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Open Ended? Uhhhh.......

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:10 am

Open Ended? Uhhhh.......

Do I have to play the storyline? It says on there Website under Features "No".

But you have to play it to get access to the other systems, And raise your Level.

Or is there a way around this?

-Jimmy Jammy Your Bald Headed Mammy

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:12 am

Make your own multiplayer server and play on it. Or just play on a dedicated online multiplayer server.

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 6:17 am

Distinctive Styles of Play

Chase the almighty dollar, disrupt the corrupt government, enforce the law, chase human prey...every game is different. Want access to easy money? Become a Lane Hacker: take down cargo ships and sell the goods on the black market. Feeling noble? Join the Liberty Navy and help make the universe a safer place for everyone. The choice is yours.

© 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.

Another question? How can every game be truely differant if your kinda forced to do the story line, And how do you join the Liberty Navy? It seems you can only do missions for them... But not become part of there ranks.

-Jimmy Jammy Your Bald Headed Mammy

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:08 am

Honestly I don't think its really as opened ended as they claim.. Want easy money? Lane Hack.. nah, trade routes. Want to help the Liberty Navy.. well, you can't join them, but I suppose you can kill some ships that'll always come back, thus not really making a difference.

When I saw the ad with quotes sorta like "Officers needed" etc, I was really hoping I could join their factions, like in Morrowind.

Of course I suppose you could make it as opened ended with you want if you use your imagination. Freelancer is a great game, but I think that in the time it was developed it could have been a game you'd never forget.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 9:08 am

Well if it didn't have so much production troubles, it would've come out on time looking exactly like this. If they were able to actually use ALL this extra time without any hiccups, it WOULD'VE been really unbelievable. But nobody lets developers efficiently work on a game for that amount of time, which is really a shame.

If us customers would be a little more patient for entertainment, who knows what could happen? Take a look at Black & White. Though it was kind of disappointing, look at the kind of innovations they made in AI. Lionhead had a pretty long period of time to develop stuff, so it turned out as a benefit. The only problems were other design decisions that hurt gameplay, like the base building process. It was good, but it was just for the wrong kind of game, you know?

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