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HELP - Mission event doesn''t trigger

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 5:09 pm

HELP - Mission event doesn''t trigger

this is my first post, i hope i'm doing it ok,

i'm stucked in level 5, the mission objective is to return to california minor with Juni, we came back from Willard and were investingating pirate attacks on convoys. The problem is: on my way back to planet california minor, the rings don't open, so i'm floating in space with Juni on top of me () and the damn rings don't open and the mission status is "Waiting mission objective", on the way to the planet we went through 3 military ships stopped in the end of a tunel but they didn't atack...(if i force an attack .. game over..) there was a little animated sequence when they appeared though ...

any help? someone? pleazzzze?

gud hunting!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 5:34 pm

Do you have "the sound bug", missing sound here and there that is?
I hade the exact same bug you describe in the same mission but it was fixed when I got the sound to work 100% (I followed the tips in the techincal forum).


Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:42 pm

Read the readme file, it's explained how to make all the sounds work.

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