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Oldtimers, this game wasnt made with us in mind.
This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!
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I was refering to "cruise" mode.... not using the trade lane. Just select your waypoint and hit the "cruise". While it is slower than using a is fast enough to outrun your attackers.....unless they use "cruise interrupter " missles on you!
Which in the demo they seldom do.
I have used this tactic a lot when I go exploring and do not want to be bothered by pesty rogues or junkers.
Edited by - WhiteTiger on 05-03-2003 14:02:46
I was refering to "cruise" mode.... not using the trade lane. Just select your waypoint and hit the "cruise". While it is slower than using a is fast enough to outrun your attackers.....unless they use "cruise interrupter " missles on you!
Which in the demo they seldom do.
I have used this tactic a lot when I go exploring and do not want to be bothered by pesty rogues or junkers.
Edited by - WhiteTiger on 05-03-2003 14:02:46
> The universe is big and diverse, and there is lots to find in there.
Agreed. There's a helluva lot... but considering the dev time? Hmmm. Great fun though. I'm not complaining on that score.
> ...Freelancer has also been in development for ages... getting the game out of the door...
Battlecruiser, anyone?
> Unfortunally a lot great stuff dropped inevitable on the cutting floor.
Shame, considering the extra depth and variety that got dropped along with them. Still, understandable as the game mechanics would be that much more complex to handle... 7 years.
> Some of the earlier designs also included more types of random missions, like transport missions (cargo, person and/or information), protection missions (cargo ship, other fighters etc.), exploration missions (map out that jumphole) and most of what else all of you could come up with...
OMG!!! I thought people were kidding! I thought those missions were IN the retail!
/me bounces head off table.
> A dynamic economy is not high on my wish-list
Mine neither, but having one would have reeled in more of the X crowd as paying customers.
> If you think about it, then Freelancer in its current form is more alive and fun than any other space game out there. People are buzzing around on their schedules and doing their jobs, actually checking things acording to some master-plan and acording to their faction.
Yes, true on the surface. But then you consider the fact that all these people are literally blinking into existence mere moments before you set eyes on them. Look at X-Tension - pirates have to originate from a base, as do transports, cops etc.
Damn... my GF is egging me to go home, catch'ya'll tomorrow.

Agreed. There's a helluva lot... but considering the dev time? Hmmm. Great fun though. I'm not complaining on that score.
> ...Freelancer has also been in development for ages... getting the game out of the door...
Battlecruiser, anyone?
> Unfortunally a lot great stuff dropped inevitable on the cutting floor.
Shame, considering the extra depth and variety that got dropped along with them. Still, understandable as the game mechanics would be that much more complex to handle... 7 years.
> Some of the earlier designs also included more types of random missions, like transport missions (cargo, person and/or information), protection missions (cargo ship, other fighters etc.), exploration missions (map out that jumphole) and most of what else all of you could come up with...
OMG!!! I thought people were kidding! I thought those missions were IN the retail!
/me bounces head off table.
> A dynamic economy is not high on my wish-list
Mine neither, but having one would have reeled in more of the X crowd as paying customers.
> If you think about it, then Freelancer in its current form is more alive and fun than any other space game out there. People are buzzing around on their schedules and doing their jobs, actually checking things acording to some master-plan and acording to their faction.
Yes, true on the surface. But then you consider the fact that all these people are literally blinking into existence mere moments before you set eyes on them. Look at X-Tension - pirates have to originate from a base, as do transports, cops etc.
Damn... my GF is egging me to go home, catch'ya'll tomorrow.

Apoc: But a TON of balancing!
Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor
Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor
A lot of the wishes you guys have can be solved by a add-on or a patch of some sort.
It wont fix all the issues, but some. Who knows, maybe the game will even live up to your standards.
I'm very content with the game, but I agree to all the points you make. It WOULD make the game better, it's just not a problem that their left out.
It wont fix all the issues, but some. Who knows, maybe the game will even live up to your standards.
I'm very content with the game, but I agree to all the points you make. It WOULD make the game better, it's just not a problem that their left out.
1.No real mining.
2.Too much bandit fighting around primary planets
(Some times they are shooting at you when you prepare to leave the stations, this is extremely bad law enforcement)
3. No mercenaries for hire
4. Lack of interaction with the world
5. Most things seem repetition after a while (except for exploration)
6. Dialogues are very repetetive.
7. Being lane hacked by level 1 rogues with a lvl 20 ship
8. I would like to see autoturrets implemented with less accuracy for lesser skilled players and the choice of manually stearing for better targetting.
