Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:17 pm

A Spacers best friend.

Good Morning all...I hope we all had a wonderful weekend. Just 3 more days until the full version comes out. Be warned it is highly addictive...there should be a note from the Surgeon General on the box.
Any how my notes for today are on a spacers best friend. No not your weapons systems or your shields. I am referring to the Maps. Your little star charts are so important. They can tell you a great many things. First and foremost are the basics...where the trade lanes, planets and stations are. Next they tell you where the patrol routes and mining areas are. Finally they tell you were the political holdings are. Now this sounds all well and good butttttt these thing need analysis. If you just go careening(as I did for the majority of the SP game) through the galaxy you can end up lost...and by lost I mean in Bad Guy Country minus what you need to live. The Patrol points are the key. They will show you where good hunting grounds are for the Pirate/Bounty Hunter in each of you. They will tell you where the good mining areas are in conjuction with the mining map. They truly are your best friend in unknown space as they will tell where to avoid flying to not get jumped by every pirate in creation(or Navy/police if you are in that pirate motif). And explorers...well the maps tell you all let me tell yah you just have to know where to look.

Have a good one and see you in the void.