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Anyone remember first encounters?

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Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:23 pm

Anyone remember first encounters?

It was a game very similiar to what it seems a lot of people want Freelancer to be. A totally open ended space sim. This game is at least 10 years old....the cd doesn't even work for me anymore. But the baiscs is as follows:

You start on a "safe planet" with a fighter, weak weapons and some cash. THats as far as the game leads you. From that point on you can do what you want. It is an infinite universe that generates planets moons and stars as you go further away from the core. THere are factions and governernments around the planets. You can "join" the respective navy's of these governments and earn ranks and awards, you can be a privateer, a bounty hunter a trader whatever.

Star systems have police problems and all jump points are usually far away from stations so there is a no mans land you have to cross. There is massive difference between loadouts and classes of ships. If you want to be a trader, cool get a big ship, but you can run a big ship solo, you have to find and hire crew.....and pay them weekly.

THere is some storyline with an alien incursion you can explore if you want (some aliens have been invading the rim but no one has seen them and lived or something like that. You can join an armada to seek out and engage them. THe only problem with the game was jumps were not free. You had to have jump fuel to make the jump. so you were limited in range unless you had a fuel scoop. THe fuel scoop would let you recharge your fuel for free by flying REALLLY close to a star and peeling off some hydrogen.

Just curious if anyone remembers this game becasue it would be really great if freelnacer developed some of the openess First Encounters had.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:14 pm

Actually it sound REALLY good, i will try to find it.
Do you know if it works under winxp??

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:38 pm

Have a look here, but be warned, the game isn't that good by todays standards...

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:10 pm

its not good by todays standards but if they added some gameplay elements from first encounters to freelancer, it would be great.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:45 pm

Check out

Of course, this is another "What if Freelancer had THIS!" thread which is completely ridiculous, Freelancer is what it is, we just have to accept that.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:12 pm

Sarpedon: True... They are not like going to change the game radically in any potential expansion. I personally hope for a nice story line, a few more ships to fly, a bit more equipment (engines, power generators, scanners and tractor beams), a few more varid lines for the NPC to speak (and/or that "skip transitions" actally turns them off) and finaly a bunch of new random missions.

I acknowledge the fact that random missions should have been more varied, but us, the fans, also wanted the game NOW... so they had to ship at some point.

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:41 pm

That game FFE was great even though it was bugged to hell.
X-BTF and XT comes close maybe X2 will be closer.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:45 pm

Well, I imagine if the demand for a particular feature is high enough, and it gets to MS/DA's ears, they just might put it into a patch or expansion. Really, the only things I'd want would be these things:

1. Player-initated communication: the ability to hire others, to request permission to join a squadron, to invite others to join your squadron, sell your own information (on jumpholes and such) and interact with other freelancers.

2. Side quests: story-style missions, complete with spoken dialogue and such, and carry their own mini-story. None of them essential to the main story, but each helping to enrich the universe and provide background on the main story.

3. Variation: not just in random missions (recon, escort, delivery, etc), but in viable ship configurations. Face it, who's gonna want to be a merchant once they can afford a good fighter? Who's gonna use a light fighter when they can afford a heavy one? As it stands, there is no point in doing anything else.

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