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** Tutorial ** - Transparent Windows

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 2:59 am

** Tutorial ** - Transparent Windows

I was just reading through and I noticed someone commenting about not knowing how to do transparant cockpits, so I figured what better way to explain than make a small tutorial that's probably already been done.

This is real easy to do. All you need to do is make a texture specifically for the window. To do this load up a program capable of making transparent images, for instance I use Photoshop 7.0 and follow this procedure. If you have Photoshop 7.0 you can follow along and it will basically make itself. If you don't have Photoshop then you should be able to modify this procedure for whatever program your using, it's really self-explanatory.

First, make a new image that is a fare size, say 400X300. When you create it be sure you move the dot under the CONTENTS heading to "Transparent" from whatever it's on. Now, you should have a blank image that's transparent, something like this;

It should be noted that Photoshop will automatically create a new layer when you do this next procedure. If your not sure if yours will I suguest making a new layer that we can paint on. Some programs call it a layer, some call it a Raster Layer, depending on what your using.

Now, go to your paint and select a color that you want for the glass. If you want it to be black, choose something a little bit greyer than total black. If you want white choose something a little greyer than white. The off-black/off-white will give it a sence of texture when it's put on the glass. Now click the FILL tool and click anywhere on the picture. You should endup with something like this;

This next step is for Photoshop only. Other programs will be diferent. Basically all your doing is adjusting the new layer's opacity. Some programs have it under Layer Properties but any program that does layers will have a properties somewhere for that layer.

Now, under the LAYER menu there is an option there for LAYER STYLE. Put your mouse on that and a side menu will appear. Select the BLENDING OPTIONS command and what we're now looking for is the slider in the GENERAL BLENDING box that's labeled OPACITY. Slide it back 1/4 of the bar, or to where the shading is to your liking, and then hit OK... Now you should have your transparent texture looking much like this;

Now all you have to do is go to FILE, SAVE, and save it as a TGA. It will "yell" at you saying it can only save a copy of the image, just ignore that. Now all you have to do is open your MAT file and add the texture there. Oh, and don't forget to add the texture in Milkshape as you normally do. Here's an example, my Lambda shuttle, of how the transparancy will look.

BTW, now that your cockpit is transparent, you might wanna add a pilot and a few more details.


Fortune favors the strong mind.

Edited by - Stinger on 2/14/2004 7:47:40 AM

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 3:43 pm

So all you need is simple alpha channel transparency? Wow, that is ridiculously easy, thanks a lot.

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:56 pm

damd, you were I just to late, figured it out my selfs.
But were did you got the pilot from?

Post Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:41 pm

You can pretty much get a pilot from anywhere online. Even MilkShape comes with some demo characters of Max Payne, etc. Just grab one of them, do some slight modifications (if you really want to), and drop them where the seat is. Viola!


Fortune favors the strong mind.

Post Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:16 pm



Post Sun Apr 20, 2003 9:58 am

Actually, when you do your ship model just drop a pilot in there. Make the pilot using MilkShape, or whatever your making your model in. Just a simple sphere for a head and a couple rectangles for body parts would do because the camera is so far away that details in your pilot are just a waste of time.


I've just had the most disturbing encounter with a mad woman on the Holodeck. - Holographic Doc

Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:51 pm


Excellent tutorial. My thanks!

.sig/ Style is more an attitude than what you wear.

Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:02 pm

No problem Flint, that's what I'm here for.


I've just had the most disturbing encounter with a mad woman on the Holodeck. - Holographic Doc

Post Mon May 05, 2003 9:27 pm

Jackel that is nice tutorial.Anyway I do not have Photoshop 7.0 therefore would you be interested in emailing me the file for window.

o)==[::::::::::::> May strong survive and weak perish <::::::::::::==(o

Post Sat May 10, 2003 11:32 am

ok ive made my tga file following you instructions .(it looks the same as yours when i save it).ive added it to my mat file under texture then the corresponding entry material bit at top. then we get to -

Oh, and don't forget to add the texture in Milkshape as you normally do

right ive added the texture in using the name i gave the material in the mat file

ive skinned the bit i want to be transparen/seethrough with my new texture.

now here is where it goes wrong, when it gets into the game it is solid and not see through in exactly the bits i put it ( it looks great if i just dont export the bit that is see through,ie just technically holes).

can anyone give me any suggestions?

American Scientists spent millions developing the perfect writing utensil; It writes in Zero-gravity, upside down, under water, in space... The Russians used a Pencil.

Post Thu Jun 12, 2003 9:42 am

ok just an update (as i solved my own problem )

the problem with this tutorial is it only works with an unpatched photoshop 7 (the reason for this is when you patch it to 7.01 it alters the way it handles .tga files. upto 7 it handled .tga's by putting an alpha channel as the 4th layer. but on 7 they decided to put the transparency info their, there was a "few" complaints about this and the update reverted to the pre-7 way of doing things).

so the solution is to make your .tga as stated but when it comes to adding the transparency bit. go to the layers box and click on the channels tab.

add a new channel - it will call it alpha1. paint/fill what ever you want on this new layer, with a few restrictions - everything on this layer must be black, white or grey.

the coding for transparency in the game reads this alpha layer as Black-see through ,white-solid and grey semi transparent (the closer to black the more transparent and the closer to white the more solid it is).

now the upshot of all this is .............well i'll leave it to your imagination

American Scientists spent millions developing the perfect writing utensil; It writes in Zero-gravity, upside down, under water, in space... The Russians used a Pencil.

Post Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:45 pm

Hm I have the "solid" problem with Jasc PainShopPro 7, it says "because of the limitations of the tga file format" bla bla, when reloaded the transparency is gone and also not in milkshape available... any ideas?

in milkshape you can set transparency by reducing the emission, however I have no idea how it works in FL afterwards

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 8:14 am

paintshop is useless for making TGA files I have Jasc paintshop 7 and 8 and neither one can make a TGA file that works right. I had to use photoshop 7 to make TGA

Post Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:30 pm

Ok a slight departure. About the pilot. In the game when you are docked and look at the cockpit there is no pilot but in flight there is a pilot clearly shown.


Post Fri Oct 03, 2003 5:42 pm


I would like to know one thing, is that incredibly cool, Star Wars Empire Lambda Shuttle, out as a MOD? I would like to fly it, its cool!

Hope it is!

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