And working in factions is quite interesting.. The missions are harder for beginners, therefore working together is the clue. And if you are using Teamspeak you can act together and fly together against your oponents.. For me it's more interesting than Freelancer as the original.. But there are still some problems in the game, which would hopefully fixed with the next version and as far as i know, there will be new systems available, too..
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Free-Worlds 1.63! (SW TC)
Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Star Wars Total Conversion called ?Free Worlds?
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To be honest, there are 5 Systems and roughly 32 bases. The Systems Are Coruscant, Bilbringi, Corellian, Bespin and Cloud City.
And working in factions is quite interesting.. The missions are harder for beginners, therefore working together is the clue. And if you are using Teamspeak you can act together and fly together against your oponents.. For me it's more interesting than Freelancer as the original.. But there are still some problems in the game, which would hopefully fixed with the next version and as far as i know, there will be new systems available, too..
And working in factions is quite interesting.. The missions are harder for beginners, therefore working together is the clue. And if you are using Teamspeak you can act together and fly together against your oponents.. For me it's more interesting than Freelancer as the original.. But there are still some problems in the game, which would hopefully fixed with the next version and as far as i know, there will be new systems available, too..
Is it in Free Worlds that something special is supposed to have happened in Cloud City or something?
What has been made for Cloud City that makes it so special. Because it can't be classed as a system unless you've done something amazing to it.
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency
Is it in Free Worlds that something special is supposed to have happened in Cloud City or something?
What has been made for Cloud City that makes it so special. Because it can't be classed as a system unless you've done something amazing to it.
Leader of the Republic Mod Team.
"Criminal Organisations don't just spring up overnight. It's a conspiracy" - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency
Firstable I want to thank you for this amazing mod
There're a lot things, which have to be done (many systems are missing, there aren't enoug commodities, there's still a lot of work to do with the balancing) but I'm sure, you know about on your own so I doesn't have to talk about it.
But there're things I'm wondering about.
First, why is Cloud City an own system? Why isn't Cloud City not the place you would reach when landing on Bespin like in the movies?
And then, I've been asking myself "what's wrong with this mod", why is the Star Wars Feeling missing. Why does it still feels like Freelancer. I suppose, it's because of the color nebulars in the background which are typical for Freelancer but noch fprt SW. Maybe you should try to reduce the count of the nebulars or you should give the player oppurtinity to deactivate the nebulars.

There're a lot things, which have to be done (many systems are missing, there aren't enoug commodities, there's still a lot of work to do with the balancing) but I'm sure, you know about on your own so I doesn't have to talk about it.
But there're things I'm wondering about.
First, why is Cloud City an own system? Why isn't Cloud City not the place you would reach when landing on Bespin like in the movies?
And then, I've been asking myself "what's wrong with this mod", why is the Star Wars Feeling missing. Why does it still feels like Freelancer. I suppose, it's because of the color nebulars in the background which are typical for Freelancer but noch fprt SW. Maybe you should try to reduce the count of the nebulars or you should give the player oppurtinity to deactivate the nebulars.
i dont want to make anyone mad and all, but the download page says this is for mp and sp and that the file is 225mp. i downloaded it and got a little over 26mp for the size... or is there other links that are not showing up..
also im sure this is a great mod.
Edited by - warrior17 on 1/19/2006 7:18:04 PM
also im sure this is a great mod.
Edited by - warrior17 on 1/19/2006 7:18:04 PM
I'm a bit of Star Wars nut so i was realy excited when i saw this mod, i downloaded it onto disc (my computer does not have internet, i used my parents.) i noticed u need the mod manager to use it os i downloaded that too, so i went to put them on my computer the mod manager worked fine, but when i tried to open the Free-World fileit said that it was a corrupt file...... i really don't have a clue what to do about help someone!!
One mans Terrorist is another mans Freedom Fighter
One mans Terrorist is another mans Freedom Fighter
While there are one or two bugs that have come to light since release (and a hotfix is being dealt with as we speak) I can confirm that most people don't have this sort of problem and it does sound like a corrupted download sorry.
Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station
'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'
Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station
'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'
can somebody help me ??? i have downloaded the mod 1.66 and when i play something always goeas wrong, when i use ships like the x-wing, z-95 and other "rebel" ships the cockpit view from the inside always goes down so i see a bit over the cockpit ------------------ is it a bug or is it something wrong whit how i downladed it????????????
plz answer somebody!!!!!!
plz answer somebody!!!!!!
same goes for the bridges of the IMP capships., it seems the camera on the bridge is a little too low.
I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned.
"Just for a good shot - for what else?"
I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned.
"Just for a good shot - for what else?"
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