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Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Wed May 05, 2004 2:36 am

for the kilrathi faction, i could edit the names (if i knew which file to edit) to give them some more authentic sounding pilots. anybody want me to do that?

Who dares wins

Post Wed May 05, 2004 3:49 am

Try nameresources.dll. BTW, a list of Kilrathi names for you.

Edited by - Bob McDob on 5/5/2004 4:59:03 PM

Post Wed May 05, 2004 4:50 am

thanks bob, also for our "faction" or whatever, why not include the kilrathi aces with us, since we just rock that much

Who dares wins

Post Wed May 05, 2004 6:13 am

Hehe, I think all of the Kilrathi aces are dead :\

Post Wed May 05, 2004 7:07 am

@Bob, you put the word "here" accidentally into your link to Kilrathi names. It sends me to a an error page. Just FYI.

EDIT: Now that I can see the list, it wouldn't take long to kill the whole lot of them. What are the rules for naming Kilrathi? Perhaps some new ones would be in order.

Sir S

Edited by - Sir Spectre on 5/5/2004 8:30:30 PM

Post Wed May 05, 2004 7:49 pm

Spectre , maybe just take the first name and add a different last name ?

on the list are :

# Syl'kkai nar Caxki
# Ta'kar'ki nar Caxki
# Talmak nar Sutaghi
# Tarros nar Poghath

maybe try new names like this (just swapping last names) :

# Syl'kkai nar Sutaghi
# Ta'kar'ki nar Poghath
# Talmak nar Sutaghi
# Tarros nar Caxki

Warzog :

for your faction your talking baout creating what about the Pirahna ? there is a model already made though its for starlancer but i have no clue as to how hard/easy it would be to convert to FL or how the size compares to the other ships in the mod already

the file (and pic) is here : ... .asp?id=65

Post Wed May 05, 2004 8:08 pm

@Mannfred, I was speaking from a point of view of making completely new ones while mildly mocking the whim to which the names were created in the first place. I mean, really, it looks like they've sat down and figured out all the combination of ways they could make names using the harsh sounding letters "k" "g" "t" and a lot of "h"s for good measure.

Sir s

Post Thu May 06, 2004 6:52 am

Bob! I finished a nice looking paradigm texture for you to try. Its not based on the perry texture however. I may have overstepped myself with the texture because it is quite detailed.

If you want me to do more, or need anything changed or re-worked from the ground up let me know.

Its uploaded to the ftp.

edit: I just uploaded an update to the texture, fixed a few ugly spots.


PS: can anything be fixed about the warbly perry naval base texture mapping in the game, or is that an error caused by the freelancer game engine?

Edited by - lvxoccvlta on 5/7/2004 12:19:40 AM

Post Thu May 06, 2004 11:21 pm

Cool cat I'll see what I can do ...

Post Thu May 06, 2004 11:33 pm

Hey guys, in case you need to reach me when I am online (and not on the forums), my AIM name is LVXOCCVLTA

Post Fri May 07, 2004 3:08 am

PS: can anything be fixed about the warbly perry naval base texture mapping in the game, or is that an error caused by the freelancer game engine?

No we can't and it's doomed to forever look like that

Seriously, it could probably be remapped, but ... dammit, I'm a modeler, not a
texturer :p [Actually it looks like the "wavyness" is a side effect of gmax's sphere map feature ... so maybe there is hope

EDIT: Opened up the textures ... good job, l

Edited by - Bob McDob on 5/7/2004 5:30:33 AM

Post Fri May 07, 2004 4:43 am

Thankyou sir, and good luck getting the texture properly applied. Maybe someone here has Lightwave or something super awesome like that.

Also, I am on the hunt for a job. Willing to relocate. Computers are my thing, i am young and trainable. Also bi-lingual.

Post Fri May 07, 2004 5:21 am

Computers are my thing, i am young and trainable

Hehe, that sounds wrong :\ Anyway:

I like your texture for Constantinople. I would have made it more monochrome, but I'm not really as inclined to argue for that. About the only problem I have is here:

As you probably guessed, that's not one of your textures. I took an existing one and adjusted the midtone down, because I felt the shift from greyish-blue to sheer turquoise was simply too great. It's kind of jarring to see that total color shift in mid-model (although this could partially be accounted for by intermediete elements I have not implemented yet).

Here's what it looks like with turquoise substituted:

Note that this is still a work-in-progress, and I'm not complete with everything yet. I only exported it to Milkshape because gmax has a texture size limit and I forgot how to circumvent that. Doh.

Post Fri May 07, 2004 5:33 am

Bob, that turquoise texture sucked.. get rid of that.

Use only the three good looking textures. I uploaded 3 different textures to the FTP.. one with the NEW CONSTANTINOPLE logo-- this is to go on the north and south sides of the base. the one without NEW CONSTANTINOPLE gets applied to the west and east sides. the dark dark grey texture gets wallpapered in-between each of the 4 quadrants. The turquoise one was a failed idea.. I had made that a few weeks ago without any pictures of New Constantinople, and running off a 12 year old memory of Privateer. Ill delete that stray bluey one immediately. Please don't use it!

Other than that, I don't understand your problem.. is it with the texture or the model? Is this area that you circled rendering darker than the rest of the model, for some unknown reason when you applied that ****ty turquoise texture I made?

Computers are my thing, yes, and I am young and trainable. Having professional experience in a wide range of IT fields, I have been cross trained in many areas.. sorry if that sounded "wrong" ?

edit: deleted the turquoise texture off the FTP.. sorry for the confusion!

If you havent loaded my 3 textures yet.. try them.

Also, I see the rendering problem exists here too.. GMAX or Milkshape, or whatever it is that you use... it doesnt understand straight lines. Is it possible to get a beefier 3d program that knows how to apply textures on surfaces straight? I think this has to do with Anisotropic filtering.

Edited by - lvxoccvlta on 5/7/2004 6:34:06 AM

Edited by - lvxoccvlta on 5/7/2004 6:38:40 AM

Post Fri May 07, 2004 6:15 am

Why is CONSTANTINOPLE backwards? So people know what it says in the rearview mirror?

Sir S

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