project that I simply haven't taken the time to complete, I'm afraid. I kind've plan to have "new and improved" Nomad stuff in the next version of the Toolkit Mod, now that I've figured out how ALEs work (although this knowledge has not been entirely satisfactory thus far- I can't clone existing ALEs yet, nor code new ones).

Soooo... here's what I can tell you:

1. "Nomad textures" are basically a single DXT3 file that contains an alpha channel, which is DcDtOcEcEtTwo (talk about complicated), which in turn has a special cubemap that it uses instead of the standard white dot. This cubemap is also DDS DXT3, but it doesn't have an alpha channel, if I'm recalling correctly.

2. Basically, the Freelancer game engine fakes specularity by displaying a white dot onto the surface normals of geometry that's facing a lightsource. What Nomad textures do is to shine a semi-random (and nicely tiling) texture onto the surface instead. That's ALL IT DOES. It appears, to the viewer, that something fancier is going on, but really all we're looking at is something very much like the specular highlights on normal ships... but, instead of a white dot with a gray alpha, we're looking at a colored map. There's nothing all that fancy about it, and altering it's a piece of cake.

Making a new one is going to be a bit trickier. I haven't yet figured out how to make new TXMs, which is the stumbling block- this is on my long list of "things to figure out when I just have enough free time"- which should be soon, since I'm almost done with the code going into the next version of the Toolkit. My theory is that TXMs and MATs are exactly the same, structurally- it's just the UTF parameters, such as animation instructions, that make them different- I just haven't gotten to test that theory yet, is all. If this proves correct, we'll be able to make things like animated textures on ships... which would be very cool, obviously...

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:45 pm

give me your email address and i can send to a tutorial to make the nomad textures work on other ships. i can also make other texures work with the nomad effect but am still working on it and will put together another tutorial for that as soon as i can.

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:59 am

Hi Freezefire!

When you completed your Tutorial it would be great to put them in the Tutorial forums here on TLR. I think that many modelers would be very thankful for this and many people would profit of these tutorials (of course they should give you credit).

I'm not a modeller, but I'm also searching for normal ships somehow 'infected' by the Nomads (like on your pictures). So it would be great, if there were some new ships like yours coming soon.

Again, great work!!

Black Eagle

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:30 am

ok i got a tutorial up on the forums now

sorry it took so long

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:30 am

guess that link will work till it gets moved anyways

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