Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:32 pm

swapping servers

I know when u have picked a server u are commited to playing on it but heres the thing

1 At some point in time people will get bored /find other games to play/do RL things etc so the once populated server you were on now becomes baron (yes new players may join but its not the same)

2 The server you have chosen becomes to popular and you can never get on it therefor your character is never played

3 Also do wrecks etc still drop stuff for everyone IE the wreck flint can i loot it after others have already done so?

personally i would like summit like the diablo system where u can join servers that have people playing on them ( this way at least you would meet alot more people ) and you could use your chatacter on many servers

No point having a multi player game if the server you are on is dead and no one plays on it anymore

This is not a moan just some concerns