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Waiting for the Boxed Game

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:41 am

Waiting for the Boxed Game

Well everyone it won't be long now.. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners from the Sneak Preview Contest to win a demo and then a free Boxed Retail version of Freelancer because of some problems Microsoft had when they sent out those demos.

I made it to mission 10 in the demo to find out that you can't go any further in the game do to a intentional bug put in there so you get the retail version..
Thanks to my bro Boscoe for telling me about this or I would be trying to still complete that mission getting buffeted from side to side by laser fire and constantly hearing " Warning Incoming Missle" just as I run out of my last flare countermeasure. So I have gone cold turkey on the demo and removed it from the HD, besides I needed a shave and a long needed shower after being molded into my computer chair. I look forward to long hours of playing FL and hope everyone has a lot of fun with it.

Thanks Bargib for the great opportunity.
Thanks Boscoe for nudging me to join TLR.
Thanks Microsoft for getting FL out the door and a free game.
Thanks DA for creating FL and getting it out the door.

Get lost in the FL universe my fellow TLR's, that's what I plan to do..

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:07 am

Heh heh....i will get lost...almost soon as the game comes into my computers life, i will be lost.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:29 am

Yep, most of us will probably give up real life for an extensive amount of time

I wander how my wife is going to react.......

(we'll all be sitting behind our overheated rigs with bags under our eyes )

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