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JUNI is the best video game babe. *minor spoiler*

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Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:24 am

heh, least im not the only one who thinks she's unusually hot, :p

and ***opelli, yeh i get "men...." alot from my girlfriend

to the other question, yes i have 1 :p and yes im a geek

and thats first time ive seen the binary joke..... took a second look tho

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:12 am

Guess i'm a geek too, i got the binary joke

The infinite reaches of space are my home. And you'r trespassing.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:14 am

All the Doa girls are too perfect. That freak me out a little.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:20 am

I don't know, the DOA girls look a little too scary to be perfect...I prefer Cate Archer as well (the NOLF2 one with the sexy outfit, not the alien NOLF1 one)...but I also prefer real life girls to imaginary 3D girls.

I pity da foo, thug, o villian that trys takin' over da world, then comes home cryin' to his mamma!
-Mr. T

Edited by - CGDreamerX on 05-03-2003 03:28:14

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:43 am

First, I too prefer real girls to pixel ones, there's just something more real about them, can't quite put my finger on it. However, while we're on the ludicrous subject of judging the "hotness" of digital babes, part of what makes Cate and Juni better is that they aren't 25% silicone like the DOA girls.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:54 am

Hahahahaha, you all have no life (well maybe the guy whos married). what, you all cant get a real girl?

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:14 am

Because we find girls in art beautiful it doesn't mean that we don't prefer real girls and that we don't meet 'em. Anyway, i guess it's pointless to discuss beauty, no matter if artificial or natural, with you. Just because we find something beautiful it doesn't mean we wanna screw it, which would be ridiculous in matters of digital "babes".


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:38 am

What? i mean, come on, you spent 2 pages talking about how "hot" a chick is in a game. Thats just Crazy.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:42 am

We also spend two pages about how cool a particular ship in the game is. What's the difference? I think you take some things way too serious... think about it.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:54 am

Eh, your right about some things. And i just wanna say that Juni has nothing on Lara Croft. (Not that imma bout tho start up another 2-page discusion

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:19 am

Hehe. That's the spirit.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:00 am

I must say Juni comes across as a really smart and fiesty one as well. I can't wait for an expansion to see what her and Trent do next. Kids? I really hope this game works out well for DA and MS. I want more. Its so opened to just leave it as is.

And the binary joke is still funny. I just had to suffer through 2 semisters of learning it so laughing about it was good. Thanks


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:47 pm

Nice binary sig..
shame its stolen from a T-shirt....

Nice t-shirts there... I own the 10 types of people one..

Also while I am here, the only benefit over 'pixel-babes' is they dont nag and whinge at you for not decorating and spending all night at the PC
They also give crap head.

Edited by - Bambi on 05-03-2003 16:48:15

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