Hmm. I played and love Privateer. But ALL of these things were worse in Privateer. No mining, getting attacked as soon as you leave a planet, can't hire anybody, everything was repetitive, there weren't branching conversations, the retros always attacked you even when you were superior, and there were no autofiring turrets. So I don't get why you can say Privateer was better than FL for these reasons.
I'd say only a small percentage reminds me of wing commander! there is still alot more balancing to do! yeah I think when I'd leave a planet, or a base the enemy are attacking me! but yet where did the police partols went ?? when I'd shoot the police just for fun! they come by the 100's! to come to kill me! but it is alot of fun shooting them down in libirty space when you have a lvl 20 ship! cuz when you kill a few, the rest run away cuz I'm too tough! lol.
I think people are forgetting a lot of things freelancer has been through. I mean I'm surprised it ever got shipped. We have Chris leaving DA, DA being bought by MS, NueroNet no longer piloting your ship in combat, joystick being taken in and out, switching game from dynamic economy to static, and a thousand other things.
Then I hear all of these comparisons to 'old school' games and how supperior those are. I know the focus is on gameplay over graphics, but I imagine building the FL engine from scratch took more effort than making elite... These days, if a game looks like crap, most people won't play it. The graphics bar has been raised. To have the same level of immersion, a games graphics, sound, and atmosphere have to be cutting edge. Now options like manual docking may immerse a player into a games world, but I think when a game is in design, especially in a budget minded world like today, designers have to ask themself "is that really necesary". I think the answer is plainly "no". I mean, maybe you will dock the first couple of times and have some fun until you get bored and just auto dock anyways. So the other option would be for designers to require you, the player, to dock... then you'd hear whines of tedious gameplay... So should a game be delayed a month so someone can dock a few times just to have the option? I don't think so.
Things I'm not too worried about :
random missions : they suck as of know, but I never really go on random missions anyways, I'm more about exploring. I'm betting it won't be long before more random missions are added from the mod community (maybe even MS)
lack of components : I'm already working on this as we speak. I already did some testing and bought rheinland engines for a liberty defender and got to have the signiture green glowing engines. I plan on editting engine stats and making them buyable in their respective systems. By adding better reactors, armor, etc, you could keep a lower level ship a little longer. My point is that there are a lot of things still in the game just waiting to be brought out.
Really, I just hope people realize its a lot harder to make a game now than it was in the days of elite. So these claims "but <insert classic game here> did so much more years ago", you really don't understand how much more work went into FL... (lets not forget making all the 3d models... thats work!)
Note: DX8.1 features weren't originally including in FL... there was actually a poll a long time ago on TLR if you would wait 6months for support and guess what, its supported now. No wonder it took so long...
ok, so if you don't like this game... quit moaning and start modding, FL was never meant to be elite or privateer or frontier or anything else, but that doesn't mean it can't be
Edited by - sellout on 05-03-2003 16:54:12
Edited by - sellout on 05-03-2003 16:57:59
Then I hear all of these comparisons to 'old school' games and how supperior those are. I know the focus is on gameplay over graphics, but I imagine building the FL engine from scratch took more effort than making elite... These days, if a game looks like crap, most people won't play it. The graphics bar has been raised. To have the same level of immersion, a games graphics, sound, and atmosphere have to be cutting edge. Now options like manual docking may immerse a player into a games world, but I think when a game is in design, especially in a budget minded world like today, designers have to ask themself "is that really necesary". I think the answer is plainly "no". I mean, maybe you will dock the first couple of times and have some fun until you get bored and just auto dock anyways. So the other option would be for designers to require you, the player, to dock... then you'd hear whines of tedious gameplay... So should a game be delayed a month so someone can dock a few times just to have the option? I don't think so.
Things I'm not too worried about :
random missions : they suck as of know, but I never really go on random missions anyways, I'm more about exploring. I'm betting it won't be long before more random missions are added from the mod community (maybe even MS)
lack of components : I'm already working on this as we speak. I already did some testing and bought rheinland engines for a liberty defender and got to have the signiture green glowing engines. I plan on editting engine stats and making them buyable in their respective systems. By adding better reactors, armor, etc, you could keep a lower level ship a little longer. My point is that there are a lot of things still in the game just waiting to be brought out.
Really, I just hope people realize its a lot harder to make a game now than it was in the days of elite. So these claims "but <insert classic game here> did so much more years ago", you really don't understand how much more work went into FL... (lets not forget making all the 3d models... thats work!)
