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What does the FL-Box contain? (Manuals etc.)

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Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:44 pm

What does the FL-Box contain? (Manuals etc.)

Does anyone know, what the Freelancer Box will contain?
Okay I do expect a manual, but will there be more?

At the weekend I opend my old Privater I and II boxes. The manuals were really
good. They had pics and descriptons of the ship, little stories from NPC´s and so on.
And Privateer I also had a poster of Strike Commander. If anyone remember
that game.

I d like to have nice system maps, descriptions of each ship. Small introductions and hints for each job, like "becoming a pirate within 5 seconds".

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:23 pm

Not sure but I'm definately buying the strategy guide that has the detailed maps, hints, weapon and ship specs, walkthroughs, commodities info, planet info, etc... you name it, it's in there.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:45 pm

why are you going to buy the strategy guide? its expensive and in my experiance every time I bought one i wished i didn't because it is a huge spoiler, its my opinion that it ruins the game, but you can do whatever you want

Peace through superior firepower.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:59 pm

There's no spoiler unless you read the walkthroughs which I never do. It's better to be informed about the ships you are flying, what you are trading and where you are flying than to be clueless. Are you going to tell me that if this were real you wouldn't learn about your ship before you flew it or about what it was you were trading before you traded it?

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 2:53 pm

I am with you about the strategy book Godlike Entity.

It can spoil my fun with a game. I would much rather explore and discover stuff my self. The reason I play computer games is to have fun...and those cheat books can ruin the fun for me. I have yet to vist the spoiler site here at LR. I also aviod reading some posts in the general discussion if I think it may be a spoiler. They slip in once and a while.

Edited by - WhiteTiger on 03-03-2003 15:12:58

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:58 pm

Sometimes I'll play through a game for the purpose-driven allure of it and then get the strategy guide to unlock the hidden things that I know I would NEVER have found on my own. I'm not one for limitations. I like to have everything you can have available to me in a game. But in a game like this, where the story is meaningful and has a purpose, I'm lookin' for the sense of accomplishment I get when I finish it on my own.

As for the issue of buying the strategy guide, there's really very litte sense to that when you can just search the web and find the same info if not better info. It won't be officially licensed by Microsoft and all, but it still serves the same purpose.

"That's the rock where I see the leprechaun. He tells me to burn things." - Ralph Wiggum

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:04 pm

I am the same way with the hidden secrets. I feel much better about finding them on my own. A cheat book ( that is really what they are ) just spoils it.

On the subject of game manuals...the practice lately has been to include a very dinky manual, with a lot more info on the CD in .pdf format. A lot cheaper that way. I do not expect a great manual with the full verson of Freelancer like you had with Privateer. As far as a star! not give me one! I want to find that out myslef as I play!

Edited by - WhiteTiger on 03-03-2003 19:05:29

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:14 pm

I personally hope that they will include a map of each space regions. A detail one (without secrets though, although I expect to see tradelines with known planets and stations).

That's be nice.

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