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Fitting Parts

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Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:06 am

Fitting Parts

There were some weapons I got from the remains of other ships, and they are listed in my inventory. What do I have to do to fit them into my ship? They should work because I have one of the exact same already on another hardport.


Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:08 am

goto a port sell the weapons in the slot youwant to replace sell the weapons u found and buy em

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:35 am

No, don't do that. It's a waste of credits.

See the little blue box in the upper left corner of each weapon's picture? Click it and it will move to the bottom of you equipment list. The blue box will be separated into two interlocking blocks - you have now unequipped and item.

Now see the weapon you got from the ship you shot down? It should have the same unlocked box. Click THAT one - you have now equipped an item. Items are equipped in the first slot available, starting from the top of your list. The order is important for turrets and stuff, so make sure you're placing the new weapon somewhere useful. You can check by going to an equipment dealer and rotating the camera around your ship using the "Change View" arrows right below the dealer's little "gear" icon.

Edited by - Aerundel on 03-03-2003 04:36:33

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:36 am

There's a little blue-ish icon on the top left of the weapon's picture. Just click on that icon for the weapon you want to replace (it should unequip it) and then click that same little icon for the weapon you want to equip.

Took me a while to figure out

EDIT: Aaaaah, crap. One minute earlier and I would've been the first one to say it

Jesus saves, Allah forgives, Cthulhu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich.

Edited by - PyroTeknik on 03-03-2003 04:36:43

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:45 am

LOL BIOCONSUMER, UR SO FULL OF ****!!! HAHAHAHA do as the guy above me says

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:18 am

There is a little icon in the upper left corner on the weapon description when you get to the inventory screen. If you click it it will install or remove that weapon from the ship.
Hope it helps.

Live your life as if it were an RPG... but remember you don't get to save the game.

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