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Help (what a bad word)

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:43 am

Help (what a bad word)

After i`ve imported my ship in milkshape:
1st: I don`t know anything about the (Flip vertically) operation you guys
are talking about and how to do it...

2nd: every time i export my ship into (.cmp) file the milkshape encounter
a problem (error)and needs to close...why? i don`t know....

3rd: I tried to export another (downloaded) ship into that cmp file and it


Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:30 am

i may be wrong but the "flip vertically" thing applies to textures only once you are in ms3d.

however, if you've created a ship in GMAX and are importing it into MS3D you will end up having to rotate the ship a little because the front of your ship will be faceing up instead of forward.

Finally, check your .dll files in the ms3d root folder. If you are using both the cmp importer dll and the cmp exporter dll milkshape is gonna have a hell of alot of problems. it just dont like em. another thing to try to do is only export in autodesk 3ds format from gmax or any other modeling program. it seems to be the most stable. also you may want to grab the most recent dll pack from the makers of MS3D as they have admitted to bad dlls before.

hope i helped

Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:09 am

oh drizzt4.0,you are my man!!!!
I`ve deleted cmp importer and it finally worked....
hope you guyz`ll see my ship (yes drizzt um happy with it) here soon.


Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:39 am

cool beanz,

Glad i was able to help out.

Post Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:26 pm

Oh,and oh....
This is a terrible tragedy......
After i`ve suffered completing your tutorial.......
I`ve made sure for everything to work normally,I`ve followed it step by step
for 12 hours until changing it to flmm mod....
But there were a problem that made me REALLY beanz as you said..
I began the game yes,the first intro then the second yes...
then CRASH......
No it isn`t the silly error of the saved games in flmm......
Actually i tried to place the files manually in the game directory,but the CRASH
remained CRASH
I`ve to visit a psychologist....
I hope you can really help....
side question:Where can i place my shiparch.ini file if um using flmm?
avrage greatzz

Edited by - invalid on 2/19/2004 3:38:37 PM

Post Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:01 am

shiparch.ini would go in the same place, just in your mod folder (yourmod\data\ships\shiparch.ini)

There is no objective truth other than schplurg,
Everything is relative to schplurg

Post Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:58 am

thanks psycho...
I`ve searched for erorrs in my ship`s ini files but didn`t found
also i`ve re (broadcast) my .mat file and cmp...
but it didn`t removed the crash....
actually i don`t know what to do,this is very hopless some body help..


Post Sat Feb 21, 2004 9:36 am

i suggest you try an reinstall of freelancer to fix the crash

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Post Sat Feb 21, 2004 10:11 am

Yes,I`ve already tried it.......
I think i made a mistake here or there in the files...
don`t worry i`ll fix it anyway

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