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Ummm... is that it?

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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:09 pm

Ummm... is that it?

Well after 19.5 hours of play (according to the in-game timer) it would appear as though I've completed the game, although somehow it feels a little "early" to have done so.

I'm a level 20 and I've completed 13 missions so far. Is there anyone who knows how many missions there are supposed to be?

Despite the sound of derision in the title of this thread, don't get me wrong, that 19.5 hours was practically in one sitting - the game is that fantastic I just couldn't stop playing. I don't know... I guess I'm just a little sad at the prospect it's over. IS it over after mission 13 (apart from the apparent ability to keep playing in a multi-player type way) and are there plans for an expansion pack?

Edited by - DVC on 04-03-2003 22:11:13

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:15 pm

Sounds about right... You've actually only seen like half the galaxy in Freelancer, so head on out into the unknown, and try to track down those borderworlds!

And expansion: We all hope - but let's see how well FL sells first!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Edited by - Bargib on 04-03-2003 22:27:10

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:37 pm

Now try to get around to every system and find all the jump holes

Can get tough

VE3D.COM Staff Member

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:49 pm

I think you need to play again, and this time go EXPLORE some before you do all the missions The story is only half the game, but you aren't necessarily getting the most out of the game if you're constantly worried about the next story mission.

I'm at lvl 14, Juni wants me to come start mission 7, but I'm off in my Barracuda beating the **** out of the Liberty Navy in Colorado and xenos in Galileo

I might even go get the Kusari freighter and go have some fun collecting stuff to sell and transport. Need to do so exploring too. I haven't explored all the "cloud/asteroid" areas for secret stuff, and things found in those can be very helpful

Or you could just go have fun with the rest of the game seeing how far you can go




Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:51 pm

Thanks for letting me know. Since I have dialup MP isn't really feasable. I've already tried playing against a friend who lives in the same city as me, and despite our proximity I'm still getting a 500+ ping from him. The game still "feels" smooth, but when I get into combat my shields and armor disappear before I even know I'm being shot at and die.

I've started playing MP on my own server just to see what's around, although I haven't gotten too far. I'm holding back since we're planning a Freelancer LAN to start later today. There'll only be four of us, but I'm still looking forward to it. Perhaps I should get some sleep in the meantime since I doubt I'll be getting any tonight.

In about 2 weeks I'm moving to a new house and we'll have ADSL. Hopefully that'll open the door to more Freelancer goodness.

Rogueone: An excellent cargo run is to buy optronics from Fort Bush in the New York system and sell them on New London. Then buy luxury foods from there to sell back at New Manhattan. You can make over $100,000 per run with the Bretonian Clydesdale.

Edited by - DVC on 04-03-2003 22:55:34

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:01 am

That sucks, this looks like another game in what they ran out of development time and need anohter year to finish.

When you finish the game you are only level 17-20 and there are level 26 ships to use but why when there is now nothing to do. The game gives you an inpression at the end that your are on a short holiday and when you level up more missions will be available, but know they ran out of development time.

Another year in development and they might have kept things in the multi like racing and ability to use cruisers, gunboats and battleships.

This seems to be the tremd these days to push out half finished games. You game companys suck please develope properly and no i did not and would not pay for this half completed game.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:34 am

i'm sorry i beat the sp, cause now theres nothing to do... i was addicted to this damn game....and now i ahve level 29 and a humpback and im doing trade missions...but what for? theres no point....i just wanna get the best ship and weapons possible and then this game is collecting dust until the mods or expansion are out..... this game has a lot of potential, but after playing for 3 or 4 days and being out of things to do....jeez....i really hope some good mods come out for this thing....

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:48 am

Maybe you played it too quickly?

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:50 am

lol yeah thats the prob with kids these days, they need someone to lead em by the hand or they get bored. No imagination and no self motivation. Kinda makes ya wonder why a game like freelancer would even interest em. Freelancing is all about self motivation.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:57 am

Thats what you get for "rushing" thru Freelancer. A game can be enjoyed a lot more if you take your time and smell the roses along the way. I have 19 hours in the demo.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:04 am

Am I the only one laughing at this thread? I mean folks complaining that they've finished the game already on the day it shipped! I'm going to certainly take my time playing FL, after all think how long we have waited for this game to appear!


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:27 am

The reason I finished it so quickly is because it's so damn addictive. It's hard to say to yourself "Ok, that's enough for today." when you're aching to find out what happens in the next mission. I didn't want to stop playing, and I'm not blaming the developers since the game is everything I expected it to be... but now I know how good it really is, it's not enough.

That's not their fault though. Still, I am kind of bummed.

I'm currently having the LAN I mentioned in my earlier post. We've been at it for a few hours. We currently have Clydesdale freighters and are doing the New London -> New Manhattan luxury food run I mentioned before.

We've already got $500,000 in the bank each, and we're about to go to Rheinland to upgrade to Humpback freighters. We'll have a "pod" of Humpbacks. Once that happens we'll be making nearly $250,000 per run each. I'll be a millionaire in about 2 hours.

Dragoro: Did you ever play a game called Elite?

Edited by - DVC on 05-03-2003 03:30:02

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:53 am

Yeah, the problem with "stopping to smell the roses" is that after about 3 roses, they all smell the same. there are only like 4-5 extra mission types(I have not finished yet, so I dont kow if you get another random mission type) and they are all the same, with just the names changed. Kill the station/wep platform, Kill the Target, Kill the group, Bounty Hunt and Cargo Grab. Thats not really alot, considering once you have done one mission, you've done em all. I would love to escort a frieghter, or some other mission types, that would have greatly boosted gameplay type. So would have letting you choose a profession, like a bounty hunter.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:02 am

Definetly. they should have put in more "extra missions". once i got through a couple, it was all basically the same thing. The only other "extra mission" that i can probably do now is try and destroy stuff or become a "merchant". Can you destroy a battleship, like the one in the New York system?

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:56 am

Klepto and Hawc

Freelancer is more than just a space shooter with missions. If that is all you want in Freelancer...than maybe you guys should go play Starlancer or IW2? Or join up with some guys who like to play like you do on a Freelancer Multiplayer server.

If you were thinking Freelancer was going to be a perfect game...Hello! Anybody home?
No game is perfect for everyone.

If you have a complaint about the mission types...send DA a email . I for one have heard enough of this on the forum. It is a dead horse being kicked again and again and again....

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