Note: DX8.1 features weren't originally including in FL... there was actually a poll a long time ago on TLR if you would wait 6months for support and guess what, its supported now. No wonder it took so long...
ok, so if you don't like this game... quit moaning and start modding, FL was never meant to be elite or privateer or frontier or anything else, but that doesn't mean it can't be

Edited by - sellout on 05-03-2003 16:54:12
Edited by - sellout on 05-03-2003 16:57:59
couldnt agree more
my only complaint: the game, even with all the NPC activity, isnt dynamic enough.
the rest: brilliant :')
DA build the best space sim/combat engine ever. and already mods are being started to get more diverse gameplay into the game. For all the oldskool fans (im also a big elite fan): have patience, i think this game will one day play just like elite did. i think even better.
"Yes, it's the right planet, all right, " he said again. "Right planet, wrong universe. " Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy

my only complaint: the game, even with all the NPC activity, isnt dynamic enough.
the rest: brilliant :')
DA build the best space sim/combat engine ever. and already mods are being started to get more diverse gameplay into the game. For all the oldskool fans (im also a big elite fan): have patience, i think this game will one day play just like elite did. i think even better.
"Yes, it's the right planet, all right, " he said again. "Right planet, wrong universe. " Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy
Yes, I can very much see where you are coming from. I have not played the game yet (demo or retail), so I will wait until I play it before I comment. But I had these same thoughts when I first played Wing Commander: Privateer back in 1993. I loved the game and it was the first open ended space sim I cut my teeth on. After that, I found and played Elite. So I too am waiting for the day when we can have a dynamic economy. Your answers may lie in Star Wars: Galaxies coming out next month. I know, its a MMORPG...but it should be one helluva ride.
Killer of Khaja the Fang
Privateer Extrodanaire
Yes, I can very much see where you are coming from. I have not played the game yet (demo or retail), so I will wait until I play it before I comment. But I had these same thoughts when I first played Wing Commander: Privateer back in 1993. I loved the game and it was the first open ended space sim I cut my teeth on. After that, I found and played Elite. So I too am waiting for the day when we can have a dynamic economy. Your answers may lie in Star Wars: Galaxies coming out next month. I know, its a MMORPG...but it should be one helluva ride.
Killer of Khaja the Fang
Privateer Extrodanaire
This X" looks quite impressive.
Any chance its got the depth and living universe us Vets were hoping for in FL?
Does it have space-combat? Thats one thing that was done beautifully in FL.
FL could be really great, but these interactions at the bars...*ouch* ..."you knew he..." (Trent picks up a chair smashes it over the head of the engineer sitting at the table).
And these random missions....*ouch*...however, you can truly see its relations to Starlancer. Its a good storydriven space-sim, but we were promissed differently, thats simply a fact.
Even in recent interviews, the developers are talking about the product as if it was Morrowind in space. Well IVe spent half a lifetime in Morrowind, looking forward to BloodMoon, and I would advise them to be a bit more modest. If they would advertise the game for what it really is, it wouldnt be half as bad.
Any chance its got the depth and living universe us Vets were hoping for in FL?
Does it have space-combat? Thats one thing that was done beautifully in FL.
FL could be really great, but these interactions at the bars...*ouch* ..."you knew he..." (Trent picks up a chair smashes it over the head of the engineer sitting at the table).
And these random missions....*ouch*...however, you can truly see its relations to Starlancer. Its a good storydriven space-sim, but we were promissed differently, thats simply a fact.
Even in recent interviews, the developers are talking about the product as if it was Morrowind in space. Well IVe spent half a lifetime in Morrowind, looking forward to BloodMoon, and I would advise them to be a bit more modest. If they would advertise the game for what it really is, it wouldnt be half as bad.
Well, if anyone cares, X2 will have manual docking. You go into the base and keep steering until you touch down (or you can still autodock).
X sucked at combat, that's something that needs to be upgraded in X2. Freelancer does combat wonderfully, and I think the decision to streamline the interface and make it more accessible was a brilliant idea.
I do think that simplifying the gameplay doesn't necessarily make it more accessible. People can handle pretty complicated games if they can get to the gameplay in a straightforward manner. Probably a lot of decisions were made because of time constraints... at least I hope they weren't made to dumb down the game to make it a pure action title. The action could have stayed in even with more mission types and more ship modifications.
X sucked at combat, that's something that needs to be upgraded in X2. Freelancer does combat wonderfully, and I think the decision to streamline the interface and make it more accessible was a brilliant idea.
I do think that simplifying the gameplay doesn't necessarily make it more accessible. People can handle pretty complicated games if they can get to the gameplay in a straightforward manner. Probably a lot of decisions were made because of time constraints... at least I hope they weren't made to dumb down the game to make it a pure action title. The action could have stayed in even with more mission types and more ship modifications.
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